
Out And About



7 Years
05-13-2014, 05:09 PM

. . .

Here he was, back at the ravine. He decided he liked the area.. It was peaceful. Valhalla didn?t seem able to claim any more territories, though he had hopes that if they did they would claim this one. Tail would wag a bit as the black and white brute wandered along. Spending more time with Odette and Oracle had truly lifted his spirits, and he hoped with all of his heart that it could continue. He was happy again, though he couldn?t help but feel that something was missing.

Gala would come to a stop within the ravine, happiness filling him. He would tilt his head back, giving a short, happy howl to the heavens. The future looked bright, much brighter than ever before. He would look around then, stomach giving a brief rumble. What kinds of critters might he find at the bottom of the ravine? There was really only one way to find out he supposed. So Galahad would begin to walk, scenting the air as ears were up, one facing ahead and the other facing his surroundings as he began his search.



05-19-2014, 02:16 PM

The howl was the only thing to truly draw June from her reverie. She had been wandering aimlessly (which she seemed to be doing a lot lately), paws carrying her smoothly across the ground as she made a slowly meandering path across the lands. With both of her brothers back in her life, June was a little shell shocked, unsure of how to react to suddenly having her life back in place. Though her mother was still gone, the knowledge that her siblings and at least one of her cousins was doing all right made everything seem much brighter and happier.

And so, when the howl rang out, June went against her first instinct to flee and let her limbs extend to carry her smoothly towards the source of the howl. Her gaze settled upon a rather interesting looking character when she drew a little closer, and June blinked, gaze taking in the interestingly colored wolf for a long moment before she stepped forward, coughing just slightly to draw attention to her appearance. The female cocked her head slightly as she examined the black and white male with curiosity in her amber gaze, and flicked her tail happily. Whoever he was, the howl had been full of happiness, which made June in turn, feel even more happy. She almost wanted to be the first to say something - almost. Though June felt words of greeting bubbling up in her throat, she remained quiet, examining the other wolf silently.

It wouldn't do for her to get too excited - maybe he'd chase her off. Maybe he had been happy about being alone, and her presence would only serve to irritate him. June felt her happiness fade slightly, and her tail's slow wave stilled swiftly. Maybe she was just going to bother him.




7 Years
05-22-2014, 04:24 PM

. . .

A cough would suddenly catch Galahad?s attention. The dual-toned mini-Ocean would lift his green gaze to the form of a femme. She was pretty, he would think, though the thought would last only a moment. He was getting older, yes, but he wasn?t too concerned with flirting and chasing females and whatnot. The year and a half old male would smile, eyes sparkling as he dipped his head in a form of respect as he spoke. ?Wonderful day to you.? She was a loner, like himself. But that was alright. Not all wolves chose the life of a pack, or felt they fit into one. Sometimes he wondered what suited him best. He had lived as a rouge his whole life... But someday he at least hoped to try his paw at being a pack wolf.

?Out wandering?? He would ask, forgetting about proper introductions and names and whatnot. For so long he had lived around only Oracle, Emery, Mercianne, and Knight. But... Now he was slowly starting to meet other wolves... And that filled Gala was great joy. He wanted to meet many others, get new friends and hear of all the things that they might have seen while around the world. His own tail was wagging now, feeling almost like a pup again. Yes, Galahad had shifted back towards his old, good-natured self. Everything might not have been perfect, but it was as it should be.



05-28-2014, 08:24 AM

June pricked her ears towards the other, head tilting slightly as he spoke. "You too?" June offered it up as if it were a question, more nervous in the company of a stranger than she ought to have been. She fully recognized that it was silly, to be so afraid of so many things, but June just couldn't help the anxious feelings stirring in her mind. "I mean, you too." She caught herself, making the words sound a little bit less question-like and a little bit more sure of herself. Yeah. That sounded better. Jules and Gus would have been proud.

If June could have laughed at herself, she would have. But instead, she turned her attention back towards the other male. "Yeah..." June muttered, flicking her tail. "What about you?" She wanted to sing that her brothers were all right, that she had found both of them and everything was right with the world, but instead of saying anything along those lines, she remained silent, head cocked slightly and her attention focused on the male who stood before her.

She was curious as to what drew him out here. This was a random place to be, but it seemed as if he was comfortable here, far more so than she. Not that June was really comfortable anywhere unless it was with her brothers. And it was so gloriously exciting to know that her brothers were all right! June could feel her tail wagging in the air behind her, but she hardly cared enough to still it, letting her excitement leak through her reserved body language for the moment.




7 Years
06-05-2014, 12:48 PM

The female at first, seemed ill at ease, almost uncertain of how she answered him. She would respond to a statement with an almost confused question, and Galahad would tilt his head to the side slightly, watching her as she recomposed herself. She would admit that she was simply wandering, and Gala would brighten, eyes shining as he answered. ?Well, yes, I suppose in some ways I was simply wandering... Yet, in others, I was doing a bit more than that.? He would look around at the ravine again, swishing his tail. He would give a small nod before looking back to the female that had joined him.

?I?ve been scoping out different places near the pack of Valhalla to live. I have a sister there, however the pack is on the full side and well, truthfully, I?m not quite sure how I?d do in a setting like that anyway. We have another sister too, who had been living with me but... She seems to have gone missing...? Galahad would lower his ears as he mentioned this, green gaze lowering for a moment. He was truly worried about her... But... Perhaps it was all for nothing. Oracle was strong... She?d be alright.

Gala would lift his gaze a bit, trying to manage a smile. It wouldn?t do good to bring this other wolfess down with his low mood, now would it? ?I?m sure she?s alright though... We come from a strong family... And we?re nearly full fledged adults now. She knows that I?ve been checking this area out, so I?m sure she?ll find me, if not run into our other sister again.? He would decide to brush the subject away, give introductions. ?My name is Galahad by the way. What?s yours??

"Speech" Think


06-05-2014, 03:39 PM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

June listened attentively to the male's explanation of what had brought him to these lands. It was interesting - and she understood what it was like to want to be close to your siblings. June had come to this continent to be close to Gus, and now that Jules was there too, things were coming together, and June wanted to be close to them. "My brothers... they were missing too," June's voice was soft and nervous, but she had relaxed a little in the company of the black and white wolf, enough so that she could allow herself a few more words (and maybe even a sentence or two). "But they're okay. And I bet your sister is too..." By the end of the sentence, her voice had faded off into obscurity, but June had definitely made an effort, which was impressive for her.

It was only when the other introduced himself that June spoke again, a faint smile crossing her features. "June Kalendae. Nice to meet you." She inclined her head towards Galahad, settling back on her haunches. The brown female was slowly relaxing in Galahad's presence - he seemed to have an almost calming affect on her. Something about his confidence in his sister's safety and the way that he talked to her had calmed her automatic reaction of panic around strangers, and June found her tail wagging cautiously in the air behind her.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae



7 Years
06-10-2014, 04:58 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2014, 04:58 PM by Galahad.)

Gala would blink, ears lifting as the femme said that her siblings were missing too. Had they been? But they were okay, so Oracle probably was too. Her voice had faded, but he could see the effort she was trying to make. He certainly hoped Oracle was alright, and that he would run into her again. They had found Odette again... So surely they would come across their other sibling again. Galahad would give small nod, smiling as she introduced herself.

?Likewise June.? At least he had someone to talk to for the moment. The male could feel himself becoming at ease, gaze shifting to the area around him. ?If you don?t mind my asking what brought you this way? Did you find your brothers wandering around here?? Gaze would shift back to June. ?Or is it just a case of wanderlust, going where your paws lead you??

"Speech" Think


06-12-2014, 05:51 PM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

June offered the male a slight, cautious smile as he responded to her comment, though she remained otherwise silent, too nervous around this male to say much else. She was more relaxed than normal, though that didn't mean much when it was her they were talking about. "Mostly wanderlust," June agreed in a small voice, glancing down at her paws. "But then you howled so..." Well, she would have probably avoided him if she hadn't heard his howl, good mood or not. June was glad she hadn't though. She liked Galahad so far.

The brown female let her tail wag easily in the air, gazing attentively at the black and white male. His emerald gaze was definitely comforting, and she felt safer in his presence than she had around any save her siblings. She wasn't sure what it was about Galahad that made her feel so comfortable, but he was definitely succeeding at getting her to relax. June smiled a little at the thought, easily content in the male's company.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae



7 Years
06-20-2014, 09:32 PM

So it had been mostly wanderlust that guided her along this way, and then it was his howl that drew her in. Gala was honestly a bit surprised, by happy that he had managed to draw someone in with his happiness. Sharing such an emotion was a beautiful and wonderful thing, something to be cherished and welcomed, surely. He would give a small nod of understanding. He would look to the sky, a wide smile on his maw as he allowed himself to, for the moment, just focus on the surroundings around them.

?I am glad that you answered the call, even if that was not the original goal. It never hurts to meet a new friend, someone that you can trust.? Galahad would give a small nod, looking back to her. ?...Perhaps it is a bit strange, but I have the feeling that we will be seeing more of each other, June. I would like to be able to call you a friend... Someone that I can meet and share happiness again with.? His words were calm and certainly more optimistic for what lay ahead.

?Are you hungry perhaps? We could always try and round something up. There is a way up the ravine not far from here, and prey feeds on the grasses above. If we can injure something larger it might not be able to jump... And fall within the ravine so we could have a decent meal. That is, if you are up for it.? He spoke to her easily... Though once Galahad thought a wolf was a friend, or an ally, that was how he was. There was no reason for aggression or anything else of that nature.

"Speech" Think


06-29-2014, 09:35 PM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

June felt a hesitant smile cross her features as Galahad spoke, ears pricking attentively towards him as he spoke. He seemed nice, overall, and June felt more relaxed in his company than in the company of many other wolves. "I would like that," She began carefully, voice surprisingly strong to be coming out of her maw, "It would be nice to see you again." Was that her saying that? She didn't know - but she liked it. The thought of making a friend that wasn't her brothers was a new idea to this girl, but it was one that seemed comforting. To have someone to turn to other than the wolves she'd been raised with would be new and strange and yet, June liked the thought of it being Galahad.

She hadn't even thought of it before, but as soon as Galahad mentioned being hungry, June's stomach gave a little rumble and the girl wagged her tail lightly to hide her embarrassment. "I'm up for it if you are," June let the words roll of her tongue with a nervous laugh, "I think we could handle it." She didn't have the confidence to take on large prey on her own, but the thought of having Galahad backing her up made her feel significantly more confident. If she messed up, he would surely be able to make up for it, right? And food would definitely help. It would be nice to not still be feeling hungry after a hunt for once.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae



7 Years
07-13-2014, 04:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2014, 04:28 PM by Galahad.)

Galahad felt, within his heart, that he was making progress again. By meeting June, and forging a friendship with her, he would surely open up his path to march on, gaining more friends, becoming a better wolf than he currently was. Did that mean he needed greatness? Certainly not. As long as he was somewhere he could be happy and loved, then that was what mattered, right? He would give a nod to June's words, glad that she agreed, that gentle smile playing at his lips. It was certainly nice, nice indeed.

Galahad would give a nod, determination within his eyes. "We surely can. Come on June, there is a way up this way." He would walk on, fairly certain that the pretty fae would follow him up the ravine to where the prey would be located. He would speak as he walked the way, chuckling softly. "There is a deer herd above as well. We can go after an elderly doe. It shouldn't be much of a problem, if we use our heads and the ravine to our advantage, as I mentioned before." He would flash her a warm smile, confidence rising.


07-24-2014, 06:24 PM



Falling in easily behind him, June followed Galahad's pawsteps, a soft smile playing at her lips. She was happy, happier in this moment than she really knew how to explain. This was something she could enjoy. He was someone she could enjoy. She had warmed up to Galahad easily and swiftly, but June found herself content in these moments of silence as they made their way up to the ravine. His masculine scent was comforting, and made her feel more in control. They were on top of the world - in more ways than one.

At Galahad's words, June allowed herself to smile as well, amber gaze tracking the black and white male's movements. "I think we'll do well." She murmured, voice soft but surprisingly confident all the same. "A deer sounds nice right about now." June added the last bit absently, only narrowly resisting the urge to draw any closer to Galahad than she already was. His presence was a comfort, but that didn't mean she needed to be rubbing all up on him. Still, she would stick close to his side, her trusting eyes resting on him as June waited for Galahad to take the lead.
[Image: TrTVbRp.png]