
Stepped out of bounds


05-12-2014, 04:25 PM

I Turned With Doubt But Saw You
Blood ran thick, or thin as far as he was concerned. He came here searching for his fathers lost children, except of course he had been the lost one as far as they were concerned since he had lived here. Draught looked nearly nothing like his father besides for his black stained paws and under stripes of his tail, along with those purple eyes plastered into his orbs, his brother looked more like Kaios but who knew where he had gone since Draught had been adopted by the royal family of Kar. Regardless he was here now with his diseased mind in tow, there were bugs crawling on these hill but he had long since learned to ignore his hallucinations.
His paw would come to crush one of the many bugs, as it screeched and writhed in pain yet he still sat expressionless until it died. Perhaps tracking his fathers scent had not been a good idea. Not that he gave a shit about others opinions, he was a cold hearted bastard whom loved to betray and kill things when he could get his paws on them. The white flecks under his eyes moved as his eyes twitched slightly walking forward crushing bugs as he went. Though only he could see or hear the monsters. With their ugly faces and tails, a result of his mental state one long since gotten used to.

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W.A. of GS