
Broken Hearts Lead Broken Lives



8 Years
05-15-2014, 11:11 PM

The dame sauntered through the land, going to the place where she first found trouble. She could almost see the other female standing over her, trying to fight her off. Ha, she didn't even have any fight left in her. She was broken beyond repair, she had her wings clipped and was shoved back into that cage of hers. She didn't care anymore, it was going to be like this for the rest of her life. She did not shed a single tear though, she was beyond that. Her violet eyes were gazed over, eyes that reminded her so much of the one that she lost.

She wished that she could just erase the whole thing, maybe she would be better off. She wouldn't have his destroyed heart, nor would she have to build her walls back up. She was even more guarded than she had been before, she didn't want anyone to come in anymore. Why would she trust that? The first person she let in dashed her hopes. She wasn't enough for him. He wanted the sassy, sexy lady that roamed when her confidence was high. But that isn't who she was, her emotions took a hold of her and took over. Othello was not often in control of herself, and he couldn't handle that. That may have been okay with him, but it was not for her. He used her and abused her, at least in her own mind. It was easier for her to focus on the ugly than on the beauty that they had together.

The female paused, a horribly familiar scent reaching her nose. Was it her own memories haunting her? Taking in a deep breath she knew that it was true, and it haunted her so. She couldn't help but follow it, and it led her even further into the swap. There it intertwined with that of a females, and now she really wanted to find him. Lifting her nose to the sky, she followed the mixed scents, hoping she came upon some sort of scene. That would be fun...