
There's nothing I could say to you


05-13-2014, 02:37 PM

can you tell me where i am

The soft scent, that Ballad almost recognized, led to this place. The white creature's stomach growled, and she flinched, her injured paw beaten and bruised. She supposed that this place was the one with other Destruction family, and she hoped that this was the right place. Stopping outside at the borders, Ballad looked around for any wolf, hoping that there was a wolf nearby, one in her family. For some reason, the white creature was excited that her family was here, somewhere, in this land, and she would get to meet them. Would her family be a nice family, like Series II and Silence? Or would they be more aggressive, kind of like Scorpion? Either way, Ballad hoped that they wouldn't be her father; never again would she want to meet a wolf too much like Adrenaline. When her best friend had betrayed her, hurt her, he had been so angry. She had tried to fight him back, but his claws had dug deeper into her paw. He had knew that her wound was still new, and yet, he had still done it. Shaking her head, Ballad blinked back tears, wondering where her brother was. She wanted her siblings to be here, from the youngest one to Scorpion; she wanted them all here, next to her. Finding out if this was the pack that Destructions ruled, or if it was another pack, and going to look for it. Either way, Ballad would stay there, at least for a little while. Maybe forever, if the wolves she was looking for were in here, if they ruled a pack.

Finally, she realized that no wolves were going to come unless she called. So, tossing her head back, Ballad let out a loud howl that echoed through the land, hopefully making another wolf come near.

Dutiron i


8 Years
05-17-2014, 03:51 AM

When he had first begun to answer these calls all those years ago it had been strange though a role he had swiftly fallen into. It became easier each time and almost instinctively he would find himself there before these newcomers at the border, ready to see what they were doing so close to his pack lands. Since arriving in Ludicael there had only been one of these calls so far, though the voice had been one he'd recognised and thought at the time he'd held no power, no rank at all within the pack, the man still had gone anyway, for personal reasons rather than because he felt he had to.

This call however, this one he had to respond to now and though that had been a habit for so long, it almost seemed awkward now as he had to remind himself he was now a leader, an Author of Ludicael. It seemed strange, that little retirement so short lived though if it was truly what his daughter wanted and needed, he wouldn't hesitate in giving it to her. Besides, he knew that in time this too would begin to feel normal, it was only just winter, they hadn't even been here a full season, he simply needed the time to settle in.

Soon the man would come to stand before another. Something about her scent seemed vaguely familiar though for now he couldn't place it. "Greetings." He began formally, the words finding themselves with little effort. "I am Dutiron, Author of Ludicael, or Alpha if you would prefer." It always helped to explain ranks in a more basic manner as well he'd found, though if this wolf stayed it surely wouldn't take her long at all to catch on to the names of the hierarchy. "Now, who are you, and what brings you to these lands?" His tone held some of the authority it ought to, though words certainly not hostile.


05-18-2014, 07:37 AM

can you tell me where i am

It hadn't taken long for a wolf to find his way to Ballad, and he was standing in front of her in a matter of minutes, not any that would make Ballad feel bored. When he spoke, announcing his name, Ballad's ears perked up as she realized that this was her grandfather. He was the alpha, so Ballad let a smile touch her lips, and she lowered her head to her grandfather. When he spoke again, Ballad said nothing, but only raised her head and stared at him. So her grandfather didn't know who she was, and it would be harder to prove that she was a Destruction, then. But, after a few minutes of silence, Ballad tried to speak, but she kept stammering. Her voice was cracked, and even though she was tired, she sounded happy.

She wasn't sure how she could prove that she was a Destruction, so, after a minute, she decided to tell him that she had heard his name countless times. Staring into her grandfather's eyes, Ballad wagged her tail a little, and finally cleared her throat and began to speak. "My name is Ballad. Ballad Destruction. And I've heard about you several times. My mother, Maia, and my father, Adrenaline, told us about you. Most of my siblings have already joined another pack, but not this one." She said, and looked at Dutriton, hoping he'd believe her. "And, if this is the land that the Destructions rule, I want to join. I want to be with most of my family."