
hunting in the early morning


"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
01-05-2022, 03:50 PM

Life came during a period of darkness. Overhead, the big ball of hot gas had hidden away. And yet, somehow, the moon and its plague had terrified the sun itself. Unlike other wolves, the pup would not know that for some time. He would come to know the world and its long shadows and glowing growth. Mushrooms, crystals, fireflies, and the like would sprout up. Overtaking the world known as Boreas to him and his siblings, night would be their permanent day. It was all he knew and cared to know. To him, nighttime was nice. Mother would be more active during the darkness and it was easier to hunt at night as well. To him and his siblings, there was no differentiating between day and night. Mother had never really cared to explain it because, at the time, she didn't even know if the sun would return. Others had mentioned it, mentioned missing it, how it would warm their fur and allow prey into feeling a fake sense of calm. But now, the world was different for him. The sun had indeed made its return and he wasn't sure how to feel about it.

One day, or morning as mother would call it, had come finally. Long-awaited were new growths of grass and budding blossoms upon trees. Birds began to sing songs he did not know. Water burbled with a freshness throughout streams. Even the air smelled different. No more did crystal-encrusted rats scurry around or behemoth-sized cloaked figures drift about waiting to take victims. Now, as he blinked at the filtering light peeking out around the mountain that which they called home, Ghoul felt weary. Warming up his pale pelt, he wondered if he would eventually succumb to his mother's day blindness. For now, he didn't worry as once his eyes, that of a bright ruby red, adjusted to the shining rays of dawn, he could see just fine. Before him lay a rocky slope of ash-formed boulders that would hide their den well from beneath at the base.

In the depths of the den behind him, his siblings and mother slept soundly. There was no need to rustle them awake this time around. He wanted to do this alone and prove he would be worthy like his older siblings. His silent movement on large paws would not wake them up as he crept from the cavern's opening and headed down the mountain's rocky slope. Already, he had grown accustomed to the sharp jagged edges of Mount Vulkan, and no longer did it bother him to travel aways toward the Redbud Nook. Ahead, he could already see blooming flowers draping across branches as blades of grass and weeds reached for the heavens. Even the heavens above shined brightly on a cloudy sky where the colors reflected the most as the sun peaked over to say hello. Around him, a cacophony of sounds bled into his ears as he attempted to pick out ones that were more important.

Larger in size than most pups he'd met, but not quite the biggest he'd seen, Ghoul practiced his stealth. Both ears pricked forward as his liver-colored nose twitched. A multitude of scents carried over the gentle breeze along with a fresh crispness of life that he couldn't quite describe. Some would have perhaps frolicked in the morning rays and dewy fields, but he was on a mission. No longer did he want to catch mice or small birds, he wanted something bigger. Slinking between thickening tree trunks, he kept to the shadows. While he may have been easy to spot for someone with a trained eye, he made sure each step would not echo. During his days of being kept within the den until they were big enough to venture out, he had made sure to learn a thing or two first. Always intently listening to their mother's lessons and the words of his siblings did he now feel confident in being a successful hunter.

Following a well-worn path through the forest, his attention finally turned toward a rather unappetizing scent. Rooting around near the base of a large tree, nose deep in mud, a small boar was engrossed in whatever lies beneath the roots. Now that was a sizeable prey he could manage. Slightly larger than a raccoon, which was perhaps the largest thing he'd come across so far, Ghoul turned his trajectory toward the young boar. Lowering his body so that he was hidden right beneath the tops of the tall grasses, he slunk forward as if he were a cat on the prowl.

If he had been with his brothers, they would have rushed the thing and leaped at first chance. Being alone meant a different tactic, that he had learned. Licking at his lips, the albinistic boy drew closer until he could hear the boar breathing. Surprised at how ignorant the pig was, he had to hold back a laugh. This would be easy. Moving around in his shadowy approach so that the wind wouldn't give him away, his eyes turned when a small group of birds lit into the air with an alarming twitter of noise. Both of his ears folded back as the young boar raised its head; its reflecting eyes staring right where he was hidden before darting off. Cursing under his breath, Ghoul quickly launched into a fast pace behind the hoofed animal.

Thankfully, it wouldn't take long for the pup to catch up. Amidst terrified squealing, Ghoul took his chance and leaped forward until his claws snagged at the boar's hind end. Pulling the struggling animal toward him, Ghoul opened his jaws and latched onto the boar's back. Writhing around in the mud, fully coating himself in brown muck, it wouldn't take but a few seconds until his mouth and cheeks were covered in warm, sticky blood. Holding strong as he wrapped his body around the creature, he moved his purchase farther up the boar's spine until he could sink his teeth into the boar's neck. Minutes passed between them writhing in a ball of life or death until the boar's breathing finally died down to nothing.

His own breath was ragged as he dropped the boar from his clutches and stood up. Shaking off his splotched coat, he took a moment to collect himself. Glancing around with his ruby eyes, he was pleased to find that he was still alone. In the distance, the rays of the morning had finally broken over the horizon. Beneath him, his kill lay still as blood began to pool into the dirt below. "Mother will be proud," the young pup chimed to himself as he leaned down to grab ahold and begin dragging it back to the den.

word count: 1123