
Never Ending Cycle



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
12-30-2021, 12:16 PM
Everyone in the band had certainly been quiet, they all seemed to stick to themselves or maybe others in the band. But Not Duchess. Maybe she had gone a separate route just as Cosette had. Though she returned every few days if not every night. Segin had stayed close to Emersyn, Indigo had stayed close to Gypsy if anyone. She preferred the company of those outside the band. And it was something personal. After the trial was certainly where she felt like everything had turned downhill, at least her feelings towards the rest of the band. But still, she wouldn't have turned away from her responsibilities to them. They still all held some sort of special place in her heart. Indigo the most obvious place, but completely soured from the past events of her deceiving betrayal. Her own fault yes, she did blame herself. Even Emersyn was important to her for taking lead of the band when Indigo couldn't, and she held some sort of understanding after the loss.

These days though Duchess just wandered with an empty and hurt mind. She laid down where her head put her at night, whether that was with the band or somewhere else entirely. The comfort of others was nice but not like the fulfilling warmth was with Indigo. She never had stayed with someone over night, and while it was a sleazy quick time with someone, she had always missed that aftermath. She wouldn't ask for Indigo, she couldn't. She was silent around the band. And still mostly silent around the strangers.

While she walked through the corpselands, The sound of swishing and cracking took her attention. A lazy gaze looked up and forward, spotting a nearly dying and weak creature ahead of her. Ooze poured from it's mouth and nose, it heaved as it limped and sludged through the swamps. She only watched it momentarily, really no care or feeling inside of her. But just a sudden quiet urge to go forward and put it out of it's misery. She walked through the swamps herself, carefully. It hadn't even minded her presence. The deer was certainly feeling the same shape as herself, ready and willing to it's death. It didn't even struggle as she approached it and put her paws on it's hips. Knocking it over by the rear end, and fell down weakly, and she took only seconds to put her teeth into it's throat and giving that final justice. Was it a justice? She couldn't speak for it she supposed. And she still felt lifeless.

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.