
Dance Puppet Dance


05-13-2014, 02:07 AM

The third time is a charm, isn't that what they always say?

Which was what made the male leave his home in the Lifeless Cavern, his many adventures in a short period of time driving the male to see a more...stable home. After the unwanted invasion of some silver spoon harlot, brawls in the street, water, and meeting a whale, Imonde's mind couldn't take anymore. The male only wished to do what he did best, reek havoc.

The male lingered upon the boarder, his head low to the ground as his nostrils flare as he sniffs silently at the markers. Yes, this place just might do it. It didn't smell like it was filled with weaklings, nor did it smell like someone was trying to run a puppy mill and call it a pack. Very well, Imonde's mind settled for a moment, his ears flicking back against his head as his hackles rise upon his spine.

Perhaps this time his mind would be clear enough to make a dedicated choice into sticking with a pack. His senses told him it might be worthy, let's see who would greet the male and what sort of judgement he would pass before leaping off into the distance, or placing his Divine might with whoever called this pack home.



05-13-2014, 11:11 AM

They had only just arrived, hadn't even found a den to settle in and someone was already here harassing them. Fuck sakes why had she ever even bothered with a stupid pack. The males scent was strong at the boarder so after giving Desiree and the children a lick she would turn and move sluggishly towards the boarder that she had still yet to mark as her own. Destruction's scent was heavy here, she would have to decide what surrounding areas she would take then start marking before boarder scents disappeared completely. The male who was at her broader was neither remarkable nor beautiful, in fact he gave her little to look at at all and simply from his raised hackles already her lip would curl in disgust. Filthy beast... How dare he approach her boarders and claim dominance. Tail arched dominantly over her back in a show she had never put on before. Skull lifted though chin would tuck into her chest as she glared down at the male before her who was no better then a speck of dirt already. Bastard. "This is not Seracia and I will not tolerate any bullshit. Lower. Your. Hackles. Now." She basically spat out her last words, already settling into a more defensive stance, she was wounded and hurt but there would be no hesitation in grounding this brute into the ground if he refused to submit.


05-13-2014, 03:21 PM

She had been patient, more than patient. Ever since she had met with Viridiana, she had waited for the moment to come when the pack would be called together. However it had yet to come. She had heard the cry of battle when Vi had summoned her opponent, though the russet woman didn't attend the battle. Afterwards she had ventured to the battlefield, picking up the scent of her Queen and beginning the slow process of trailing her. It had taken time, the scent fading here and there along the way, but she had been carried to the south, to where a once large pack had thrived. Self satisfaction shot through her, she had made it. The woman trailed the borders, hoping to catch scent of someone, anyone, she didn't want her Queen to travel far so soon after battle.

And it was her lucky day. The woman's sweet perfume wafted towards her, mingled with the stench of another. Picking an easy trot, the russet woman closed the gap between herself and her Queen, verdant gaze sweeping the landscape for her familiar form. And it wouldn't take long. Immediately she took note of the Queens defensive posture, the bite in her words. Eyes shot to the gray man, his posture equally defensive. Lips curled back, revealing rows of daggers. Dark hackles lifted, her tail curling high, but no higher than Vi's, she was submissive only to her Queen, she would only show dominance over this disgrace who dared to threaten her Queen.

Creamy legs attempted to carry her around the man, so she stood behind him, caging him between herself and her Queen. A low growl vibrated in her throat as eyes narrowed into the slits. She stood about three behind him, her defenses locked in. Limbs were squared and bent, toes spread, claws digging into the earth. Ears fell back against her skull as her gaze left the man to meet Vi's. "Is there a problem?" Silky words fell from pale lips, her voice soft, deceivingly so. It had been far to long since she had felt the adrenaline from battle, tasted the blood of her opponent.



05-13-2014, 04:51 PM


The male flicks his ears down against his head, chin dropping, as the hackles that where already rose in irritation rose higher. None would command the male and expect a warm reception at the command, nay, instead she was being greeted his the sharp look of judgement in the male's eyes as she barked a command. How could one look down on one that was much larger than ones self? The male wouldn't be able to comprehend it as he drags his head upward toward the sky, nostrils flaring as he tested the air, inhaling the females scent. Different.

Her's wasn't the same was the ones that laid the boarder. Interesting. Imonde keenly noted the way the other female kept her tail lower than the one that was speaking, even the second female didn't even attempt to step in front of her alpha to her 'defense.' 'We approve,' it was just a fleeting thought that didn't send the make back into the environment, but instead his hackles lowering against his flesh, though his lips where still curled, canines exposed.

Patiently though he waited, still waiting for the second female to pull some stupid tactic like, threaten Imonde. (Which would cost her dearly, as discovered by another.) Or step in front of her Alapha, which would deem this female unworthy in his eyes, for an Alpha should not have to be protected by it's puppets or babysat. Nothing yet though, just words that did not matter to the Divine, just junk from the second female that not even registered.

"We see," was the first row of clipped verbiage that seeped its way from his throat, his shoulders rolling toward under his flesh as his scruff things, his back arching under him, prelude for his defenses. His paws where pressed into the ground, weight distributing evenly as he suddenly veers away, pacing along the boarder toward the north away from the female that was behind him, and the one that was in front of him. Soon a safe distance away the male would turn back to face the both of him.

'Who would let one unworthy stand behind them?'This thoughts would question, as the male keeps his back rounded. Eyes slashing down to thin slits in response from all the defensive actions. How interesting, one person sniffing at their boarders could light a fire under everyone's tail. Though the male allows his gaze to sweep over Viridiana, his mind finally coming to terms.

'Injured,' though it made a bit more sense on why it he was receiving such a response. Slowly, almost in an uneasy fashion he would unarch his back, though flipping his tail flat down between his legs, though this wasn't done in submission, though it would appear that way, but defensively, for one didn't want their tail flagged about and easy to grab during a battle. The aura of a rouge clung heavily to the man though, respect from Imonde was not given, it was earned.

There where simply too many wolves given the mantle of leadership through someone else, either through blood and inheritance instead of being earned through the proper laws of tooth and claw. Testosterone was slowly coursing it's way through his veins, followed by lethal shots of adrenaline that urges the males eyes to flash in primitive warning. 'Let's get down to it then,' was a sneaking thought that tainted his thoughts as the environment around him seemed to grow still with the constant whispers of 'inquisition,' tainting this thoughts. A word from a year ago, that the male knew very well.

"Th-en we can sk-ip all the non-sense," the butchered language of the male rumbles from deep baritones, his weight being redistributed thoughtfully. "We fi-g-ht, we can de-m-on-str-a-t-e if you w-ou-ld like."Imonde coldly states before flicking his nose toward the second female.



05-14-2014, 09:04 PM

Red woman would stand dominantly before him, head lifted though chin was tipped down. He didn't seem to like that and would stretch himself up to show his full height. That just left her more pissed off. Lips curled back and hackles stood on end though a large section remained matted to her neck with all the dried blood. Eyes narrowed as she glared up at him, daring him to poke a toe over her territory. It was then that Sibelle would appear like the god send she was. Vi didn't mind the posture that the red women held, in fact welcomed it. The male seemed to have to process everything, thinking it through and really. It just pissed her off more. The wait. And when he would finally speak his voice just set her off. Rage boiled and bubbled beneath her skin, rippling like the ocean before a tidal wave. She sniffed, all of that rage seeming to dissipate all at once. She didn't trust him, she didn't like him? "I hate your voice?" It was a harsh, childish insult that was probably a super low blow but the words slipped dully off her tongue anyways. Gaze would flip to Sibelle easily, nodding to her calmly and hoping she would understand what that meant even though she didn't speak just yet. "This pack is going to be a refuge for all the wolves who want to get away from the shit of the world. You seem unstable and crazy and quite honestly you piss me off." She sniffed at him, taking a step back to glare at him warily through one eye.

"Okay? Shoo shoo now little fly. Your garbled words annoy me. My dear Sibelle, lets roll, we have much to discuss." She said easily, once again taking a few steps back to distance herself from the male but from there she would pause and wait for her russet friend to move around the little pest and join her. She half expected the male to attack, for that reason alone she would keep joints loosened and balance centred. Ears pinned back and eyes narrowed though she had quite honestly just been glaring at him this whole time. Shoulders were rolled forward, back arched slightly and stomach tucked. She didn't warn him not to come back. Honestly if he could learn a little fucking respect she might not have hated him so much. But how dare he try and fucking stand over her. She would have ripped his throat out and let him choke on his own blood if she didn't have this stupid pack now and an image to maintain. Once Sibelle came around the male and joined her she would start back off further into the pack lands, one eyes always cast over her shoulder at him in case he might attack.

-exit Vi-


05-14-2014, 09:15 PM

A jolt of rage shot through her as the man dared to stand taller than her Queen. Tongue rolled against the roof of her mouth, a snarl threatening to rip from her jaws. Bastard. Vi would speak, insulting the man right off the bat. Immediately amusement filled her narrowed eyes, it was a struggle not to laugh. Verdant gaze would meet that of her Queen, taking in her subtle nod. She would understand though her defenses didn't slip. The man stumbled over his words, offering to demonstrate his fighting abilities, though Vi was clearly not interested. As Vi stepped back, Sibelle would step forward and to the side, keeping the man in her line of sight, following his every twitch.

Almost immediately the man would be dismissed, and the Queen would summon her. Creamy limbs pulled her forward and past the man, moving until she stood beside her Queen. As they turned audits would train on the man, listening for anything that might signal his approach. Vi would look over her shoulder, keeping an eye on the man. He would be a fool to attack. Defenses would remain locked in place until they were well within the parklands, and only then they would slip away and she would appear more relaxed, her expression rather pleasant rather than filling with threats. "Men.." She would mutter the word as she shook out her pelt, speaking an insult to the fool. Her would turn and look at Vi, a smirk playing on her lips.

-exit Sib-