
I'm at the edge of the world



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-01-2022, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2022, 11:47 PM by Iðunn. Edited 1 time in total.)
~Mature for descriptions of gore and death

It had been the sharp and tangy scent of blood that had brought her here, to the still snow-covered rocky value that continued to be under the claim of Skaði. The winter seemed to be everlasting up here, which pleased Iðunn greatly. It would give her family a reprieve from the heat of the summers that were not used to, rather than foolishly trying to suffer and endure through her. Her long legs took her gracefully across the snow, leaving a clear trail should any of her family decide to follow her, but she wasn't here to seek out peace and silence. No, it was the tantalising aroma in the air that spurred her northward, in the hopes to find an easy meal to fill her belly.
What she saw in the distance had her stopping dead in her tracks, eyes squinting at the sight of a huge stag, easily far taller than her even with the distance between them. But it was heavily injured, dragging one of it's back legs behind it as it stumbled while it walked. She watched it silently, staying downwind as it slowly moved, heading towards the forest in the distance to the far west. It was futile, really, and she almost felt sorry for the creature. It's magnificence and prowess, in shambles now as it could barely stand on all fours, but yet it continued to have the strength and courage to not give up. Whatever predator had attacked it had done damage, but as the stag was alone, she could only assume it had left the fight just as bad, if not worse, as the stag.
Iðunn began to move again, this time with more of a purpose to her steps as she began to prowl forward, her head ducked low. The rocks nearby would give her an advantage, and if she was careful, she could finish it off without getting gored by the magnificent antlers on its head. She wanted to put it out of its misery, as a creature of its stature shouldn't be left in such a state to be mauled by the closest hungry predator. A proper send-off is what she wanted to give it so that its death wouldn't be in vain, and its spirit could continue to live on while its very flesh sustained those still living. Her family was quite large, and they needed all the food they could get to keep themselves healthy and strong.
She began to slowly climb up the rocks, trying to keep her steps quiet, timing her movements with each loud and haggard breath the stag took as it struggled. Now closer, she could see the deep claw marks on its sides , legs, and neck, blood still pulsing from the wounds in time with its heart beating. The stag looked as if it had been suffering for a while now, as some of the blood had begun to coagulate and dry up on the lesser wounds, and as Iðunn climbed higher, she could see a long thin strip on its other side where the flesh had been torn off to reveal the layer of muscle and sinew beneath. Its back leg that was dragging behind in the snow was at an angle that no leg should be at, and peering closer she could just barely spot the sign of bone sticking out from the skin. Oh this poor creature, she would be hasty to end its suffering and allow it to pass on more peacefully than it would otherwise.
Getting into position, she dug her claws into the icy rock before pushing off, leaping gracefully to land on the stag's back, the force of it buckling its weakened legs and sending it crashing down into the snow. Her jaws quickly grabbed at its exposed throat, and she ripped her head to the side with all her might, feeling warm blood spurt in her face and on her chest as she tore out its throat. The stag weakly kicked out and made a gurgling sound, but it quickly succumbed to its wounds, and she stood back as the light dimmed from its eyes. Iðunn felt no remorse, in fact she was feeling quite proud of herself for being able to put it out of its misery so quickly and without any further pain to the creature, and took only a few moments to settle herself before using her shoulder to push the stag onto its side.
She sat on her haunches next to the stag, tilting her head up and back as she called up to the heavens, the prayer rolling off her tongue with practiced ease. "Hail Jörð, ineffable caretaker of the world and all its living creatures. Take the spirit of this stag, grant it the ability to live on in Valhalla with the great stag Eikþyrnir, allow it to consume the leaves of Læraðr as we, your dutiful and loving followers, feast upon its flesh and grow stronger in our faith. Let me bestow upon you this glorious sacrifice, and ask you to permit my family to take and use all that remains of it in your name. I shall promise to keep a watch over the world and the creatures of this land like you do, ensuring balance remains for all those who live among us. Hail to you Jörð, keeper and mother of all those still living."
As the last words fell from her lips she turned her head downward once more, and very carefully dipped her right front paw into the blood that had pooled on the snowy ground. She painted the blood along her cheeks and temples, under her chin, and even up the bridge of her muzzle to stop between her eyes. The scent of the rich blood filled the air around her, and she breathed it in deeply as she projected all her religious faith from her very soul for the goddess to feel. It was in these moments that she felt the most alive and connected to the world around her, and she closed eyes closed as she began to hum softly under her breath. She would sit silently in this wondrous moment for a while, and only then would she call out to her family so they could drag the stag closer to home and begin their feast.

1058 words
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish



01-18-2022, 08:30 PM
Deer Dad's Blessing
Be Blessed, and go in Peace

You walk wearily after a tough battle when a weight surprises you and presses you down You lie wounded on the ground, and watch numbly as a woman above you rips out your throat. She stifles the life from your lungs as they fill with blood and fluids. She chants, and you watch silently, the warmth seeping away from your body. Through glazed eyes you see her take your blood and paint it on her face, sitting silently after, by your side as she hummed. There was no malice in her, and after a while, she calls out.

Sluggishly, you feel yourself being dragged, and after a bit, you feel- although not painfully- the flesh being pulled from your body. You now watch from above, almost curiously as you are devoured. And just like that, you become a part of the wolves.

You open your eyes, now a wolf again. Maybe it's time to call your family...

You gain:
  • Post-Acceptance Minor Deer Mutation- Any deer-themed minor mutation will do! Post in maintenance for it! Takes 1 OOC season to take effect. Subject to staff approval.



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-19-2022, 03:41 AM
Pain and tiredness filled her very bones as she struggled forwards. The sudden weight pressing down on her back sent her immediately to the ground without a fight, and she felt her face press roughly into the snow as the dark form of a wolf grabbed at her throat. She struggled weakly, something in the back of her mind telling her this wolf looked familiar, but there was no struggle here. She watched as the wolf tore out her throat, the pain swiftly dulled to a numb feeling which spread throughout her entire body, until finally the pain was no more. It had happened so fast in what felt like mere seconds, and she lay there unable to move, staring up at the she-wolf.
The predator began to chant rhythmically, in words that she felt she should be able to understand but couldn't, and was helpless to do anything as the wolf painted her own blood on its face. But there was no anger or hostility in the wolf, and she was almost thankful as she closed her eyes one last time, hearing the howl of a wolf dimly in what sounded like the distance. An infinite amount of time passed, and at the same time none, before she felt herself begin to be dragged through the snow, but there was no pain in the motion, and she felt almost weightless, until suddenly she was looking down at her own broken and bloodied body from above. Curiosity filled her as she watched herself be devoured by the now pack of wolves, and she had no words to describe the experience. She was now a part of the wolves forever more.

Iðunn opened her eyes with a gasp, her heart beating rapidly in her chest as she looked down at the fallen stag with wide eyes. Her gaze flitted between the stag and the sky, words wanting to fall from her lips, but being unable to utter a single sound. She had been a stag, the stag, seen through its very eyes, and even into the future when she and her family ate it? If this wasn't a sign from Jörð that she had received a blessing from the Goddess herself, then she didn't know what was.
Filled with a steely determination, and her faith even stronger now, she tipped her head back to call out for her family, announcing that she had a large meal that they needed to help her drag back. She would keep her promise to Jörð, and keep a watchful eye over the creatures around their home, protect them when needed, and make sure their deaths weren't in vain when her family hunted them for their meat. A strange feeling filled her as she waited for her cousins to arrive, and she kept a watchful eye on the stag where it lay on the ground, an unusual softness in her gaze.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish