
Who Ya Gonna Call?

Hikaru Intellect Seaonsal


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
01-12-2022, 05:35 PM
As the time fast approaches for the brothers to celebrate their first birthday, Ricin finds himself withdrawing into himself more and more. A sadness clings to him and refuses to be shaken, no matter how much the blue pup tries. Sad eyes quietly inspect his own reflection in a small puddle of water, the rain creating small ripples on the surface he stares into. Carefully, he traces the lines of his face, finding them marred with the sorrow he feels in his heart. It is the rainy season in Auster and the weather only seems to add to his already depressed state. Sure, the air is warm and so is the rain but the clouds obscure the sun and, with it, his joy. So, the unhappy pup had decided to find a secret place where he can sit and contemplate life without worrying anyone else.

The reflection shows how much he has grown… physically at least. Ricin is almost at a towering height with his long gangly legs and athletic build giving the boy the appearance of dancer… he is all muscles and lean. Since joining the band with Manea and her family, the brothers have had a steady supply of food and the blue pup is grateful to not have hunger pangs anymore. The thicker fur on neck spikes up and, as it gets to closer to his head, grows longer and longer until the patch between his ears spikes up and curls over, flopping into his crimson eyes and needs to be tossed back constantly. In his crimson gaze, the boy finds his shattered world, and sees how he is trying to piece back together… slowly.

With a sigh, Ricin turns his eyes away from the pool, sighing at the sight of his pitiful self. The rain hits his fur, causing it stick and poke out in odd shaped tufts here and there. Pushing off the ground, the pup stands and gives his coat a vicious shake, preparing to head back to the bands dens. He had traveled out toward the shore line, finding the cluster of trees and rocks that mark his secret area. Now turns back in the direction of home and starts the short journey back. The rain has soaked the ground, making it more mud than actual earth. Paws squish through the muck, slipping every now and then but he is quick to recover. Ricin finds the small hill that marks the turn and he puts the mound of dirt to his back and walks on.

A low rumble makes Ricin slow, looking down at the ground to see small pebbles skittering and jumping as if they have a mind of their own. Coming to a stop, he listens as the rumble builds, eventually reaching a deafening crescendo and the pup turns in horror to find the hill is following him. Fear takes over his brain and Ricin runs as fast as he can, dodging trees and bushes, trying to find a rock large enough to ride out the mudslide on. Everything is a blur, the noises drowning out everything expect his own rapid heartbeat. Somehow, he finds a large rock and manages to scramble up on top, hunkering down to cover his ears and squeeze his eyes shut until the slide ends. It seems to take forever but, when the sound finally settles, Ricin blinks his eyes open to look over the devastation.

Huge piles of muck litter the landscape, filled with uprooted trees, bushes, and jagged rocks. Ricin’s heart sinks as he realizes he is stranded with no way to safely leave his rocky perch. Tilting his head back, Ricin releases a pleading howl, asking for someone to find him and help him get away from the horrible mudslide. When he is done, the blue pup lowers his head and looks out over the expanse, hoping against hope that hope that help will arrive soon and he can go home to Chade and the band.

Post WC: 663
Total WC: 663



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-14-2022, 08:23 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2022, 08:24 PM by Hikaru. Edited 2 times in total.)
During their trips to Auster Hikaru remembered a few very specific places. As the summer went on he couldn’t help but crave fresh berries. There were places in Boreas to get summer berries, but the place he desired was special, and the season was opposite, kind of. Hikaru knew he was going to be faced with rain, so he wore a could of old hides tied to him loosely to help protect him. It wasn’t perfect or at all glamorous, but it worked well enough. Across his shoulder was a bag on loan to help carry the berries and fruit home.

As white paws bring Hikaru into Auster rain begins to fall, grateful for the rain jacket he makes his way into the southern continuent. The ground was saturated with water, Hika’s ivory paws soon turned to dark mud. He should have wrapped his legs as well. Still the journey went onward. Thankfully he didn’t have to go too far into Auster, taking Abaven’s islands made the trip much faster. He had to swim and totally soak himself while wearing his raincoat but even that was worth it. But now he was dryish under the coat.

As he approached the grove the earth began to move and shake, he felt wobbly on his feet but it wasn’t moving where he was, just the subtle vibration from lots of moving earth. Hikaru watched a part of the grove slide and crumble and all he could do was let his jaw hinge in awe. What did you do what something like that happened right in front of you? He couldn’t have done anything to prevent it, not by himself and not without a lot of thinking.

Breathless as the moment seemed to stretch on for eternity. Knowing not even the ground beneath his paws could ever be completely stable rocked his world inside and out. Speechless as he saw the world come to a quiet stop. Like the whale world paused and held its breath. For a moment there was pure silence. Then, panicked and displaced a great cacophony of birds and creatures cried out from the forest as they lamented the shift of their world.

One voice chilled him to the core. The call of a young orphaned boy that Hikaru had already found a soft spot for, was trapped out there. Without thinking Hikaru raced forward. The rain stung his face and the loose earth held him back but he raced. Finally finding the blue furred boy, marooned on a rock. He realized he had ben unintentionally staying to logs and rocks as he made his way closer. Now there was just a river of muck between them.

"Ricin!” He called out worriedly, gracefully pacing over rock and through tree branches as he tried to find a path closer to the boy. "Are you okay?” He called out as he found something close, only a wolf length or so away from touching his rocks. Now the question was getting him, and swiftly. That put collecting branches of the list, similarly bark, though he might try and peel a couple sturdy pieces to help… Wait, his rain coat…"Do you have anything over there you can use to help me make a bridge?”




"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
01-15-2022, 05:27 AM
As Ricin sits atop his perch, shoulders hunched and head against his chest, the blue pup tries to shut out the horrible thoughts that start to parade through his mind. Will he be stuck here forever? Will Chade come looking for him when he doesn’t come home? Did all the animals that been in the mudslide’s path get to safety too? Despair consumes the pup, closing in on him and drowning the boy in fear. Then, like the sun rising after the long night, a voice calls his name and rekindles his hope. Head shoots up, turning in the direction the voice had called from. For a moment, he holds his breath, not daring to believe help is here. Then, Hikaru’s cloaked form comes into view and tears spring to the pup’s eyes as he calls, “Hikaru! I… I’m stuck! The earth moved.” Angrily he swipes at the tears that are falling from his eyes, cursing his weakness as his friend nimbly makes his way toward the stranded boy.

Hikaru asks if he is okay and Ricin says, “I’m not hurt but Hikaru… what about the animals that live here? Do you think they are okay too?” It is a childish fear, but something he needs to know. Are there others out here that feel as scared as him? Tear-filled eyes look to the to the colorful wolf and Ricin inches closer to the edge to watch Hikaru’s progress. The branches and bark the small wolf gathers and lays out brings his rescuer closer and closer. Everything is so overwhelming and Ricin feels his emotions, shut down. Numbing him so Ricin can survive. His friend asks if there is anything near him that help to make a bridge and the blue pup nods before retreating out of view in search for the needed materials. He finds some branches and, while they are too small for him to traverse, maybe the koi wolf can use them.

Grabbing them in his mouth, the tall pup moves back to he can see Hikaru and lays them on his perch. Carefully, one by one, Ricin grabs the ends of each branch and reaches the out to his friend. With his help, the blue pup manages to help form a small bridge for the koi wolf to make it to him. He steps away from the edge, waiting for the small wolf to join him on the perch When white paws touch the rock, Ricin moves to small wolf and, if his friend allows him, the blue pup will pull in for an embrace. The boy might be taller than the koi wolf but Hikaru is mature, an adult and level headed. And, more importantly, Ricin feels safe in his presence. For a moment, he just stays there, relieved to have been found.

When he pulls away, sad crimson eyes find Hika’s silver gaze and the boy says, “I’m… I’m sorry Hikaru. It… it was scary. Can you help me get home?” Sniffling, the blue pup uses his leg to wipe his nose. Ricin becomes aware that, while the rain is warm, he feels cold and a shiver racks his frame. His mind ignores the shiver, instead latching on the memory that the last time he had seen his koi friend, Chade and Ricin had not been part of Manea’s band. Giving the small wolf a lopsided grin, he says, “I found my home Hikaru. I’ll… I’ll show you. Once we get out of here.” With that, Ricin sets about gathering more branches and things to lay over the muck, ready to be away from this accursed place. Silently, Ricin sends up a prayer to the moon that the animals that had not been able to escape at least passed quickly.

Once the path is laid, Ricin will follow the smaller wolf across the bridge. Carefully, they will work their way over the mud, using the uprooted trees, fallen branches and overturned rocks to finally make their way to safety.

WC: 665
Total WC: 1882
