
Hell Spawn

Skaði I


3 Years
Extra large
05-10-2014, 05:15 PM
The titanic beast would step onto lush lands of a place unknown. He had caught wind of those he knew in these lands, and so sought to seek them out. Were they all still the same? Perhaps so. They were all stubborn and hard headed individuals, an elephant couldn't budge them even if it tried. Deep blue eyes looked out over the plains, soft grass underfoot and scattered trees rising high into the sky within his sights. His pelt gleamed in the light as his muscles rippled with each step, large paws leaving massive imprints in the soil. The autumn heat would bring about the distant rattling of a diamond backed serpent, though judging by the distance it was not near him. He would stop when a lesser serpent slithered across his path, the beast simply staring as it went on its way. He wondered how others felt, being a lesser being. Though he could care less, he was a titan. A superior being to those who stood below him. He cared not who they were or even what they thought.

A few hours would pass, and during that time the beast had lied down to rest while he ate a meal just caught. The elk carcass was devoured for the most part, though a large portion still remained. He would remain here for a short time, if only to relax and gather his bearings. Blood coated the whites of his coat, his chest, muzzle, and paws. And he simply was not one to remain messy. He would clean himself off, his coat soon to be pristine once more in just a few moments. Overhead, the sun rising higher in the sky, the heat bearing down upon his form feeling good, a relief from the journey he made to get here. It was not the end of his walk, for he would continue to search until he got wind and word, even a whisper of those who had left before him.



4 Years
05-17-2014, 07:03 PM

Aislinn had been traveling for many days now, of course forgetting how many. Leaving her dreaded home behind, somewhere back in the forest, Aislinn and her brother, Dusk, had decided to run away for an opportunity for freedom. Dusk had promised her that there is a better life than living as a rogue. He told her of a place of which countless battles had been fought over a great era and countless of years. A place that would give her the freedom she has always dreamed about. She would have to search for a pack.

She had embarked for her quest many sunrises ago, but had only trekked across the great unknown lands. She had found nothing, no hope or light. Perhaps she would never be accepted as a pack wolf, perhaps she would live out the rest of her days as a loner, only dreaming of what she could really do. But the Battlefield was far from here, and she must push on.

The plains were empty. Not a single soul dotted the horizon. Day was falling and it would soon be night. Her paws ached with exhaustion, blood dripping from her worn out paws. Her eyes stung. When was the last time she had rested?
She would have to find somewhere of the vast plains to rest for the night. Hunger clawed her belly and she only dreamed of the most refreshing water slithering down her dried up throat. She picked up her speed, hoping to find somewhere to sleep. She entered a lush forest, with trees that scraped the coal black sky, sparkling with a thousand stars. She rushed ahead, ignoring the pain in her legs and paws, feeling the wind in her paws. She ran across the grass with elegance and speed, as her wide azure eyes blinked to see a a great lake opening in front of her. She skidded to a halt, only to find her paws more bruised and scarred. She thrashed her muzzle into the lake, taking a long and cool drink in the lake. It had been such time since she had come across a plain of such richness of vegetation and food. Maybe she could just live here instead of joining a pack.
Swallowing the remaining water in her mouth, she licked her lips with satisfaction and dipped her blood stained paws into the lake. Feeling the icy water in her paws, she lifted her muzzle and opened her jaws to taste the air. Snow would soon come, wrapping the lands in a thick blanket of white. Wasting no more time in the lake, Aislinn decided to find a suitable home for the night. Her wide eyes scanned the trees, only to find something up ahead. It looked like another wolf, his white pelt shining in the moonlight as he took a massive paw step. He was a muscular wolf, with pure black lines spread across his fur. Catching his scent, he seemed like a rogue, such as her. But she longed for someone to speak and talk to.
"Excuse me, sir, are you alright?", she called out to him, her voice sore and dry, but she said it loudly and clearly, making sure he wouldn't hear the pain and sorrow in her voice.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


05-26-2014, 03:54 PM
The scent of blood touched the girl's nose as she walked along, and she let out a whimper. Dark gray paws carried her closer, and light green eyes flicked around the land quickly, her head and tail raised high. She was a pretty brave wolf, everyone knew that, but even the naive young girl was smart enough to know not to get around two fighting wolves, if they were fighting. But if any wolves needed help, then Mitternacht would. It was in the multicolored girl's nature to help whenever she needed to, where she needed to. For a moment, a single thought ran through her mind, one about her family. What if these two wolves were her parents, would they know where their children was, did they still understand German? After a short hesitation, Mitternacht called out, the language touching her lips and coming out easily, her voice like music.

"Hallo? Sind Sie verletzt? Wenn Sie sind, kann ich Ihnen helfen." Mitternacht ran to the other wolves, only to stop, and tilt her head at the two wolves; if these were her parents, they weren't anything like what she imagined. But she guessed it was okay, so she moved closer, and repeated her question, the German probably confusing the other wolves. But she still continued, expecting them to respond in German. "Mein Name ist Mitternacht, und ich denke, dass ich der Welpe Sie hinter sich gelassen. Wenn Sie meine Eltern sind, dann werden Sie verstehen. Bitte haben Sie Verst?ndnis. Verstehen. Bitte ....... Bitte." Finally, Mitternacht closed her light green eyes, moving closer to the other two wolves. Her green eyes were searching, searching for these two wolves to recognize her, to say one word in German.

1. "Hello? Are you hurt? If you are, I can help you."
2. " My name is Midnight, and I think that I am the puppy you left behind. If you are my parents, then you will understand. Please understand. Understand. Please.......Please."



4 Years
05-30-2014, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2014, 03:34 AM by Aislinn.)

Her jaws were open in a pant, the white beast hadn't heard her, he continued trekking across the grass, as snow gently fell. She wanted to race out to him, but instead she repeated what she had said before.

"Sir, are you alright? Can you please just hear me!" she yelled out once more, her voice deep, dark and mellow. She waited for his response, but patience wasn't on her side today. She couldn't be bothered waiting for a reply. She would simply have to follow him. Preparing to embark in a graceful and swift run, something called to her. It made her stop in her tracks, prick her ears, and listen. Something was calling...speaking. What was it? They were words, of someone's voice. They spoke in a language Aislinn was very familiar with. She recognized the language in an instant, German. Having her parents leave home to find a new home to raise Aislinn and her brother, her parents had come across other rogue wolves that spoke German. Her parents had befriended the German rogue wolves, and they learnt their language. Her parents spoke in German all the time, especially when Aislinn was a pup. She had learnt the language well and spoke without a flaw. But all her pup friends spoke English, and she later forgot German. English had taken over and she never spoke German. Now had come for the ultimate challenge. Could she remember German?
She listened to the words being spoken carefully.
"Hello? Are you hurt? If you are I can help you." Aislinn heard, next translating. She understood clearly.
"My name is Midnight, and I think you are the puppy you left behind. If you are my parents, then you will understand. Please understand. Understand. Please.......Please."
Aislinn could hear the sorrow and a whimper in the wolf's voice. She couldn't dare listen to any more. Breathless, she spun around. She saw a small grey wolf, barely an adult. Her green innocent eyes shone in the gloom through the midnight. She was Midnight.
Ruffling her fur, she held her head high, rising to her full height, claws bared. Her muscular build rippled underneath her long coat as she puffed out her chest with distinction and pride. She didn't know who this wolf was, or if she could trust it. But her mind raced for words. German words.
"Ich bin Aislinn Oaks. Sie m?ssen Mitternacht sein. Sprich, M?dchen, was ist Ihr Streit?" She growled defiantly, hiding her dry and cracked voice, but that voice was probably gone. Her blue eyes flashed with curiosity.
"Parents? The pup you left behind? What is this?" she wondered as she gazed down on the girl.



I am Aislinn Oaks. You must be Midnight. Speak, girl, what is your quarrel?

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]

Skaði I


3 Years
Extra large
06-03-2014, 03:37 AM

The titan continued his journey, though where the path led him was a mystery. He had not heard the voice that first called to him, nor the second. But the third time, he would hear a whisper of it. The giant stopped, cobalt eyes turning to seek out who or what had called to him. And it was not far from where he stood, that two figures stood near each other. Eyes narrowed, who were these strangers and why were they following him? He cared not for who they were, if they were spies he would fight them regardless of age or gender. The behemoth retraced his steps, stopping a few feet with raised hackles at the pair. He heard a bit of a language unknown to him, were they plotting? A low growl left his maw, cobalt pools glancing at one, then the other. "Who are you and why are you following me?" He would utter, voice low yet held a slightly menacing tone. Tail flickered behind his form in agitation. The beast cold to the saddened look in the younger girls eyes. He knew not what the hell they were saying, so why would he sympathize.




4 Years
06-04-2014, 01:33 AM

"Who are you and why are you following me?" Aislinn heard a low growl from behind her. She knew the great man would reply as such, but she couldn't help the devilish grin that came to her, her sharp teeth piercing through her lips. The pathetic puppy could wait, she had more to do than to speak in an odd language she certainly wasn't comfortable in speaking. Tilting her head to the side, she watched as the man had approached her. He was beside her now, glancing down at the grey lump of fur, barely an adult wolf, that spoke of a language that was unfamiliar to him.
"I? One of the Southern Oaks? Following?" Aislinn demanded, sounding amused. She couldn't help but to laugh after, a large smirk coming to her jaw. Her words slipped off her tongue like blood, delicately and smoothly, with her fine, deep and powerful voice. She was cunning with her words, could she perhaps sneak in one of her "tricks" today?
"I would say that this mere pup would be following. I was most certainly on my way through these vast lands, until this pup came along. By what I have heard, of her language that you would not be familiar with, she believes that you and I, could be her missing parents."
She had a charm with her words and beauty, sounding very lady-like indeed. But a lady would certainly be the wrong word to describe her, that was, if this forest was to be stained in red. Watching as a serpent slithered before her, but she caught the hissing pest effortlessly with her right claw, piercing into its thick scales. She watched it with interest as it shriveled up, blood pouring out. Her eyes glimmered wickedly, exchanging glances to Midnight, brave she was to have the guts to even let a word escape her jaw. Next lifting her gaze to the titanic wolf beside her. Letting the night wind engulf her, she stretched her neck before continuing.
"Oh yes, how the hell could I forget to introduce myself? I am Aislinn of the Southern Oaks, but I prefer to go by Aislinn. This puppy is Midnight. " She introduced formally, her gaze open. She couldn't help but to admire the beast's great size and stamina, but she knew nothing of him, and she couldn't be too quick to judge. Yet a thought still creeped into Aislinn's mind. Her, and this unknown stranger, parents to this lost wolf? Ridiculous and outrageous is what her opinion would be normally, but what if this pup is her child, what if she has a forgotten memory?


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]