
Long Awaited



05-12-2014, 09:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was done. Done with it all. She had been restricted from performing her duty for her pack and helping with the hunting as she had grown too large to move well enough for her standards let alone well enough to be of any help to her fellow Psi. Sarak had taken over graciously, seemingly in better spirits now that the spunky Azalea had returned to them. It was uncomfortable in every sense of the word. She felt so unlike herself, the presences inside of her making themselves painfully obvious to her each minute of every day. Not to mention the closer it got to their time to be brought into the world the more nervous and anxious Ashtoreth became.

Her lack of a proper job to do as well as her desire to do anything but sit around and think about her condition had her walking, a lot, when she should have been laying about and resting and waiting for the moment her children would make their first appearance. Her paws moved at a slow shuffle, her wide middle seeming to wobble with each step. Her expression was unsmiling, her purple and gold eyes half lidded with a mixture of feeling unamused and tired. Where was Erani? Or one of the other healers? Was there anything they could tell her about the progress of her pups, anything they could say that might help ease her frazzled nerves?

A pain sprang up in her side, stopping the expectant mother in her steps and causing her frame to hunch slightly as it gripped her. Ow. Her lips drew back in a grimace, eyes clenched tightly shut until it passed. Oh no. Was this it? Or was she panicking again and thinking things were becoming more serious than they were again? Not exactly for the first time Ashtoreth called aloud, begging for the presence of a healer and her mate. False alarm or not she wanted them close; she was a nervous wreck otherwise. She stood for a moment, shaking a little in place before a single thought pushed her into action again. I don't want to have the babies here. Hurrying as well as well as she was able in her current state, the grey hunter began to set off back through the woods toward her den and the comfort it offered to her.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-18-2014, 10:35 AM
Erani Adravendi

Erani trotted through the territory toward her Primary Psi?s den, jaws full of the plants needed for birthing. Why neither Imena or Friction were pitching in lately with the birthing, she was not sure, but she would need to remedy the lack of attention to the duties they needed to attend to within the pack. She didn?t want to demote either of them, but if she must do so? A sigh filtered through the plants in her jaws. Then pushed her thoughts to what lay ahead for her today. Ashtoreth should be due today. So as that familiar tingle of waiting ran through her, she had gathered her supplies and taken off. Leader, Healer? Either way, she usually had something to do for her pack. There were few days that went by where she didn?t have something to do. Maybe some wolves her age might find all the work exhausting, but she found it exhilarating, and pleasant.

She reached Ashtoreths den, noting at once that the Psi Primary was not there. Dropping her bundle of supplies to the ground, Erani took stock, ears swiveling, nose taking in the scents on the wind. Ah. There she was. The snowy Alpha Primary took off at a brisk trot toward Ashtoreth?s fresh scent. As she came to the female, she greeted her with a relaxed smile, coming around to fall into step with her. ?Time at last. I?m sure you?ll be glad to be able to move around properly, mm?? Deep blue gaze twinkled gently toward the female, as her head rose, calling for Leon. As her voice echoed through the territory, she settled to helping her Psi Primary to the den.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Leon I


11 Years
05-18-2014, 11:32 PM

It was a pleasant day thus far. Leon had gone out again to patrol a bit before going on a short hunt to bring Ash some food. He knew the time for the puppies to arrive would be soon, though he wasn't sure just how soon. It would turn out that today was the day. As he turned to track a prey scent, a call would pierce the air and caused him to stop in his tracks. Head rose, blue eyes scanned the tops of the trees as a few birds scattered, and finally it hit him to get his butt into gear. From a standstill to a swift run, he raced through the territory. Ash's voice called to him, shortly followed by Erani and he knew something was up. Mind began to race as his feet moved him, panic rising. He wasn't sure what to think, was he finally going to be a Father today? More panic. Nervousness. Mind blanking. Tree.

The male shut his eyes just before impact, oblivious to where his path was taking him. He had been so caught up in his thoughts and the nervous panic that he hadn't been paying attention, causing him to run headlong into a young tree. Dizzy, he rose on stumbling paws as the world turned around him. A shake of his head didn't completely shake him from impact but he would press on in a more drunken manner. Luckily, he was closer to their den by now. And so he would stumble forth as the scents of Erani and Ashtoreth made their way to him before their pelts did. He came towards them, breathless and still dizzy as his eyes seemed to slightly cross themselves. "I-I'm sorry i'm late, I came as fast as I could!" He would speak between gasps of breath, moving towards Ashtoreth as he nuzzled into her neck. "Are you okay? Erani is she gonna be okay?" He was afraid of the answer, she was so tiny! However, it was the nervousness that had him in its grips more then anything.


05-19-2014, 05:10 PM

The call for a healer, as well as for Leon, would reach his ears, and Arwel would lift his head. The Psi had grown well rounded, carrying new lives for Valhalla. He wasn?t sure how soon anyone would reach her, but Arwel wanted to give support. He was no healer, and he certainly wasn?t Leon, but he would do what he could to assist with the birthing the best he could. The male would set off, breaking into a run, with nose in the air as he tried to catch Ash?s scent.

As he neared he caught the scent of two fresh scents with the femme -- Erani and Leon. He would breath a sigh of relief, coming up alongside Erani with a gentle smile. ?If I can be of any help, Erani, I?m at your service.? He knew Meili and Ash were close... And he felt it part of his duty to help look out for her friend. His gaze would shift to Ashtoreth and Leon. ?I?m sure she?ll be alright. Ashtoreth is strong and Erani is here as well.? He would chime in, trying to soothe the other.




05-21-2014, 09:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had only gotten so far before another pain sprung up, stopping her as the first did and causing her expression to distort again. Oh no, this was not good. It hurt very much and each pang made her worry for the lives within. Were they okay? Could they feel it too? Her legs shook as the pain subsided and just as before she took up walking back to the den, a grim, anxious determination urging her pace even quicker than before.

Her breathing was measured, cautious, by the time she caught sight of the tall, elderly healer, and if not for her strong desire to be back in the den Ashtoreth could have crumpled at her paws crying over her anxieties. How it was Erani managed to smile so comfortingly, to speak with such ease as if she was not at that very moment feeling only the first of her labor pains, Ash did not know nor could she. All she could manage was a grateful whine when the woman had offered her casual remark and listened closely to her call for Leon. Leon, please, she begged of the universe at large. He needed to be here. She desperately wanted him with her.

They were nearly there outside the den by the time she spotted Leon, his paws bringing him recklessly toward her. The sight of him, her steadying rock in the midst of her turmoil, was enough to bring tears to her eyes. As much as she felt calmed by his presence she wanted him at her side and pressed her face quickly into the thick fur of his neck, dragging in his scent even as she drew back and urged him along with a nudge as she hurried past him and toward their den. She had just about slipped inside before she spotted Arwel, Meili's brother, coming to join them, and it made her think of Meili. If only she could have been there too.

The quiet of the den welcomed her home, and still breathing in her peculiar, nervous manner she retreated toward the back and turned a few times in place, only dropping to her side when another spasm brought her up short. So close now, so close. "Erani?" The worry in her voice was clear, her gaze seeking out Leon's for his strength. Goodness, if she ever needed it, it was now!