
Wandering Spirits


05-13-2014, 05:23 AM

He moved forth, heading farther South and away from the island he called home. He had arrived on the mainland not too long ago, and was eager to explore and see what was here. Eagerly, large paws bounded over the ground, leaping rocks and shrubbery as his large tail wagged behind him. Deep green eyes searched everything he could, the sky turning a deep and soothing violet as the sun was going down. He knew eventually he would have to find a place to sleep, for he was sure he would not have time to return home and cross the waters. He wasn't sure it would be a good idea to try and swim across in the dark, knowing his sister's dolphin friend might be asleep or not nearby to hear his call. He was feeling somewhat unnerved now, for it would be his first night away from his family.

It would not stop his quest though. He was a big boy now, almost a year. He could do this on his own...right? Slowly, the sky would turn dark, bringing about the spirits of those long passed in the night sky as they twinkled brightly. A light shimmered from the ground the farther he went, it intrigued him and called to him. Green eyes lit up with the brilliant light, the pool of water illuminated by a mysterious light within the pool of water in the center of the stones. He approached, lowering himself onto his belly with his paws just centimeters from the liquid pool. Slowly, his head would lower onto his paws. Eyes drifting closed as he fell into a slumber...

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6 Years
05-22-2014, 01:47 PM
The ebony fae looked to see a young male nearby. He had appeared to be asleep as her emerald gaze shifted to the clear pool of liquid. The woman licked her chops as her throat started to be parched. Her claws dug into the soft sand as the liquid moved slightly as she began to lap at the cool liquid that began to relieve her throat. A smile of happiness came upon the femme as her eyes shifted over to the sleeping young male. She would smile to him as she lied down and placed her cranium upon her forepaws, heaving a sigh. It had been a while since she had been with her entire pack. The only time she had been was during a meeting, but she had not met any of the males except for Sin and Isardis.

"Hello," she would say to the young male, not knowing if he had been asleep, or if he was just resting his eyes. If the young brute were to wake up startled she would surely apologize for her rudeness.

The cool liquid began to lap at her paws, bringing them into the water and then going out once more. The sound of birds began to echo inside her ear drums, filling them with a gentle and harmonious tune that sent her soul a fire. The loud cawing mixing with the melody of the songbirds sounded quite beautiful to her, and her emerald orbs began to shine in the sunlight, also causing her ebony pelt to feel as if it were also a flame due to the heat of the sun. Though, in her eyes, it was not not lady like to pant, but she had no other choice for she had lapped to much water that her stomach could hold. If the femme continued, it would seem as if she were going to explode.