
Legacy Siblings! (And Cousins?)

Deadline is the 20th



Expert Healer (120)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

9 Years
01-05-2022, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2022, 02:21 PM by Eramaya. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out of heart break and tragedy…

Comes an opportunity to adopt three pups! (And, should interest be high, a yearling cousin or two :o)

(So, fun story, I am not entirely sure how old these kids are.  I'mma say Eramaya conceived them out of season, otherwise they'd be yearlings now. So, Autumn babies

Keep an eye out for additions or changes in the info as things come to me lol)

Amid the events of Halloween 2021, many died of The Ooze. Among them, the father of these children, and three of their siblings.

With their mother, Eramaya (to be played by myself), left a widow and single mother once more, the decision has been made to join their half-sister, Legacy Ancora, in Valhalla, and leave the Nomad Chapter they’ve known all their short lives behind for a time.

Until the age of a year, I'd like these pups to remain in Valhalla and build their skills. Once they reach a year of age, they may choose whether to remain in Valhalla and rise through the ranks, or venture into the world on their own.

Due to their Nomad upbringing, it'd be highly likely for them to be Healers, but the secondary skill is up to you; the Nomads (not to be confused with the Band here onsite) are elite healers, and elite defensive fighters canonically, but they are also nomadic in lifestyle, master traders, craftsmen/women, herders and educators in more than just healing.

Languages are widely known among the Nomads, whether from outside wolves joining their Chapters throughout far distant lands, or learning from packs in said far distant lands and retaining the knowledge to be taught to the young ones.

These kids will have already traveled extensively throughout their early lives, first riding in travois behind their parents as jellybeans a week after birth, and then alternating between running and bouncing alongside their parents and sister or with the rest of the Chapter, and riding in the travois to rest their legs and sleep on the go.

The Nomads follow a set of deities (the information of which I'm working on writing out, so stay tuned) in varying levels of devotion, from loosely believing to devoutly religious.

It is common for the Nomads to house with packs in return for their services, teachings, and often dispersals nearing the completion of their training will settle with packs as a resident healer.

The main languages spoken among the Nomads is "The Old Tongue" (Irish Gaelic to us) and common (English), and among close friends and family they tend to speak purely in the old tongue.

For future reference, here's a fun bit of code. I even added bold tags so the user won't have to remember to add them lol

<b><span title="English Here.">"Foreign Language Here."</span></b>
When used, the foreign language is what a reader sees, but when they hover their cursor over the dialogue a pop up will appear with the English translation.

I expect these characters to be active, and to work on building their skills to master level, especially while part of Valhalla. They are expected to follow the laws of Valhalla, both the ones currently in place, and those that Ardyn instates when he steps up to become King.

Personalities should not drop below Neutral Good; both Eramaya and her late husband Coromis were kind-natured and gentle parents, with firm boundaries and no hesitation to teach wrong and right and use the word "No".

Chaotic, harmful and hurtful behavior among peers and toward others in the Chapter would have been sharply punished with hard tasks given to occupy the wrongdoer's time until a genuine apology and explanation of why whatever they did was wrong and what they learned from the experience has been given.

Rape, murder, and death plots are not welcomed with these kids. They have family that will kill whomever rapes or kills them, and I, personally, don't want to go through a death match quite yet lol.
Rape for baby plots and teenage (yearling and under) sex are also not welcomed.

They have been raised to know better and to focus on studies and growing themselves as individuals. The birds and the bees have been clearly and frankly explained in typical medical worker family detail.

They have been raised to know how to safely diagnose and abort a pregnancy, and while the Nomad culture loves children, they are also supportive of termination when the world just isn't safe for a new litter, or the mother is not fit, willing, or well enough to become a mother.

The Nomads believe in Soulmates to some degree, though exploration of ones sexuality and preferences are not uncommon once adulthood has been reached.

Eramaya is a wolf of 30" in height, and a light build.
Coromis was 36" and medium in build. So heights will be well within the "free" range, and these children will be unlikely to be over 36", although going up to 38" won't be unwelcome.

Their designs are to remain with the characters should they be reclaimed, and should never leave Ardent as a whole.
The designs have heavy swirling and may need marking passes.

I will handle the Rogue Pup Passes as they aren't born to an onsite couple.

Nomad culture, when naming children, often takes elements of both parents' names, often with a middle name based around a favorite medicinal plant, flower, element, or natural object or phenomena. The child is often the one to choose the middle name, and it may be subject to change over time as preferences change over time as they find new favorite things.

ex. Coromaya, Eromis, etc
ex. middle name of "Rose", "Agate", "Smoke", "Rose", "Marigold", "Sky", "Wind", etc
(Applicants are welcome to use any of the example names for their application ^^)

Nomads rarely have a surname, instead introducing themselves with a title pertaining to their origin or residence. (Example: "I am Eramaya "Middlename" of the Nomads" or "I am Eramaya, healer of Valhalla", I am Coromis of the Emerald Valley" etc.)

They will often take the surname of the family they marry into, should they marry outside the Nomad Chapters, and the children resulting from the union have the choice of titling themselves "of the Nomads", or taking the surname of their parent, or taking from both. Legacy's Surname Ancora comes from her sire, Paladin Ancora. In travel, she would have introduced herself as "Legacy Ancora of the Nomads."

The Designs! Lineart is by Kique7, the artist (and writer?) of the webcomics Asmundr and Home. Designs are by myself. Primarily did them with my mouse because lazy, but I am pleased at how the majority came out. lol

First, the designs of the pups. The swirls and light color come from Eramaya, and the dark coloring from Coromis.

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Number 9

Number 10

Number 11

Number 12

Depending on interest, cousin designs will be added later.

Now, for the form!

Please do not change the formatting (Left to right is easiest on my eyes to read), and be sure to fill everything out with your own responses.

<b>Player Name:</b> Who are you on Ardent/Discord?
<b>Name:</b> First name, chosen middle name
<b>Physical Description:</b> 100 words, minimum.

<b>Personality:</b> 100 words, minimum.
<b>Skillset:</b> What Skills will they choose to pursue?
<b>Plans and Plots?:</b> What does the future hold?


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
01-06-2022, 03:52 AM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2022, 03:30 PM by Virgil. Edited 1 time in total.)
I have... so many puppies coming in. RIP sorry


01-17-2022, 12:47 PM

Design idea #1
submissive yet curious; a pestering head that will weasel into ways into conversation even if eyes are lost to the gods. a genuine, soft spoken man that draws to give people of the benefit of doubt. easily torn, broken, distraught to rebellion and differing of opinion. loving wholeheartedly, not to twist words and confuse those around him yet the lengths of love that will take him are unknown. a mothers child, family before the unknown. he is; in truth, an addict to the flavors of medicine in all it is. a hand stitched easy, his lips that flavor and succumb to herbs. medicine mad, with a smile warm like a fever touching his cheek

he has the hands of the motherly and the brain of an self involved chemist. calculations in life are taken with great curiosity, an ever lasting battle with the rights and wrongs of moral construct. desperate to please and bring happiness to those around himself despite the digging silence that eats at him. a happy individual, his smiles are divine and true natured but a wallflower sits deep within. well spoken and taught of education beyond his years. medicine heart, medicine ward. a seasoned individual for his age. a book worm with a dagger in the leather of his boot.

this is a wip - not done