
Tell Me All About It

Rava Healing Seasonal


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
01-17-2022, 01:56 AM
The warm afternoon sun finds the small, monochromatic pup chasing seagulls across the shoreline. For now, life is simple and filled with happy moments for Seere, meaning most of her days are spent exploring and having fun. Right now, the seagulls caw their displeasure at the pup’s attempts to race them, circling and flapping furiously at her. Now, in Seere’s mind, ‘racing’ means she runs towards a group the ornery birds, barking and yipping gleefully, forcing them to take flight. It is a lot of fun, well, to the monochromatic pup it is, and she has spent the majority of the morning playing this exciting game. As the sun reaches its peak in the sky, Seere’s small legs are starting to grow tired and her stomach complains at the lack of food.

Paws slow as the pup casts her eyes back toward the entrance that leads to their den, expecting to find mommy in her place. Mother usually watches her while plays in the sand but the pup’s mismatched eyes cannot find the familiar form. Something stirs in the pup’s gut and it isn’t just hunger. It is a sort of… uneasiness. Like something just isn’t quite… right. So, when her duel-toned gaze does not find her mother’s figure, Seere immediately gives up her fun and games, opting instead to move hastily and find her missing mom. Fear tickles the back of brain, threatening to overwhelm and sink its claws into the small pup. Tiny paws attempt to move faster but, to Seere, it feels like it takes forever.

As the seconds tick slowly by, the fear grows, digging its talons in… deeper and deeper. After what feels like an eternity but, in reality, was only a few minutes, Seere crosses the threshold into the dark tunnel. Skidding to a stop to rapidly blink her eyes to try and get them to adjust faster. Standing in the foyer, the scared pup sniffs the air, in an effort to find the scent that means home and hugs… the scent that belongs to her mother Rava. Once her eyes have adjusted, small paws move down the tunnel to their den, cautiously sniffing the air in hopes the scent will appear. As she makes a turn in the tunnel, the scent finally reaches her nose and the fear melts away.

Calling out to Rava, Seere says, “Momma, momma! Are you okay? Where’d you go?” Paws once more race toward their den and the wolf that is waiting there. Once she arrives, her mismatched eyes find the nebula cloaked form of Rava, hunched over and sad. Quickly, the monochromatic pup darts into her mother’s arms pressing her small body against the strong woman in an attempt to give her comfort. After a moment, Seere tries to capture her mother’s silver gaze with her own duel toned eyes. Once she is looking at the pup, the concerned pup asks, “Mommy what’s wrong? You left so quickly and you’re sad. Did I do something wrong?” Seere then nuzzles into Rava, trying to figure out what is wrong so she can fix it.

WC: 516
Total: 516

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
01-23-2022, 08:07 PM
Many days Rava remained cooped up within the palace because she simply didn’t want to go out and face the world. Plague and Ashen had given her that luxury to decide if she wanted to go out or not. Today she found her way outside hesitantly with the puppies. Who, above anything, encouraged her to be better if only for them. A mother stuck inside, afraid, all day wasn’t healthy for them or for her. She was slower than the quickly growing children, but she trailed after Seere curiously. Wanting to see what she did out here by herself. Rava wasn’t the same as most wolves, things had happened to her to skew her behavior, and part of her wondered if she could quietly learn with the puppies, how to integrate herself back into wolf society.

She did watch Seere for a few minutes, but there were parts of her that still were not healed and today she felt overwhelmed. As her daughter continued her fun Rava quietly made her return to their den within the mountainous cave. No one was here at mid day, it was so hot outside they were either in the ocean or out for lunch… maybe both. She Tried to chuckle at the thought but nothing came out.

The long night hadn’t infected her with the glowing sickness like it had some of the wolves within Ashen, but Rava was not without worry for herself or the new little pups she had been nursing. She could believe that the ordeal was over, that they were through with it, but the lingering effects remained. She wanted to be within the den, hidden away from the world and safe in a home protected by Plague.

Rava lowered herself into the thick bed of furs and comforts, burying herself for a few minutes to get her head back on straight. Rava lowered herself into the bed, and at the same time she could hear Seere’s worried little voice. She lifted her head to see the monochrome child racing towards her. ”Seere,” she comforts the girl softly even as she goes on, seeing past any attempts at hiding the emotions within.

Rava used to have to bury any reaction or emotion for fear of retribution, now it was to spare her little ones the weight she still carried. ”Shh, my dear.” She comforts the tiny girl, wrapping her dark arms around her and holding her to her chest. ”You can’t do anything to upset me, my sweet girl.” She whispered to her as she just held the pup tightly to her. ”...Mommy isn’t like other wolves though. Being out there in the world is not as easy for me as a beautiful soul like you.” Rava told her, scared of her pure heart being corrupted by a world far too cruel and undeserving as an angel like her daughter.

Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
01-26-2022, 03:39 AM
Seere presses her small form into her mommy’s chest, snuggling into the warm embrace Rava gives. Leaning into her mother, the monochrome pup listens as the nebula wolf speaks, puzzling over the statement that mommy isn’t like other wolves. Tilting her head back, mismatched eyes search for Rava’s silver gaze. The pup tilts her head to the side as she says, “I know you’re not like other wolves, momma. You’re better! I mean, we love you mommy. Dad and dada love you too! That makes you better… right?” Seere’s view of the world is limited but, to her, the world is measured by the way you help and love others. Momma has so many wolves that love her, so that means she amazing… right? Either way, the small pup thinks the world of her mom and stretches as tall as she can to give her mommy a kiss.

Once given, she settles back on her haunches, leaning further into Rava’s chest. After a moment, Seere says, “I’m sorry you are sad mommy. Is there I anything I can do to make you happy? Do you need a hug?” Draping her small frame over one of Rava’s legs, the pup rolls over onto her back and looks up at her mommy. Legs spread as she relaxes, small, round belly becoming fully exposed as the pup smiles happily at her mom. Her small tail wiggles as she waits to hear what her mommy needs.

WC: 242
Total WC: 1256
"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
02-05-2022, 07:08 PM
Rava sighed softly and settled in as Seere snuggled against her chest so lovingly and so innocently. Something about her love was the best medicine of all. She’d never known something as incredible as this. This life, her children, her second chance… was all thanks to Plague. Seere’s affection warmed her heart as the girl buried herself into Rava’s fur. The once slave grinned, content in that moment and wishing that it could last just a little longer. She showed much more knowing than her age would lead on as her understanding showed through in her sweet words.

She chuckled lightly at Seere’s words. ”I love you too, Seere.” She avoided answering the real question about if she was better, because deep down Rava couldn’t say that honestly. She didn’t think she was better, and most of her traits were not desirable. That she had found such happiness… Rava grinned as Seere offered a kissy face and the woman didn’t hesitate to kiss her child.

Feeling quite comfortable and warm, like home really, Rava never knew such happiness. Seere was the cherry on top of her day, and Rava smiled to herself as the little girl, who looked so much like her father, settled into her arms. She wanted snuggles and needed affection as much as Rava. It was something she never knew was so vital. ”Don’t worry about me, dearest heart.” She told her softly as she nuzzled the top of her daughter’s head. ”I always love hugs though.” She said even as Seere flopped over on her back to reveal her belly. Rava reached down and kissed the fur there before ticking her.

Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.