
A Little Stuck




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

5 Years
Paleo species
01-16-2022, 07:33 PM
Thunder. The sound of thunder began low and far off and the young lioness stopped, turning her piebald face upwards. Rounded ears swiveled, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. Oddly, the longer Taiga stood there, the louder the thunder seemed to get. It was strange and the feline just didn't understand.

Taiga had been skirting the edge of the Frozen Field, keeping the mountains to the side of her. The night sky was bright and full of stars. The feline's wide paws allowed her to walk more easily than some over the snow, but her hefty weight sent those paws crunching through the frozen top layer of snow here and there. She had no real destination in mind and was just walking to hopefully find some place to sleep for the night. Perhaps one of the mountains would have a cave or something at its base. Anything to get out of the frigid, blowing wind for a while. As she curled around the edge of one mountain, that was when the thunder had begun.

A chunk of snow landed on Taiga's shoulder and she frowned. All around her, chunks of snow were hitting the ground. As more began to land on the striped woman, she looked up and her red eyes went wide. The thunder grew to a roar, and with good reason. An avalanche. It was a god damn avalanche and it was coming right for her. Snow and rocks sluiced down the side of the mountain and would soon crash at the bottom. And who was at the bottom? Taiga.

The charcoal and snow feline turned and ran as fast as she could, but no one can outrun an avalanche. The cat was scooped up by the sheer force of it, her body crashing through the river of snow and rocks. She was beaten and bruised, banged up and battered by the time everything came to a halt. She'd lost consciousness as well. How long had she been laying there under the snow? At least some rocks had created a little pocket of air that she had been drawing from. Her whole body hurt, but she needed to get out of there.

Massive paws scraped at the snow and thankfully there was less than a foot of the powder over her. The big cat curled her body, trying to get up before wincing in pain. Pushing the snow away, she noticed that one hind leg was trapped beneath two big stones. It didn't feel broken, but it was very, very sore. The position that she was trapped in didn't allow her much wiggle room to try and get free either. So she lay there in the snow, the stars overhead her only companions, trying to figure out a way to free herself.
Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

5 Years
Large species
01-16-2022, 11:42 PM

Kyren made his way along the frozen plains, walking at a leisurely pace.  So far he wasn’t in love with their current location but after beau’s passing away he, Rannoch, and Oscar had just needed to travel somewhere new.  This place seemed to agree with the sadness of losing their friend.  Beru had been old so it wasn’t as if she’d died before her time but that still had left the sadness that she had died.

He didn’t see a need to stay long though, just a short way out here and he already was imagining something with a bit more green to it.  Kyren glanced to his side or behind to see how his friends were managing.   Kyren paused a moment later as the snow was turning softer and deeper as they moved. Had it snowed recently in this area but not where they had been just a few strides ago?  Avalanche was certainly more likely yet it had been long enough ago that everything seemed settled and still now, nor had he seen any of it.

Kyren took another few steps before he stopped again, nostrils taking deep inhales of air as he caught a scent that would have sent the rest of his kind running.  Cat, of some kind. “Oscar, Rannoch” now he made a real point of looking to his friend, “There’s a cat about.  Keep an eye out.”  The trio might technically be prey but they’d give any one cat a good thrashing.  The question being where was it?  The one problem would be if it attacked them first, “Let’s keep close.” He could smell it but hadn’t spotted Taiga yet.  Maybe one of those snowcats so that it would blend in well here.  




Intermediate Fighter (45)

Advanced Navigator (110)

5 Years
Paleo species
01-21-2022, 07:12 PM
He was finally accepted into a herd, but one that was far more strange than any he had traveled with before. Rannoch was part of a few different deer herds, but none were a mix of different species so much as this. The loss of their matriarch had been a huge blow. She was the glue that seemed to keep the two men together. Rannoch hadn’t known her for very long, but even in the short time it felt like he had lost his mother all over again. She had been a link to his past and his origins that he would never remember or see.

Her memory would live on in the three beasts she left behind. Rannoch had gained a herd because of her, one that included him as a valuable member in their ranks. The young stag followed after Kyren, a monster among caribou but still dwarfed by his yearling height. Both were made for a terra covered in snow, but even the northern reaches melted in the summer. This place shouldn’t have had so much snow right now.

As his snowshoe like hooves fell into soft snow beneath his weight his verdant gaze was looking upwards towards the cliffside. There was a huge mass carved out up the mountain, they were seeing the after effects of an avalanche. Kyren was in the lead, but paused for a moment. Lifting his head not to the peaks above but to the air on the breeze. There was a cat, and it was better to keep a lookout, and close together. Rannoch tread carefully, but they hadn’t gone more than a few paces when she spotted the dark fur in snow, further down the valley.

"There.” He motioned his heavy head towards the massive feline. If he could see, it looked like she was trapped in the snow. Either way he wanted to keep their distance, that was a dangerous beast even with the their three sharp sets of hooves.


Antler Status: Spring: Rannoch's antlers are very visibly growing as the great bulbous branches develop underneath soft velvet.



Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
01-22-2022, 01:16 AM
Oscar is bringing up the rear. While the two big deer are equipped to deal with snowy terrain, the little donkey is not. His hooves punch holes in the soft snow, slowing him considerably and causing curses to flow freely from the little ass’s mouth. The avalanche has turned over the snow, creating pockets of air in between it. Somehow, Oscar seems to find every single pocket. “FUCK!” The grumpy ass’s expletive fills the mostly quiet place as his front hoof sinks deeply into snow. Grumbling, he plows onward, huffing huge puffs of steam at the effort it takes to move a few inches. Kyren calls out from up ahead about a cat and the small donkey rolls his eyes. If there is a cat, he is goner because there is no way he will outrun it.

Rannoch stops at a ledge and surveys the valley below. Huffing and puffing, Oscar moves up next to the kid and promptly sinks into another pocket. “Goddamn it! Why do I find all the holes?! Don’t answer that kid.” Huffing an annoyed sigh, the ass pulls himself out of the dip and grumbles about deer and their ability to walk on snow. Nugget couldn’t care less about the group, sitting fluffed out the donkey’s butt, little talons curled into the ass’s fuzzy. Rannoch spots the cat and Oscar casts his gaze to spot the huge kid had pointed out. For a moment, he just watches, trying to see if there is any movement from the creature. When nothing happens, Oscar flicks his long ears and says, “Well, we got to go help it. Could be injured.”

Casting a glance to both of the deer, he quickly adds, “It’s what Mrs. B woulda done.” With that, the donkey tries to quickly make his way down into the valley and the unmoving mass of fur. “FUCK” and “SHIT” and a few “I HATE SNOW” follow him as he goes, alerting the feline that there is a prey animal getting closer to it. Still, it does not give up. Cautiously, the donkey makes it to the area and clears his throat before saying, “Hey cat. You uh, need any help?” Nugget ruffles his feathers letting Oscar know he doesn’t like this idea. Still, Oscar has to try and do what Mrs. B would. As he comes to a stop a few feet from the tuft of fur, the small ass sinks into a slightly deeper hole and shouts, “DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!” So far today sucks for the small donkey.


Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

5 Years
Paleo species
01-23-2022, 08:01 PM
Voices carried to the feline's sensitive ears on the wind and she ducked down into the little pit in the snow. There was no telling what danger was attached to the voices. Her hind paw throbbed from pain and exposure. The icy snow was taking its toll on her. Yes, she was built for this sort of thing, but she was also able to move to keep warm. Right now, she was stuck in place.

Gradually the voices became louder, though she couldn't quite make out all of the words. She heard a clear "There," then heard some rather loud expletives that brought rounded ears tucking back against her skull for a moment. The crunch of a body moving through the snow drew ever closer and when the culprit showed itself... Taiga was more than a little surprised.

A tiny herbivore looked over the edge at her and... asked if she needed help. The lioness' ruby gaze narrowed suspiciously. "What are you?" She asked first, then followed with, "Why would you offer to help me? I could just eat you once I'm free." Her statement proved that she was indeed stuck. How could such a little thing help her anyway? It looked so weak and frail. Not even a mouthful. Not worth killing, really. She hadn't yet seen the other two from her dip down in the snow.
Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

5 Years
Large species
01-23-2022, 09:31 PM

Rannoch caught sight of the tiger first.  No surprise their right?  He was the giant of the group after all.  Admittedly height wasn’t that important since Kyren could make it out now but it was that first fun thought.  Kyren turned to a slight angle so that a shoulder was facing the direction of the trapped animal, showing his plan including walking away from it.  It shouldn’t have surprised him when his cursing grumbly friend decided to help it.  

He pointed out Mrs.B would have done the same and that might be true but she also had better odds against the beast.  Mrs.B had also had a very kind heart to all in need.  Kyren would label himself a practical sort.  It’s not that he was heartless or that he particularly hated predators but there was a difference between accepting them for what they were and desiring to help one.  Kyren huffed as it would be foolish to think he could stop Oscar.

With a sigh Kyren followed just a bit behind Oscar.  Kyren felt a good amount of reserve for Oscar’s intentions.  A raven was using one of his velvety antlers for a perch, every now and then its wings would extend just a little to keep its balance if one of Kyren’s feet sunk a bit deeper than other strides.

Kyren got closer just in time to hear a rather predictable answer from the tiger.  Kyren grinned, a good means of showing off his saber fangs best, “I imagine if you are stuck there are decent odds you are also injured?  My friend isn’t alone.  Lets have a nice talk where you help me believe you aren’t some sort of bottom-feeding scum that would eat someone who saves you from a rather miserable death.” There was no pity in Kyren for someone who truly would kill someone who saves them first.  So, time to decide if this cat had any sense of honor or at least offer gratitude for the help.  “Convince me and I’ll help get you out as well.”




Intermediate Fighter (45)

Advanced Navigator (110)

5 Years
Paleo species
01-24-2022, 04:15 PM
He really didn’t like that Oscar so blatantly went up to the great cat, and by all rights such behavior should have earned him a place in the feline’s stomach, but as always he was much more intelligent than one would think an ass should be. The cat was obviously trapped, and even using Beru’s memory as cause for approach Rannoch was completely uncertain. He always seemed to be arguing against Oscar about what was natural and not… Helping a killer like this? Ranooch tried to give the donkey the benefit of the doubt.

Oscar was having a hard time with the snow, but with every shouted expletive Rannoch would flinch. He wanted out of here if only to stop the donkey’s shouting. He hesitated with Kyren, but when the reindeer moved forward after the donkey Rannoch was the odd one out. As always the deer was the rational side of the duo Rannoch called his herd. Hard and unyielding Kyren spoke to the cat.

Then Rannoch inched closer, appearing from behind the mound of snow to take in the massive cat. A fear that was genetics deep raced through the massive deer. This wasn’t just a Boreas feline, this was a cave lion. A predator from his home land, a threat he never thought he would see again. Emerald eyes found her ruby gaze, face to face with what should have been his mortal enemy. He wouldn’t have ever expected the pang of empathy that overtook his senses.

Against better judgment he approached closer, cloven hooves sinking into the snow as supports. His uncertainty obvious in the way his gaze darted from her features to where she was stuck. Like he was worried about concentrating too long on getting her unstuck. This would be much easier if his antlers were usable, but if he could only move that stone right there.


Antler Status: Spring: Rannoch's antlers are very visibly growing as the great bulbous branches develop underneath soft velvet.



Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
01-24-2022, 07:02 PM
Oscar is a lot of things; grumpy, stubborn, foul mouthed… yeah, a lot of things. However, there is a reason for the hard exterior the small ass puts forth. It actually hides the soft nougaty center that is the grumpy donkey’s heart. His little herd can often catch glimpses of the softer side, mostly from the way he frets about them and makes sure they find enough food. Perhaps it is foolish to help a predator but the small donkey’s heart still aches from Mrs. B’s loss. He had been with the wooly rhino since he was a colt and losing her had brought the pain of being an orphan screaming back. However, this time he has his herd. Kyren and Rannoch are his family and Oscar would lay down his life for them. So, when the grumpy ass sticks his head over the edge of the hole the big cat is trapped in, the small donkey tries to keep up his gruff front.

The cat is huge, a truly massive specimen of… well, whatever she is. Her ruby narrows suspiciously at him and the donkey quirks an eyebrow at her question followed by a loud braying laugh at her statement of eating him when she gets free. Bobbing his head sagely, Oscar’s thick Irish tones say, “Aye, that you could ma’am. But based on your size, I’d be little more a snack to ya. Not even enough to whet your appetite. Still, can’t stand seeing other’s in trouble. Let’s call it my ‘good deed’ for the day.” Throwing a playful wink to the big cat, he goes on to answer her first question, “Name’s Oscar and I’m, what some call, an ass.” He puffs out his chest proudly while wiggling his eyebrows playful at the cat. Then, Kyren steps up next to him, showing off his saber fangs at the trapped cat.

Looking to large deer, Oscar shakes his head before glancing around to make sure that Rannoch had made it safely down. The huge elk is close behind and pokes his head over the edge to look at the massive cat as well. The quiet elk looks over the cat as the donkey carefully watches the large kid. He is part of their herd now and Oscar feels the need to protect him from the large, scary world. Suddenly, Kyren is speaking of the cat convincing him to help while Rannoch is already moving to dislodge the rocks that trap her paw. Casting the reindeer a glance, Oscar says, “Oi, Kyren. You gonna broker a peace treaty while we dig the lady out?” Quirking an eyebrow, the donkey looks back to cat and says, “Look. If you promise not to eat me, Kyren or Rannoch, we’ll help ya get out. Maybe even find some food that isn’t us. Deal?”

Without waiting for an answer, Oscar slides down into the hole, straightening up to move toward Rannoch. Nugget shoots the cat dirty looks from Oscar’s rump, grumbling under his breath about stupid donkey’s trying to get eaten. Making it to the stuck appendage, Oscar waits to be told how he can help. Long ears flick anxiously as he looks at her trapped paw and bites his lip.


Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

5 Years
Paleo species
01-24-2022, 07:21 PM

As the reindeer arrived and spoke its pompous words, a low growl pulled from the trapped feline. If she wasn't trapped, he wouldn't be so ballsy, she told herself. The growl was a warning to the reindeer, but her attention was soon pulled away by the approach of a familiar face. Well... not so much the face itself, but the creature. She'd eaten his kind before. They were a favorite of her pride. Her former pride, she reminded herself. Being trapped as she was, the cat was at the mercy of these three hoofers. And so, she made herself look as small as possible, sinking into the snow as much as she could. The reindeer and the... ass... weren't enough to kill her, but add in a great elk and, well... it would be better to just play it safe.

The elk stepped forward and began unburying the rocks that had her hind paw trapped. The little horse creature followed suit. The little ass scoffed and called out the reindeer for his attitude and that definitely won the little guy points in Taiga's book. The tiny thing then looked to her and offered a deal. Don't eat them and they'd help her out. Well, agreeing to that was a no brainer. If she didn't accept, she'd stay here and die. There were many other animals in the world that she could eat. She didn't need to eat these three. "Agreed," she rumbled, casting claret eyes to the reindeer once more. That one, she couldn't trust because he wouldn't trust her. She could see clear through the earthen colored horse thing that wore his heart on his chest and the elk seemed helpful, but aloof. She could deal with that.

"My paw is caught. There was an avalanche," she offered the symptom and the cause so they didn't have to ask. Her paw was trapped between some rocks and she would no doubt be sore for a while. "Get me out and I won't eat you." Knowing that she would be lame for a short time, she added, "I might even protect you for a while as thanks." Yes, make it sound like it was to their benefit and not her own.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.