
The taste on the tip of my tongue




6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
12-26-2021, 10:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2022, 01:39 AM by Lorikeet. Edited 2 times in total.)
It had taken her some time to find Sitka again, and this time she didn’t intend to let him stray from her sight too easily. With a mixture of entertainment and wiles, she enticed him to her bed one night, and then another. Travelling together across the spring-rich land and keeping well clear of other wolves. Ever since she had stumbled across that blind infected, poor soul. Keetie had done her best to stay clear of others, no matter how much entertainment they usually provided. Boredom could be filled after all, when she had Sitka at her side.

The galaxy-coated woman yanked Sitka forward, digging her claws into his coat as she pulled him over her like a big soft blanket. The sandy beach at her back as she pressed her nose into his warmth scruff. “Mmmm” she purred easily, the scent of his charcoal musk a pleasure on the tip of her tongue. “Darling.” She mused, her voice light and thoughtful. “We should find ourselves a castle and an army of slaves”




5 Years
Dire wolf

12-27-2021, 02:20 AM
Sitka hadn't been expecting to see Lorikeet again after the pair of wolves had gotten separated just before that "end of days" cataclysm with the weird bugs and mushrooms. He'd simply gone off while Keetie and Ruga were doing their own thing, forging something for the lovely fae, and the next thing he knew, he couldn't find either of them and the world was ending. He'd eventually tracked Ruga's scent down to a pack in eastern Boreas, but from there he didn't interfere. Ruga had clearly gotten himself a cushy life and he didn't need the scarred renegade in his life any longer. So Sitka did his best to survive the horrors of the apocalypse. He hunted, he explored, he killed a few wolves he came across that tried to fight him in a state of madness or who just looked like they were doomed with those mushrooms and crystals growing out of them. He'd thankfully avoided getting sick throughout the whole ordeal somehow too. But throughout it, he'd done it all alone.

That changed when one day after the sun had returned, Sitka heard a familiar seraphic voice call his name, and lo there stood Lorikeet in all her beauty, none the worse for wear after the end of days. She'd tempted him to her bed that night, though in honesty, it didn't take much effort. Sitka remembered their time together and was eager for a repeat performance—so much so that he stayed a second night, and then a third. Before long, the lone wolf was alone no more. They traveled together across the verdant land, fending for themselves. Neither of them spoke about how they survived the endless night. He didn't think she needed to hear the gory details of his homicides and he didn't volunteer the information. Besides, all he needed now was Keetie. She provided him all the companionship and entertainment he needed, and he helped provide their meals and shelters for each night. It was a match made in heaven.

With a delighted sigh, Sitka's body easily fell over top of Keetie's on the dark-sanded beach. Steel blue gazed down into the two contrasting gems of fire and ice that made his galaxy's eyes. His lips pulled back with a soft grunt to expose sharp teeth when her feline claws dug into his fur, a shiver racing down his spine under her touch. The pain was exquisite when it was a chaser to the pleasure she got him drunk on. His silent snarl turned up into a wide grin when he felt his lover's nose burrow into his neck, purring while she savored all of him. Sitka's paws flexed on either side of her, one gripping at the sand and the other squeezing her hip where he held her. Her request for a castle and army of slaves brought a rumbling chuckle from the dire brute, his muzzle slipping down to nuzzle the top of her head while he drank in her perfectly feminine scent with abandon. She was delicious to him, a drug he could overdose on again and again without hesitation. "Mmm I would conquer the fanciest castle and enslave the world to make you a queen, my galaxy," he replied in playful banter, his deep, rough baritones growling out each word for her while he combed through her soft fur with delicate fangs.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-01-2022, 10:11 PM
She grinned up at his sharp canines, as he bared them at the feel of her claws in his coat. She had no fear of the larger wolf above her, now the almost wildness in him. If anything, the hint of danger pleased her. She liked to live on a knife's edge, to taunt and tease and play with her wild wolf.

She chuckled lightly at his words, knowing danger was his middle name. She brought a foreclaw around to tap his nose gently with one extended silver tip. “Perhaps I'll take you up on that, and you can be my Silver King.” she teased lightly. Mmm, though perhaps she liked to wonder too much to settle down too easily. She ran a claw down his back, enjoying the heat of him on her, the feel of his muscles against her skin. “Have you ever made love in an ocean, Sitka?” she whisper-purred into his ear.




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-05-2022, 05:19 PM
By now, Lorikeet knew how to play him like a fiddle. The dire wolf felt a wave of electricity run through his muscles while she ran those delicate yet dangerous leonine claws through his thick fur, parting the hair to reach the warm skin beneath. He shivered with a primal need, cold eyes engulfed in dark fire for his galactic queen, who looked so well off beneath him. Lecherous thoughts of all kinds danced about in his head, and already he could hear the symphony of pleasured sounds he could conduct from her. Sitka had never been a wolf for constants in his life, but Keetie had quickly solidified her position as a much needed fixture in his life. He was drawn to her, addicted to her like she was his own personal brand of heroin and he was a junkie who had no desire to get clean.

Steel blue eyes focused on her paw as it came before his snout, making his eyes cross briefly while he tried to watch her tap his damp nose with a single claw. The grin splitting his maw grew wider, each deadly fang on full display as he snickered. Her Silver King. Sitka enjoyed that cute little pet name more than he expected he would. "Could be fun," he remarked. But for now, he was content being a vagabond, a roamer with his treasure at his side, both egging each other on and driving the other to greater heights. Wherever they wanted to go, they could go. The world was theirs for the taking. Sitka gave a growling groan again while Keetie's claws moved down his back, following the ridge of his spine in a delightful manner. His toes curled, flexing his grip over her sides to prickle her skin with his own claws. Her warmth and softness against him felt wonderful, as did her slender, nubile body pressed taut to his from muzzle to tail.

Keetie purred a question into his ear that made Sitka's tail thrash with barely contained excitement. "Hmm, can't say I ever have," he replied, moving to dip his snout to trace the edge of her jaw with gentle nibbles and kisses towards her throat. "Gonna give me that experience, Keetie?" Gods, he hoped she said yes. Hell, even if they just had a romp in the sand he'd be content, just so long as he got to enjoy his Keetie in ways familiar and intimate.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-24-2022, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2022, 09:51 PM by Lorikeet. Edited 1 time in total.)
His growl-filled groan caused her stomach to somersault. The scent of him was thick in her nostrils, and she knew how badly she wanted a taste of him. She stretched her mouth forward, and licked her tongue slowly over his muzzle. Feeling the fine fur beneath her rough tongue. If she wasn’t careful, they wouldn’t make it to the ocean. She laughed huskily at the thought. Feeling his own mouth trace a path of fire across her jaw. Each small nip setting heat to pool beneath her skin. She groaned softly, pulling him tighter against her, baring her throat to his fangs in an intimate gesture of trust.

“Mmmmmmmmm” she sighed. What had they been saying again? Something about…. Ah… yes. “The black sand makes the water pleasantly….” she paused, groaning as his teeth nicked her fur by her throat. “...warm” she breathed. She gave their chances of making it to the water a solid 50/50




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-25-2022, 01:12 AM
Oh, but how this galaxy of star studded ebony and blue auroras knew just how to work him up! Keetie's simple flick of her tongue over the end of his muzzle left static in his brain and fire on his skin where she touched him. She could consume him in her inferno and Sitka would gleefully burn alive in her supernova. It was all too tempting for Sitka to simply have her right here on the warm ebony sands beneath them. He delighted in the sounds of her sighs and hums and moans. If he wanted, it would have been so easy to play her like his favorite instrument, knowing exactly the right spots to press with a soft paw or flick a velvety tongue over to elicit those sounds he loved so much. He didn't give a fuck if anyone saw them together on the beach. Life was far too short for cautions or concerns—and if anyone stumbled across the coupling pair, perhaps they'd just make it a threesome and really spice things up. Something told him Keetie wouldn't turn down that opportunity.

Keetie tipped head back while she clung tighter to his body, making strong muscles tense and ripple beneath her paws while she exposed her delicate throat to his tongue and fangs. It was the ultimate show of trust, so deeply intimate and arousing, and Sitka reveled in it. He parted his jaws just a fraction of an inch, letting warm, humid breath wash over the tender skin of her neck. For a moment, he strongly considered just taking her throat in his jaws and slipping into her then and there, especially when she let slip that moaning sigh, the keening cry very nearly causing him to come undone.

Instead, Sitka demonstrated a modicum of self-control and pressed his broad tongue to the hollow of her throat, dragging his warm tongue ever so slowly up the curve of her throat until he'd reached just beneath her chin. Gentle fangs nipped at the tender flesh where her neck and jaw met, and then he slowly slipped back just enough for molten steel-blue eyes to stare into dazzling sunset orange and midnight azure. He would bring his mouth down to claim hers in a slow, deep kiss, lips pushing insistently against hers to get a taste of her on his tongue. Like a junkie taking a much needed hit, Sitka would groan against her mouth, withdrawing only after her familiar flavor had been left in his maw, gazing down at her with heated desire.

"Mmm I can think of somethin' even more 'pleasantly warm'..." he remarked, a cheeky grin hiding none of his lecherous intent. "You'd better roll me off'a you and get in the water before I end up makin' you squirm and scream right here on the beach, my jewel." By now, Keetie would know that even Sitka's teasing held a promise of truth. If she didn't force him to let her up and let them get in the ocean, he'd be inside her in a matter of moments at this rate.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-25-2022, 01:26 AM
She shivered beneath his touch. Interested in the water or not, she would have made no protest if he had grabbed her throat then and there and left her gasping for breath in more than one way. A small moan escaped her as she felt the roughness of his tongue tickle her throat. She made a small noise of protest as he lifted his tongue away, and then his burning white-fire gaze fell upon hers, and he was claiming her lips. She drew her paw up behind his neck. Holding her against him, digging her claws into the nape of his neck. Her back toes scraped against his own digits as she held him close in every way possible. Feeling the rather pleasing length of his desire as she did so.

She sighed softly. Half protest, half contentment as his lips fell away from hers. Somehow, he expected her to have the better restraint and get them into the water. She gave a husky, deep-throated chuckle. The challenge in his voice was the only thing lending her strength as her eyes gave a too-familiar expression of trouble. She thrusted herself upwards, teasing, tauntingly against his width. He was inside of her for all of a breath, and then bucked at just the right angle (with just the right amount of distraction) and gave herself some room. She rolled, hard and fast to the side. Getting out from beneath him before he came down again. Keetie hit the ground running. Laughing, yet also hot and flustered herself. She shrieked as she hit the water. It was warm, but against her flushed skin it was cold. Laughing breathlessly, expecting pursuit behind her, she fell on her back in the water, letting her fur grant her a measure of buoyancy.




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-25-2022, 02:42 AM
Sitka didn't have to do much to get those delightful reactions that he adored oh so much from his Keetie. By now, the two casual lovers had explored one another's bodies well enough to know where all those hot spots and erogenous zones were to get the other to do exactly what they wanted. In this case, Sitka had wanted her quivering and squirming and making a symphony of sounds for him to enjoy, and he got just that as his tongue roamed her mouth and their bodies crushed together, clinging to one another and so tantalizingly close to becoming joined at the hips. The way Keetie's claws had gripped at his scruff and raked through his fur had made the coil in his core tighten almost unbearably so. It was a strange little thing he'd come to find incredibly hot, her feline claws, especially when she was grabbing at him like that. Not to be outdone, Sitka felt his lover push her body up into his during her writhing, rubbing the softest parts of her belly fur against every part of his desire in a way that made heavy lids flutter and cool-toned eyes roll back in his head with a breathy moan.

With his challenge to her issued, Sitka watched with mounting curiosity while Lorikeet seemed to consider their position, and if the sigh and pouting face she put on were any indication, the wily hunter didn't think they'd actually get into the water. Then, to his surprise, he felt the push of Keetie's hips up into his, and then a velvety warmth surrounded his most intimate parts. Keetie pulled a sharp gasp from a very stunned Sitka as the sudden surge of pleasure wiped his brain blank. Although he was only inside her for a second, it had been enough to give Keetie the opening she needed, and the next thing the bigger brute knew, he was being toppled to his side while Keetie rolled them and sprung free. It took Sitka a moment to recalibrate his brain and get moving after her, albeit a bit stiffly with his arousal, but he pursued his boreal lover straight into the sea, the promise of pleasure and release too tempting to ignore.

Except nothing could have prepared the dire wolf for the sudden splash of cold water against some very sensitive and firmed parts of himself. The water, while warm, felt cold against his heated flesh, and Sitka gasped again as the shock stole the air from his lungs. "Oh fuck, that's cold on the boys!" he remarked while he waded deeper into the shoals after Lorikeet, the surface just barely coming up to lap at those sensitive bits. He grinned down at Keetie while she floated on her back, admiring her voluptuous body the way a collector would examine a piece of fine art. Truly Lorikeet had been crafted by whatever god of beauty and sexuality existed, she was flawless.

"Well aren't you just the picture o' relaxation." He laughed in his husky baritones, using a paw to gently guide and bob her along in the calm surf. "Fuck the castle. I'd give you the whole universe if it kept you smilin' like that, gorgeous." Sitka couldn't resist flashing his own roguish smile to his lover while he waded leisurely along in the water with her, keeping a paw on her upturned underbelly to drift her along with him, letting his claws dance over her warm skin along her lower belly—occasionally dipping down lower just between her thighs to tease over some even hotter flesh there.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-25-2022, 02:57 AM
If there was one thing in the world she enjoyed most, it was Sitka and herself playing each other like fiddles. She loved a challenge, and it seemed Sitka always offered her one. Anytime she managed to outwit him, even for a moment, filled her with glee. As much as a very large part of her had wanted to stay on the beach and feel every inch of him over her, another part of her couldn’t help but rise to the challenge. To tease and taunt him back.

Which led to her gasping, laughing in the water. Which was not as warm as advertised. Or her body had simply gotten too hot for her to appreciate it. His commentary had her in peels of laughter. The gentle tide nudged her too and fro as she waited for him to join her. She had a rather glorious view of his fine piece as he stepped closer towards her. Bobbing at just about level with the water she rested upon.

She grinned as he placed a paw against her and nudged her gently further into the water. Pushing her out to sea. Perhaps she was wrong, and he wasn’t a wolf at all. A siren, come to claim her in his turf. He was beautiful and seductive enough to fit the part. She gasped as his paw slipped a little lower. Reminding her of the heat she had felt just before on the beach. The feel of him slipping inside for all of a moment. Her control slipped again, hunger in her eyes. A hint of a threat at the delay… but she was sure she could warm him right back up again. “Why don’t you come a little closer, and see exactly how this smile works.” she cooed, drifting her eyes from his, to his mouth, to his neck. Trailing it softly, slowly, down his front, and towards the clearly most important part of him. She licked her lips suggestively.




5 Years
Dire wolf

02-10-2022, 03:20 AM
For a wolf that had never thought he'd ever want to be in anything resembling a steady relationship, Sitka was having the time of his life being with Keetie. Sure, the two of them were far from monogamous, as they both found the idea abhorrent and had expressed intent to share lovers together, but she was his constant. His main squeeze, the wolf he came back to and stayed with. There was something about the Aracari woman that hadn't just bewitched him, but totally possessed him. He fed her addiction for attention, and she in turn fed his addiction for more... carnal affections. They made a perfect circuit together, and together they burned like thermite. Even when they were playing around like this in the water, they smoldered for one another, and Sitka never wanted the heat to go out.

While he dragged his beautiful mermaid about in the water, he would grin to hear the sounds he pulled from her whenever his digits wandered south, finding her most sensitive parts and earning more of those gasps that made his pulse race. He liked playing with Keetie like they didn't have a care in the world, but he also refused to let her forget about the fire they'd started kindling on the beach—or about other parts of him that needed attention. The hunter saw the hunger in his lover's eyes and it thrilled him. Her words stoked the fire in his soul and loins, loving the way her eyes trailed down the chiseled muscles of his form barely hidden beneath his fur, drifting lower to parts of him just above the surface of the cool water. Pink tongue flicked over her lips and that was all it took to undo the dire brute.

"Mmm don't mind if I do, beautiful," he said with a rumble in his rich baritone voice, chuckling while he maneuvered them about in the water. With Keetie still floating lazily on her back, it was easy enough for him to move them both to where she could float beneath his larger form. Though she was by no means a small wolf, Sitka was able to find water just deep enough to allow him to gently coax her to float under him, aligning her muzzle with what her eyes had sought so hungrily. "Hmm, looks like I found somethin' tasty too." Sitka grinned while he lowered his muzzle to Keetie's lower belly, pressing his tongue to the soft fur there and dragging a long, slow lick down her torso until he found a far sweeter taste under his tongue, one that had very quickly become his favorite flavor and his drug of choice.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
03-20-2022, 11:34 PM
It was an unusual sensation, floating on the waves as they were. The water chill in her coat, and fire burning in her belly. Anywhere and everywhere Sitka touched her sent a fire through her, wild and roaring. Fierce and hungry, like a forest-killer. And then Sitka manoeuvred himself beneath her, and her breathy noises were louder than the soft lapping of the waves.

She enjoyed him, the taste of him, and the motions of him for a time, and then she dug her claws into his coat, and turned, crawling up his belly until her mouth could taste his lips again, and she pushed herself onto him. Claiming him there on the open waters with all the ferocity in her nature. Ravishing the wolf she had come to see as hers. Her companion, her lover. Hers, hers, hers.

