
Not way back




Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-25-2021, 09:12 PM

Leaving the Hallows seemingly didnt brought a big issue to the ex knight, but he was. He just didnt want to admit it nor let others know. This was his choice and not facing what came with that wasnt who Dunkan was. Nor what he would ever be. His companions werent far, as he wore his lion helmet and the claw gantlets, always there for any fight that may could erupt. Eyes blank, cold, empty of any emotion, being an expert to hide them deep inside, to lock them under that mask that never left his face.

He was once again in Boreas' lands, a place that brought many memories but yet he didnt react to them, the past was the past but even himself tended to lurk in it too, but he did tried not to do that. And like that he allowed his throat to relief his thirst, in an small creek he stumbled into.

"The talking"

He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
12-25-2021, 10:47 PM
Trying to keep the Nomad Band together had been excruciating and painfully tiring work. Emersyn was doing all that she could, giving all of her effort to maintain some normalcy in her little family's life, but it seemed like the more she tried, the more everyone seemed to be pulling away. Their group was coming unraveled at the seams, and Em feared that before long they would all be cast adrift to the wind and the new life she'd thought she'd found would be nothing but sand in an hourglass—a memory of a once happier time when she thought she'd found her home. Trying her damnedest to not let those depressing thoughts bring her down, the large dusty violet wolf meandered around the warm, sunny valley, enjoying the beautiful spring day. After the terrors the world had endured in the long darkness, feeling the sun on her fur felt like a wonderful treat. Hearing the birds chirping and singing lifted her dour spirits, if only marginally. What she really needed was something to focus on; something to give her purpose and keep her occupied.

Dark paws carried the lady through soft grass and along the edge of the valley, surveying the lands the band had chosen to reside in for the season. Fern Gulley was very picturesque in the springtime with all the flowers and plants in bloom. She wandered along until she came to the creek that cut its way through the verdant gulley. Mismatched eyes followed the flowing creek until she spotted another figure just a short ways down. At first, she froze and tensed, eyeing the figure with lethal concern. seeing only the top of a lion's head. Her heart missed a beat, fearing that a large predator had come to the valley and could now pose a danger to her band. Lips curled back from pearly fangs and Emersyn hurried down the creek, readying herself for a fight.

Yet as she came closer, she realized that the head of the lion didn't match the body. The fur was all off and different colored. She skidded to a stop, eyeing the strange chimeric creature until it raised its head—and Em saw it was a wolf wearing a lion's head. Relief washed over her as she breathed a sigh. He didn't seem to be a danger, but she also had never seen this wolf before, so she couldn't be sure. Still, these were wild lands, unclaimed and not belonging to her. Anyone could come and go. Walking up to the opposite side of the creek from the male, she regarded him with cautious cobalt-aqua eyes and dipped her head to him in greeting and took a drink. "Good morning," she said, trying to be friendly without being overly chatty. "Your headgear worried me for a moment. I nearly mistook you for a lion."




Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-10-2022, 08:30 PM

He felt how his dry throat was slowly cooled by the fresh liquid that now flooded his esophagus. It contrasted well with the heat inside his organism. As he allowed the water to asses his body, his blue eyes remained lost into the reflection that the creek's surface produced of him. He appeared like a lion hybrid, more than a wolf. But beyond that mas what did he saw? Did he ever accepted who he was? But he did never though on that deep enough to make it important. It wasnt a life and death answer to find, knowing or not wouldnt bring any change or essential knowledge to his life, a life he saw as just a tool, a tool to be useful, to be tough, to stop others from looking down on him. He held no remorse anymore, what he did was made because he wanted, because he saw it important regardless of what others said.

The wind flew, making his cocoa hairs, along the lion's mane. His tail hanged down relaxed, ears up on his crown. His body didn't reflect concern or tension, confident, secure of himself. After he was done satiating his need of water, he rose his head, making a few droplets crawl down his chin and land into the water before his legs. Eyes blank, lurked around as his tongue brushed dry his lips.

But then, Kaira his falcon let alarm calls free, warning the male of an incoming wolf. One that approached in a quite hostile manner. Azure eyes narrowed as he got himself into a defending posture. Ready to counter the aggression. But as he managed to lift one of his clawed paws ready to pounce, this female's features changed. Relaxing along calmer words. He placed his paw back to the ground, still with his gaze shaped in suspicion. He wasn't afraid, he was simply serious and not allowing bullshit to come unanswered.

"Morning." He replied, shortly as he always spoke to everyone. Hs body relaxed, Kaira the hawk flew to a branch, observing from afar. And there he listened to the woman's justifications. He didn't see that as a big deal, an small misstep wasn't a reason to make a whole show, or drama. "I see." He didn't judge her at all, anyone would had mistaken him of a cat with his items on. Did he had to apologize? He saw no reason for that, he had nothing to say sorry for as he saw no fault on him.

"The talking"

He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.