
Out with your mouth [Training]


05-11-2014, 05:11 PM

After a few days of spending time with his mate in the den with the pups he decided it was now time to do his duty to give some training to the wolves of Ebony. Vaughan had tasked him with this and he was determined to see it through in which it was pretty simple, he'd only be showing them the basics of defenses and attacking. Hajime looked like he was sparkling, fresh and clean as could be with a smile on his face. Though was expected with five healthy pups of his own being brought into the world. He stepped on one of the stones pulling himself up before he raised his head in a howl. There was no reason for those who enjoyed learning to not show. The sun was well within the sky in midday.
The black masked man settled upon his haunches, tail wagging back and forth. Today would be a good day, and he would get a chance to connect with those in ebony he had not yet met. Though probably seen glances of during the meeting, which of course was expected. His large chest heaved and waited for things to get underway.
ooc:; post by the 19th on monday please, after the first round hajime will be showing some defenses and attacks and that's simple enough.




3 Years
05-13-2014, 05:21 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2014, 05:21 PM by Svetlana.)

Another strange howl would fill the air with purpose, and though Svetlana didn?t know who the call belonged to she would nudge Korrin, distracted from their playing now, and start off across the lands. Why were all these meetings being called? She sorta understood the first one... Well... It had Vaughan explaining about her mommy and her, and her siblings... Then some other stuff... Something about ranks that she didn?t really understand. She supposed it didn?t matter right now... Svetlana knew, eventually, she would come to understand how everything in this pack worked... And she would find her own place here.

She would walk on, Korrin staying close to her side, until she reached the meeting place and pretty much flopped down to rest until it began. Little pants would leave the chubby girl, light blue eyes looking around at the wolves that had gathered thus far. Korrin would plant herself at Svetlana?s side, gray orbs scanning for the black ticked woman. The fox really didn?t like her at all, even less since she grabbed her scruff like that. The little kit would puff up, waiting to see who would show.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



5 Years
05-13-2014, 05:33 PM
Lior padded along in the direction of the call, ears perked forward. She had heard the black wolf, Vaughan, say that there would be two other sessions soon for training, one of which was battle training, to be held by the brown and black male. Hajime... She would smile, twitching her ears happily because she was able to remember. Her black paws led her on, ears perked up.

Was she too little for battle training? Maybe...? She could always practice with another pup... And it wouldn?t have to be bad... Or cause anyone serious wounds. The female would come to a stop, looking around at those gathered, before bouncing over to another she-pup and a small black and white creature. It looked like a wolf too but it?s body was really small... It seemed older though. What was it?

?Hiya! Can I come join you?? She would ask, hoping the other pup and her friend wouldn?t mind.

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]

Katja the First


8 Years
05-16-2014, 07:32 AM

A call rang out, enticing Katja to stop in her tracks and listen. An unfamiliar voice, a masculine voice, summoning the pack to meet. No doubt this was the male Vaughan had tasked with battle training, a subject of particular interest for the mercenary. She deviated in her path, making her way in the direction of the call on silent paws. Once in view however, she couldn't quite stop herself from quirking a brow. The only wolves to have appeared were a black-masked male - no doubt the one who called - and a few pups. One was a stranger, though she bore the scent of the pack - Katja was sure she'd seen the pup at the meeting though she'd given no thought to her at the time. It was good that she dared show up at a battle training session. One was the timid child of Raisa, and Katja gave her a wholly approving nod at her initiative. The child's fox friend earned nothing but a coldly appraising glance as Katja approached.

She sent her gaze winging toward the man, inclining her head in acknowledgement. "Heil," she spoke in murmured greeting to the entirety of the small group. She sat back somewhat apart from the younglings, holding herself aloof, the lines of her body speaking of imminent action, as was usual. Her ears flicked, searching for the sound of pawsteps. Were they to be the only wolves in attendance?



05-22-2014, 05:31 AM

Isi was typically busy finding ways not to be. Though as a Commoner she certainly didn't have much responsibility or respect within the pack she still preferred having fun to doing jobs and though of course things would eventually get done, it always seemed to be in her own time. Right now however she actually was trying to do something useful, stalking a few rabbits she aim had been to catch one and bring it back for Raisa's pups doing a job and creating an excuse to spend time with them.

The call sounded and she initially ignored it, orange eyes fixed upon the rabbit before her, it wouldn't be enough of course for all the children to have a decent meal, but it was better than nothing, a nice little snack for they probably had plenty of food from everyone else anyway. Closer she moved, doing rather well at remaining hidden and then suddenly she would begin to make her chase and that would be the point it all went wrong. The rabbits scattered and for a moment she wasn't sure which one to follow, the few seconds she took certainly gave the rabbits a head start and as she finally chose one and chased it the rabbit would dive into it's burrow and Isi would go skidding along the ground after it, shoving her head into the hole after it.

"Ah, I'm stuck!" She would declare though the calls obviously muffled to the world outside and probably deafening the poor rabbit as it hurried along the den. Wriggling and squirming she would eventually free herself and discover that fortunately no one had seen her error. Deciding now to respond to that call, the muddy faced girl would make her way to the lesson.

She would arrive a little late of course though with only two pups and Katja actually present it appeared she surprisingly wasn't the worst. Taking her seat beside the adult she would try to act nonchalant though of course overdoing her actions more than a little, the serious expression certainly looked out of place on her, especially given her face was still dirty.


05-22-2014, 06:21 PM

As the small crowd gathered, Hajime was dissapointed, but not too worried. Those who thought they knew enough obviously did not show up, and it was not his rank nor business to get them to show up. Though happy the youth had come, and as he waited for others to settle. The man almost eager to start, let his paws subtly twitch across the rock he sat on. Until his body would rise, muscle contracting under his brown hue'd fur. The black masked man's red eyes scanned over them, he smiled regardless of how they felt about him his task was to teach them. "Welcome, thank you for coming. Those who don't know me I'm Hajime Walker." he dipped his head. "While there aren't many of you, I'll only be showing you simple defenses and attacks if you'd like. Self defense is important." he said looking towards the young one's.
"Now pay attention closely, after I am finished I want you to do as I have done, and I will check to make sure that you are doing it correctly." Hajime yelled loudly so that they could hear him clearly. Standing up straight, he pulled his paws evenly apart to balance himself. Shoulder rolling inward his scruff moved forward in a scrunch to protect the back of his neck. Ears came to rest on the top of his skull, his eyes narrowed and chin tucked to protect his neck. Tail became level with his spine as he tightened his abdomen as well. He stayed there for what seemed like a few minutes until he rested himself, and looked to the others waiting for them to do the same.




05-28-2014, 01:42 PM

OOC: This is a short post, sorry<3

He had heard the call for training to begin. So with that in mind he would waste no time in getting to the destination. He would walk at a rather quick pace, before seeing a stremely small crowd. Far smaller then what he exxpected and was far from pleased. He would say nothing for the time being, observing. He was glad that Hajime had taken the time to set up the training and would give him the rrespect of watching and paying attention on how he carries himself. " I shall be watching for today, Svet come here and observe, im sure you'll learn plenty." He would smile, signalling her to come sit next to him to be out of the fighting zone [or what will be] He was glad to know one of Raisa's children where taking training early, perhaps the others will turn up a liitle later. He hop ateast. He would look to katja and Isidora, thankful that they also made an effort. It seemed Isidora was doing well with showing to all meetings on time, and he was just glad she was active around Ebony.

image by Luisiana



3 Years
05-28-2014, 07:07 PM

Svetlana was excited, eyes going to the other pup with a nod. She didn?t mind having company at all! Besides, they could all practice together. Bright blue orbs would catch Katja?s eyes, smiling at her as she got the approving nod. She was glad to see the woman here... She was definitely someone that she loved seeing around the pack. She was loyal and strong... The type of woman she wanted to grow into. She was sure, with Vaughan?s help, that would all be possible. She would walk over to the black ticked woman, grinning at her. ?Hiya miss Katja~?

Korrin had stiffened upon the arrival of the high lady. The fox would shake her head, deciding to keep her attention on the other pup that had arrived. ?She-Pup is welcome to practice with Svet and Korrin. We?ll be strong.? The odd look the other gave her gaze Korrin the impression the other wasn?t seeking to become some great warrior. It seemed... Odd to her. What did she hope to accomplish then?

Svetlana would blink as another older wolf came, another femme. But she was all dirty! Curiosity made her her want to ask about her fur, but then thought against it as she settled down, looking to the brown and black male as he started to speak. Hajime Walker. He seemed nice enough... And she would sit, ears perked in his direction as he started to show the type of defenses they were expected to try. The chubby pup would stand a bit taller, working on the ones that she thought she could get easier. Vaughan had arrived, and her tail was wagging a bit at seeing him. ?I can try with my defenses though!?

Her tail would raise up, though a bit too high to be in a proper position, ears lowering to her head and eyes narrowing some. She would try to spread her paws a bit, but they were still too close together, so when she tried to roll her shoulders forward it made it rather uncomfortable. Head would tip down a bit, a soft whine leaving her. ?This feels weird...?

Korrin on the other hand, facing Lior now, set up her own defenses. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, bushy tail raised up just level with her spine. Legs were spread and planted on the ground, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched a bit. She was forgetting to tip her head down, so her chin could protect her neck, but other than that the small fox was picking up on things quickly.

{{Sorry that Svet kinda blew Vaughan off. xD I was too lazy to edit my post very much. <3 ^^;;}}

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



5 Years
05-28-2014, 07:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 07:09 PM by Lior.)
Lior was glad when the other pup and the fox-kit seemed to accept her among them. She would look to the woman who arrived, giving a small nod. ?Hello ma?am.? Then her attention would turn back on the fox kit. She talked a little strange... But... She supposed it wasn?t too weird. She would frown a bit though at the mention of being strong. She didn?t really want to fight. She just wanted to learn how to defend herself in case of an emergency... The thought of fighting... Of hurting others... Saddened her.

?Thanks... I?m Lior Carlier.? The young she pup would raise her head proudly as she said her name. She was no royal, but she was proud of who she was. The fox would clear up who was who before the arrival of another wolf would signal the last of the arrivals. A sad turnout, really. Then the male was addressing them. It was kind of funny... The only male addressing a bunch of femmes.

Lior would watch Korrin uncertainly before trying to set up her own defenses. Ears would tip back, though eyes were more wide with uncertainty. Tail was too low, legs too wide apart... But her chin was tipped down, neck scrunched some. She forgot about her shoulders completely... But they were pups after all... It wouldn?t be expected that they get everything perfect on the very first try.

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]

Katja the First


8 Years
06-15-2014, 08:28 AM

The wolf in charge of the training apparently felt that two adults and three children were enough to start the class - Katja made a mental note to track down and reprimand the ebons and squires who had not bothered to show their faces - and had begun his teaching. As she'd suspected, with the presence of only one fully trained individual among the wolves who had appeared, Hajime began with the most basic of defenses. A disappointment for her but perhaps she could stand as an example for him to show the children as he assisted them. So she moved with the instinctual confidence of one for whom training and fighting has been their whole life, moved with the grace given to her by Freya into a fighting stance. Her head and tail moved to be even with her spine - her shoulders rolled forward as her head pulled back, her chin tilting slightly to cover her throat. Her stance squared with her weight distributed lightly and evenly. Ears pinned to her skull as her hackles raised, her pelt appearing more black than usual with the ticking raised to display her undercoat, and her eyes narrowed.

She watched calmly and with interest as the young members of Ebony attempted to follow Hajime's lead. Svet made a good attempt for what Katja assumed was her first try at defenses - these Ebony wolves did not seem to begin intensive training so early as the vikings she was used to - and Katja made another mental note, this time to talk to Raisa about training for her children. Six months was old enough to begin basics, at least. The other wolf pup made a similar attempt, and Katja eyed her, wondering to herself who the pup belonged to. Perhaps she could convince the girl's parents that she and whatever littermates she had should be trained as well. Katja put no stock in "royal" blood, and this pup had every bit as much potential to bring the pack glory and honor. It was actually the fox who made the best effort, though, and Katja mentally gave a dismissive twitch of the ear. It was to be expected in such a bold pup - though the young fox had greatly annoyed Katja when first they met, she had shown wisdom and boldness when Val became sick and she offered to be a runner for anything the healer's needed. She was a fit companion for Raisa's daughter and Katja would make sure she was trained to the pinnacle of her abilities to protect the royal pup, though no doubt the fox would hate her for her methods.

Plotting and making plans as always she did, Katja continued to sweep her eyes over the small group.
