
Careful It’s Carnivorous




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-19-2022, 10:27 PM
Relm carefully slunk her way back to camp after all was said and done, the throbbing in her back growing stronger and heavier with each step forward and to her destination. She was sure Manea and Alastor wouldn’t be far behind her with Alastor’s own wounds and some of Manea’s from their fight. She knew she just wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible for that reason.

Usually she wouldn’t have sought help on her own, and she wasn’t at first until she settled. She couldn’t see the marks that trailed down her back and she was starting to go numb now from the pain. She was a whole bloody mess, the mixture of her own with Kefka’s blood she was laid in and even some of Alastor’s.

Making her way to the den, she called out quietly as she had the first time only to someone different this time around. "Ir-Irilyth?" She was a lot less anxious physically than she was when she had called Alastor’s name. But of course she was eager to get looked at and be on her way.




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-19-2022, 11:52 PM

Irilyth spent most of her days tending to the Mendacium family den now that the twins were getting older and bigger, becoming more independent and requiring less supervising than when they had been chunky little balls of puppy. It freed up almost all of her time for menial tasks, daily upkeep of the alpha family's den, and maintaining her supply of healing herbs and medicines. Being Elysium's only healer, she was kept constantly busy whenever anyone in the band got injured or fell ill. Never in all her life did Irilyth expect to have wound up being a nanny or housekeeper to an alpha pair. Every leader she'd ever belonged to had always used her for more... sordid purposes. And while Alastor did often use her in those ways, her Mistress Manea did not. It confused and confounded the small blonde woman, but she wouldn't complain about her lot. After all, she had everything she ever needed with Elysium.

The diminutive woman had been mixing some yarrow extract to use as an astringent when she heard the voice of Relm at the mouth of the den calling for... her? Irilyth's raspberry red eyes narrowed in confusion, but she was quick to rise and respond, a reflex learned from a lifetime of subjugation and servitude. Slipping gracefully out of the den, she was greeted by the horrific sight Relm was: caked in blood and clawed to hell. "Oh, goddess...!" she gasped under her breath, ushering the girl gently inside the den. "Come, dear, come. We'll get you sorted right away." Irilyth beckoned Relm to follow her, leading the much larger lady over to her small sleeping nook carved off away from the main chambers of the den. Instantly, the nuanced healer began to gather up a yarrow extract she'd fabricated earlier, as well as some meadowsweet and horsetail.

The golden blonde woman handed the sprig of meadowsweet to Relm. "Here, chew this. It won't taste good, but it'll help with the pain." If Relm wasn't stinging from the cuts across her back and around her hips already, she would be once Irilyth began to treat her injuries. "What happened to you, dear?" she asked in passing while she applied some of the yarrow extract to a piece of lamb's ear to use as a sponge of sorts. She then began applying the astringent to the cuts, which would no doubt sting as the antiseptic properties of the yarrow and alcohol cleansed the cuts and began the clotting process to close them up.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-20-2022, 09:52 AM
Relm was reluctant to come in after Irilyth greeted her. She had almost asked if they could go somewhere else but didn't want to raise suspicions or just act weird.

She limped carefully forward into the den and into her own corner, laying down when given the meadowsweet to chew on. She silently refused it, hoping that Irilyth was too busy examining her to notice. She was too stubborn for her own good though maybe her acting tough was making up for something. But no, she was really much tougher than average. Of course there was the hidden part of her that desired something to fill the void. She didn't know it entirely herself.

"I'd just like you to hurry up." Relm was less than blunt or pushy, but maybe that was in the way to tell Irilyth she didn't want to talk about it. "Please." Irilyth started working on the cuts driven down her back which stung a little at first, but soon Relm was grunting and digging her weight and claws into the ground below her. The meadowsweet beside her, she still didn't consider taking Irilyth's initial advice. Maybe she was actually punishing herself in some way.




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-20-2022, 11:04 PM

Relm's reluctance to come in to be examined didn't escape Irilyth's attention, but she didn't press the issue, since the larger girl did limp her way in and settle into a corner. The golden blonde fae frowned while she looked over Relm, realizing from the lingering scent of Alastor all over her what had most likely happened. She didn't recognize the scent of another male on her though, but she assumed that since Alastor wasn't in here being treated, he'd likely seen to the other brute and that's where all the blood had come from. Though she hadn't noticed Relm not take the meadowsweet at first, she did spy the sprig of little white flowers off to the side when she came back to clean the wounds on Relm's back, her frown deepening.

The terse and curt demeanor of Relm wasn't wholly unexpected, given how she was and what she'd likely just experienced. Irilyth gave a wordless nod and continued to work silently. "Please take the meadowsweet," she urged Relm gently. "This will be less unpleasant if you do." The tiny healer continued to clean Relm's slash wounds until she'd covered the larger wolf's back in the yarrow extract. She then grabbed the horsetail and snapped the stalks open, scooping out some of the goopy, sticky residue within and rubbing it carefully over the cuts to help bind and seal them. Relm would feel sticky for a few minutes, but as the horsetail dried, her wounds would be closed and allowed to heal properly.

With the injuries to her outside dealt with, Irilyth cautiously turned her attention towards Relm's hind end, which was noticeably tucked away from her in the corner of her nook. This was not going to be easy. She sighed and sat back on her haunches, looking to her headstrong patient with trepidation. "Will you let me finish examining you, Relm?" she asked, her unspoken specificities implied. "Do you... require more contraceptives?"




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-21-2022, 12:07 AM
Relm only flashed Irilyth a look as she nearly begged her to take the meadowsweet. She couldn’t say she didn’t consider it this time, but no. She still refused. She was much larger and probably stronger than the healer, though probably not like this. She wouldn’t have laid down and let the woman force it in her mouth though.

Irilyth continued, the pain in the after care was far worse than the making. And Relm had really started to rethink her decisions. But somehow the pain in battle, being bit and clawed up was like a high for her. She didn’t like to be touched generally, even the slightest touch in passing. And hadn’t liked what Alastor did to her, and not now with Irilyth treating her. She suffered through the worst of the pains, and she would pick herself back up mentally afterwards like nothing had happened.

With a quiet and heavy breath, Irilyth had finished her work but worried more about what Relm refused to speak about. Relm’s back legs shifted and tucked under her belly, she assumed a clear sign of not wanting Irilyth to look further. "No." she stated bluntly to needing contraceptives. But her eyes left the small healer shyly as she gave it more thought. She had been mentally present with Alastor, she knew Manea had stopped him before he was able to finish. But she was completely out of her body when Kefka had her. She sighed closing her eyes and wondering if she even had to worry about contraceptives. "Can..." Relm was incestual of Kefka and Agria, and she didn’t know of the cursed possibilities that could have brought on her. Without Alastor over her shoulder, she questioned, "My father was my mother’s son so do I really have to worry about that?" her voice was edged on irritated. She genuinely wanted to know but she was also ready to get up and get out of Manea and Alastor’s den before they made it back here.




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-21-2022, 12:50 PM

The look Irilyth received from Relm was read loud and clear. Do not push her boundaries. Irilyth averted her raspberry optics from Relm’s and simply proceeded with what was expected of her. The pink woman snapped back abruptly that she didn’t need any contraceptives and the sandy servant woman flinched back, a reflex developed from a lifetime of expecting a sudden strike accompanied by the curt words. It never came though, so she relaxed again and nodded. "Understood, miss." Relm obviously did not want her to treat her further, and while the healer was deeply concerned for her physical state beyond the noticeable wounds, it was ultimately none of her business.

Just as Irilyth began to pack up her medicines and supplies again, Relm spoke, albeit somewhat hesitantly, as if she were physically struggling to get the words out. What she did eventually say shocked Irilyth, but beyond a surprised flutter of her eyelids, the blonde fae gave no reaction. Again, it was none of her business. Relm’s incestuous origin did bring up questions about her health and other underlying conditions, but there was one more pressing in her mind. "Um, y-yes, any virile male would be able to impregnate a female, especially one in heat," she began to explain, averting her gaze so as not to make the moment more awkward than it felt for both of them. "There may be some additional… difficulties with mixing familial blood, but it is possible." Relm was living proof of that fact.

Without asking any further questions or needing prompting from Relm, Irilyth returned to her medicines and fished out another extract of silphium. With the sexual encounter so recent, she wouldn’t need something as strong as the Queen Anne’s lace extract she’d used before to prevent pregnancy. She placed the bottle of clear liquid down near Relm, then slid back away again. "Just in case, if you want." She couldn’t smell anything on the girl, so she didn’t think her attacker had reached climax, but she didn’t want to take any chances with implied incest puppies on the table. Whether Relm took the contraceptive then and there or took it with her to the privacy of her own den, Irilyth dismissed her with a simple nod before returning to her work distilling more medicines for the band.
