
we're a strange herd



Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
12-11-2021, 04:15 PM
Rava knew that her due date was soon, she was pretty massive to look at. Despite her discomfort the woman was the happiest that she had ever been. Besides Plague and Void waiting on her hand and foot the attendants of the palace made sure she did not want for anything. She had her freedom, which was still such a foreign concept.. Mostly she relaxed in and around the palace. She had never seen such pristine beaches, nor supped with wolves as elegant as the royal family. This life was like nothing she could ever have imagined for herself, and part of her worried she didn’t deserve it. That any day now, this beautiful pregnancy would turn south like her first.

That was what she felt like she deserved.

When the first signs of labor started Rava was astounded and worried. Sure that even now as she carried them to term, there would be nothing but dead puppies within. One of the attending akitas noticed immediately and went off to gather its master. All Rava could think about was how uncomfortable she was. With a groan she lifted herself to her paws so she might pace the room, and for the first time she craved a wolf at her side, not just anyone. Plague specifically. That was when she finally realized she hadn’t called for them. So she cried out for Plague and Void to welcome their children. She only hoped they heard her.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-11-2021, 04:35 PM

As the days inched closer and closer to the due date for their pups, Plague very rarely ventured far from the palace or really even from Rava's side. He knew her worries and fears and he did his best to alleviate them as much as he could. He was grateful when Venom offered them a space within the palace so that when he did have to leave for periods of time to do patrols or tasks around the pack then he knew there would always be someone nearby to help her if she needed anything at all. It also saved him from having to completely construct a new den and put them closer to the rest of his family which he always enjoyed. He was able to see his nieces and nephews far more often and he was looking forward to seeing how they got along with their new cousins.

He was just outside the palace when he heard the echos of Rava's howl calling for him and Void and he immediately dropped everything he was doing to race inside, dodging one of the akitas that roamed the halls to make it to the space they shared, skidding to a stop when he entered and found Rava pacing the room. He steadied himself and came to be at her side, affectionately nuzzling her cheek. "How are you feeling?" he questioned with concern. He knew birth wasn't exactly a pleasant experience and he was the farthest thing from a healer so he wasn't much help other than getting her what she needed, but he still wanted to know. He knew one of the akitas had likely already gone to get Kiyo so he didn't bother calling for the healer, instead sticking close to Rava so she could lean on him if she needed.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-11-2021, 05:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2021, 05:36 PM by Kiyo. Edited 1 time in total.)

Kiyo had largely been going about her days as normal: spending time with her grandchildren, collecting herbs and napping. It was a calming existence, at least it was now that the horrible oozing sickness had dispersed. Everything seemed to be back to normal, something that left her sighing in relief. Everyone she loved was in one piece, and to prove that, they were expecting new little ones into the Ashen ranks.

Kiyo had met Plague, Rava and Void on a handful of occasions, Plague more than the other two. She knew of their situation and, honestly, she couldn’t be happier for them. The pale man was the brother to her daughter-in-law and that was enough in her book to make him family. The ghostly woman never judged someone on sexuality or how they chose to spend their lives, and it was clear that the Trio loved each other very much and were excited about the arrival of their litter. She wished she could be around more, but she also wanted to give Rava plenty of time to get acclimated to her surroundings and she didn’t want to impose. So, most of her treatments were sent periodically through her Akita or Macaque companions, who reported back to her anything important to note.

When Aoi sped into her clinic, letting her know that the red woman had gone into labor, Kiyo had made quick work gathering the supplies she needed. Trillium for the pain, Alfalfa for milk production, and ginseng root for energy and immune health. While she packed them in her medical bag, her Akita and Macaque went to work gathering old, clean pelts for the blood and a bowl of warm water and bandages for sweat and comfort. In total, it was perhaps 5 minutes before she was out the door and heading down the hallway with her companions in tow, med bag hanging from her mouth.

She entered the room quickly, warm silver gaze looking to the woman and to Plague before offering a bow of her head. She set the bag to the side and rummaged around in it before moving over to Rava and Plague, a smile on her lips and a wag to her tail. “Hello dears. How are you feeling, Rava? I have some herbs for the pain and some for energy. I’ll go ahead and give you the ones for energy now, but it might be best to wait a bit for the pain herbs until we get closer to time. You can only take so many or they may affect you and the pups,” she advised. The woman handed the dried ginseng root to her Macaque companion, who quickly ground it up then placed it in a teapot to steep. A few moments later, a cup was poured then handed to the woman. “Its best in tea form, I’ve found. If it’s too bitter, we can place some sugar in it.”




Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
12-14-2021, 09:31 AM
Neither men were ever far from her, especially as she grew closer to today. Barely any time passed from her call when Plague appeared at her side there in the nursery. His warmth, his support, and his presence immediately soothed her. Not far behind him was Void, and thankfully she couldn’t see the nervous way his features contorted or the uncertain way he moved to the side. He was there, but he obviously didn’t know what to do with himself. Rava was thankful for him too, no matter what happened the woman had her support here with her.

Plague nuzzled against her cheek and checked after her sweetly. She smiled softly and leaned against him, content for a moment before a contraction shook her. Rava gasped softly, her limbs stiffened and her belly rolled as her body prepared the puppies for birth. Before it was through Kiyo appeared at the door, right on time. Rava tried to pry her attention back towards the healer.

”Alright, considering the situation.” She answered both wolves, panting lightly after the difficult contraction. She wanted to move and pace, but at the same time felt like she needed to lay down. While Rava internally debated, the healer’s companion worked on the energy tea for her. With the addition of her tea she ultimately made the decision to get off her paws. Carefully she lowered herself to the spare furs with her energy tea. ”Thank you.” She told Kiyo with a grateful smile.

She sipped lightly but it wasn’t long before she was captured with another contraction. The process was moving along steadily, maybe too fast. Her heart beat with a furry as her emotions mixed with turmoil beneath the surface. Worry took the lead, past experiences ruling her memories. She tried to simply focus on what her body was telling her.

Rava struggled with the process, but felt safer with Kiyo there beside her as she leaned into Plague. With much effort they would eventually welcome the first of her pups.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-14-2021, 06:09 PM

Plague glanced up at Void as he entered just behind him, giving his husband an encouraging smile as the larger man settled off to the side, clearly feeling uncertain about what he should do. Plague understood the feeling and felt it a bit himself, but he knew Rava needed him all the same and it was just good that Void was here to help welcome their children. He heard Rava gasp and he looked down at her worriedly, feeling her sides contract where she was leaning into him. He did what he could to help support her until it passed, lifting his emerald gaze toward Kiyo gratefully as she entered. He felt entirely out of his element in this situation and Kiyo's steady calmness certainly helped ease his concerns. If anything were to happen at least Kiyo would be there to help.

As Rava moved to lay down, Plague came to settle down with her and settled in to stay with her through the whole process. He could feel the worry rolling off of his sweet woman as progress marched along whether they were ready for it or not, his ears flicking slightly as her drinking the tea she was provided was interrupted with another contraction. He laid behind her, supporting her form against his own, and gently kissed across her brow. "Everything is going to be fine," he told her softly, eager and nervous and worried and excited all at once. He looked to Kiyo occasionally while reassuring and giving Rava gentle affections, waiting to see if there was anything he could do or help with.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-14-2021, 07:08 PM

It was perfectly natural for the fathers to want to be there during the birth of their children, so as the two men settled in next to Rava she didn’t usher them away. Their presence also clearly helped take some of the stress off of Rava, which was the most important thing in any birth. Less stress meant safer delivery and less chance for any complications, both for the mother and the pups.

It wasn’t long after she gave the woman the energizing tea that her contractions began to ramp up, and Kiyo knew it was nearing time. She ground up the trillium and drizzled a little honey on it for the bitterness, placing it on a broad leaf and sliding it to Rava to lap up. Grinding it up allowed for the body to digest it quicker, meaning pain relief would come sooner rather than later, and any woman who had given birth knew that was the best thing. Quickly, it was time to push and the pale woman coaxed the red woman through it, offering Plague and Void reassuring smiles and glances as she checked to make sure everything was progressing as it should.

With a final push, a beautiful little girl entered the world.

Kiyo pulled the child from behind her mother, nipping the sack it came in and placing it on a warm, clean fur. She looked to Plague, motioning to the pup, “Come here, you’ll need to clean her. She’s perfectly healthy, she just needs a little help to clear her airways and get the mucus off. Rub her gently clean with the fur and lick the mucus from her mouth and nose, she’ll let you know when you’ve done it right. But her at Rava’s stomach when you’re done so she can eat,” she encouraged. Every parent wanted to be involved in the process, and it was a good way for the two males to begin their interactions with their little ones.

Another several minutes went by and a little boy graced them with his presence. He was clearly larger than his sister and his markings reminded her a bit of Shuriken, which made her smile even more. This pup she passed to Void, instructing him to do the same thing as she had told Plague. The woman turned back forward, consoling Rava and checking her pulse, making sure it was still strong and steady. A half an hour later, the final boy and girl were taking their first breaths in the world and being cleaned by their fathers. “You did a wonderful job, Rava. Congratulations on your sons and daughters. You as well, Plague and Void.” Birth was messy and often times stressful, but it was, in her opinion, the most fulfilling part of a healer’s job. To help bring new life into their world was the biggest blessing one could ask for.




Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
12-21-2021, 11:37 AM
Rave settled in beside Plague for the main event. The moment she worried and lost sleep over. It wasn’t the pain or the process, it was the possibility they wouldn’t even have live puppies. She was thrust into the throws of labor with those thoughts, but like he could read her mind Plague soothed her. He kissed her brow and whispered assuring words as she tried not to panic. Rava took steadying breaths as she leaned into his pale fur.

There was much struggle before anything really happened. The birthing process was anything but a swift one. Kiyo eventually offered the second part of her medications, a sweetened bitter herb that she didn’t really notice go down as her body progressed to birth. Eventually she felt the urge to push and after some painful vocalizations and much reassurance from Plague their first child was born.

Relief wouldn’t seep through her until the girl’s cries were in the air. Rava felt like the weight of the world literally lifted off her shoulders to know her daughter was alive. Everything became a blur after that as Kiyo attended to her, and both fathers helped to welcome their children into the world. Rava got little glimpses of her first child and already knew her name. She struggled and heaved with four more large babies, each one’s voice just as magical as the last. Two boys and two girls, and then she was done. Exhausted and happier than she ever had been.

As she caught her breath the healer congratulated her softly along with Plague and Void. Rava was far to caught up in the four perfect children at her belly to look up, but sleepily she thanked the woman once more. ”Thank you, Lady Kiyo.” She had her family. A real family and it was more than she would have ever imagined.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-24-2021, 04:04 PM

Seeing Rava in pain and struggling through the birth of their children made his chest ache with worry and a bit of guilt at the fact that he had requested this of her to begin with. She had oh so graciously allowed him to live his dream of becoming a father at this great sacrifice and he would never be able to repay her for it. As what felt like endless minutes trudged on he continued to comfort and support his sweet Rava as much as he could, encouraging her on and making sure she took every treatment and herb Kiyo provided for her. He appreciated the reassuring glances from Kiyo as they went, that much at least keeping his own worry and concern in check in knowing that things were going normally—even if the effort and pain behind it made him wonder if that was really the case.

As soon as their first child came into the world, a daughter with stunning red and black dappled markings, he thought his heart might just stop as he laid his eyes on her for the first time. All the air got sucked out of his lungs as he looked at her in absolute awe. He glanced up at Kiyo as she beaconed him to come help clean up the pup and clear her airways and he scrambled over to do so, feeling as if he might break this delicate, beautiful girl if he licked or rubbed too hard. He followed his instructions to the letter, rubbing the girl dry and licking away any of the gunk that clung to her until finally her strong, squealing cries filled the room. He looked up at Rava and Void with a huge smile, tears gathering in his eyes as he placed the pup at Rava's side to start getting their first meal. He knew they were far from done, but just the fact that they had gotten this far, that they had proof to dispel Rava's fears, was such a huge relief.

They fell into a bit of a rhythm after that, Plague comforting Rava and being her encouragement while she worked through birthing the rest of their children, looking at each pup as if they were the single most precious thing in this entire world as they were passed to either him or Void to clean up. Each of their children took his breath away, each of their markings unique and showing off some trait of their parents and their linage, all of them more beautiful than he could have even hoped for. Two boys, two girls... Their family. The pups that he thought he would never get to have, the family that he had always dreamed of. Kiyo congratulated them when it was all over and he looked up at her with a grateful smile, unable to keep the joyful tears from his eyes. "Thank you," he told her with a little hitch in his voice, reaching up a foreleg to give her a quick embrace before he turned his attention back to Rava and the pups that laid at her stomach again. He shifted to curl around Rava, giving her his upper foreleg as a pillow and showering the top of her head and cheek in gentle kisses. She had given them the world and he knew he wanted to find some way to thank her, but right now nothing felt adequate. He looked up to Void with overwhelming love, motioning him over to lay around Rava as well, wrapping her and their new family in as much love and protection as he could muster.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-25-2021, 07:30 PM

There was so much joy and love in the little space of the room, which smelled now of sweat and afterbirth. Rava uttered an exhausted breath of thanks to her and Kiyo simply bowed her head, her gentle smile twitching upward a little. Really, she should be thanking her. Thanking her for trusting her to deliver her children and giving her the utter wonder of witnessing life enter their world. What surprised her even more, however, was the gentle hug given to her by Plague. Her silver gaze widened in shock and she paused for a moment before a soft laugh escaped her lips, a dainty, ghostly paw rising to return the hug before she was released and the two men moved to lay behind the sleepy woman.

Kiyo rose, shuffling over to roll the alfalfa into pellets. It was a sweet hay and the taste wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but it was certainly no candy. Once they were rolled into pieces small enough to swallow without trouble, she placed them in a pouch except for two. Turning back, she moved back to Rava and placed the two pellets in front of her. Aki followed behind her, carrying a bowl of fresh water for drinking, which was placed close enough for her to drink from. “Two pellets of Alfalfa daily will help with your milk production. In the meantime, I’ll take my leave, but please don’t hesitate to call for me if you have any questions. You’ll certainly be sore and perhaps a little uncomfortable, but you shouldn’t experience any further bleeding or cramping,” she explained, pausing in case she had more questions but there didn’t seem to be any. The Apothaker bowed her head once more as she took a step back before turning and leaving, her companions at her heels as she gave the trio the chance to spend time with their new children.
