
.:A Broken Fairytale:.

Chenoa I


05-10-2014, 07:05 PM
"'Cause when my back is turned
My bruises shine
Our broken fairy tale
So hard to hide"

The large woman sighed, placing herself heavily upon her haunches, mouth contorted into a grimace as she lapped at her right side, trying to soothe the stinging of the reopened wound. She had fallen when running, having not noticed another small creature lying in her path, presumably anothers old kill they had forgotten about. She had landed on a rock, therefore opening the jagged scar along her flank back up, since it wasn't too old. The small amoung of blood had slightly matted the area around it, and she was trying to clean it up quickly so she could finish hunting, and then properly attempt to fix it up.

As she finished making it look presentable, she stood and set off to finish getting food. The creature led her to a boggy area, and she slowed, to a standstill, peering out uneasily, not having encoutered this type of terrain since Emerald Bog, and that was quite some time ago, with Kasaani, and she had still been fearful, even as he was a good guide. She winced as she remembered he last time there, the fight, her bruises, her pain. Then she let out a harsh laugh, shaking it off and shifting her paws in a sort of dancing motion.

Her tail swayed behind her as she plucked up the courage to continue on, deciding to head into the area and explore this new part of Alacritia that she hadn't yet. It was an exciting prospect, unsure of what she might find or run into, and she sped up a bit, trotting at an easy gait, ears perked up, emerald orbs wide and observant, taking ine verything and storing it in her mind for the future. Her paws lifted high with every step, giving her the appearance of prancing, as she parted her maw and scented the air, crinkling her nose somewhat at the unusual smell of the bog, but yet it was a calming and cool scent that brought back happy recollections of the past as well.


354 words.



4 Years
05-10-2014, 07:14 PM
Huata could smell the distant smell of bog enter her nose. Her coat shook as rain soon began to fall and she shivered slightly. She wasn't tall, and she wasn't small, but even the rain was affecting her movement as stone shifted and caused her to tumble slightly. She sighed and got back up, topaz pools shining as lightning flashed as she could slightly make out the smell of a fae, she appeared to be hunting. As far as Huata knew, there was not much larger prey than rabbits or pheasants here, but she would be happy with almost anything.

She approached the edge of a hill and slid down, stones grazing her paws and sometimes cutting them, but she paid no heed to the pain Her eyes stayed focused on the fae and food as she watched, and if the female needed her help, she would always be willing to help. Her tail wagged as she dashed after them, masking her scent as best she could from the opposing fae.