
Listen to the Music


05-09-2014, 07:52 PM

The large brute gently stepped around the edge of the pond, staring with interest at the creatures that rested there. It was a calm day, and the air was still, but it was far from silent. Songbirds flooded the air with their lullabies, and a few large geese honked in a chorus or two. It was fairly noisy, and Series wasn't sure if he liked it. At the very least, the geese would have to go. With a mischievous smirk, the massive boy ran into the water, kicking up waves and mist. Instantly the geese began to cry out indignantly, taking flight with a flutter of wings.

Joining the noise was a loud stream of laughter. Series felt the joy surging in his chest as the cool water crept up his legs. His dandelion eyes watched the birds disappear into the sky, and then he stopped running and just stared, that grin still on his face. If only he weren't alone today. He felt like finding a friend to play around with. Series just wanted to let loose.


Hermes I


05-10-2014, 02:56 PM

Crisp and clear the air flowed through the brutes lungs bringing him the alertness he needed for this little journey. He'd taken ill some time ago but now he was back to full health and anxious to get back his old strength and so he'd gone a wandering. Litle, muscular form rippled under his pelt that was tinted just the slightest shade of gold. Bright red eyes peered ahead as he took in the sights and sounds of the estuary that was bursting into life.

Ears flicked forward as a bubble of laughter caught his attention. Splashing? Perhaps someone else was here? Eager and curious for company Hermes made his way in the direction of the sound to find a handsome male, slightly older than himself playing in the water much like a pup would. Head cocked to the side he spoke. "So joyous! What lifts your spirits so stranger? And what is your secret?"


05-10-2014, 09:30 PM

The loud, annoying birds had flown away all at once. Now Series was left alone in the water, grinning up at the sky. Beautiful birds continued to sing in the background. He had just begun to turn and leave the swampy water when a voice sounded through the jumble of songs. It was a male voice, he realized as it met his ears. "So joyous! What lifts your spirits so stranger? And what is your secret?"

The words this stranger spoke only caused another bright laugh to enter the air. Series felt his smile widen even more, his damp tail dancing in the air. "Good day to you, sir," he greeted, bowing low enough to dip his chin into the water. The laughter continued to pass his lips, free and open. "I will tell you that I have no secret. Happiness comes naturally to some. Others must find it for themselves."

The sandy brute stepped a bit deeper into the water, abandoning his original plan to leave. He smiled once more at the other male and spoke, "Come find a little happiness, friend. What's your name, by the way?" Series Destruction let his golden gaze shine, welcoming the black and grey boy into the water with him. This would be so much more fun with company.


Hermes I


05-10-2014, 10:14 PM

Hermes felt his heart lift slightly as the other turned to him with a smile and a laugh. He could not remember meeting such a contented wolf. Ruby eyes lingered on the handsome,toned frame of the man before him, stopping at the curious markings that rested under the males eyes. Now those looked an awful lot like the markings that the Ludicael alphess bore as well as the young female that had challenged him? and Virgil's unwitting rapist. Was it possible they were connected? It was hard for him to imagine with how jubilant this male was.

Hermes offered a smile and nodded. "Aye to that. I find happiness a bit harder to find but I will join you." He slipped smoothly into the water. It was a bit chilly on this autumn day but the sun was beating down and offering some warmth. "I am Hermes Olympus of the Olympus clan and who might you be? I don't mean to pry but are you by chance related to the Queen of Ludicael? She is marked similarly to you."


05-11-2014, 07:46 PM

Series Destruction continued to grin. Yes, he was particularly jubilant today. But what could possibly be wrong with that? This other male certainly didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to enjoy the happiness that sang in the air around him. His russet ears twitched as the other male spoke, agreeing to join him in the cold water. "It is a bit chilly at first, but believe me, it will lift your spirits in no time." His tail wagged joyfully again, this time releasing a spray of icy water. He brought the appendage to a halt immediately, not wanting to irritate the stranger.

But he would no longer be a stranger as he introduced himself. His name was Hermes Olympus, from the Olympus clan. This was not a pack the man had heard of, so he tilted his head politely in question. "Oh? And what lands do you call home?" The silence that followed did not last long, for Hermes spoke up again. The sandy brute answered his words with another bright smile, though the final question gave him pause. Another Destruction, perhaps? One that he did not already know about? He would have to look into it. "My name is Series Destruction. It is my pleasure to meet you, Hermes. To answer your question, I know not of this Ludicael Queen. But I will have to see her for myself." After this Series would give a slight nod and wade a bit deeper into the refreshing water. The birds were still singing. It was a wonderful day for a swim.

Like a pup, the large male bounded toward his acquaintance and away again, possibly humiliating himself in the process. But he had company now, and he wanted to play. It was healthy to relax and let loose now and then, after all. He tucked his chest low to the ground in a youthful bow, daring Hermes to chase him as he dove into the coolness of the water.


Hermes I


05-14-2014, 08:08 PM

Hermes just avoided the splash from the wagging tail. Ok? this stranger was a bit odd. He really wasn't sure what was so great about freezing one's balls off in the water but he'd go along with it for now. "I'm from Olympus" he answered softly. Still uncertain how to feel about the other until the stranger spoke. His fur bristled at the mention of the name Destruction. Well that explained it the oddness. He'd yet to meet a Destruction he felt was right in the head. Must be from inbreeding.

Hermes over all mood soured at learning the mans name and a complex mix of emotions flooded his mind. A Destruction had raped their queen and defiled her. Some sick-in-the-head, inbred was of space named Anthem. Thankfully after a heated debate the Queen had admitted her error and proceeded to castrate the little beast.

He relaxed a bit for Series truly did not seem to know the Ludicael queen. "Her name is Song Destruction we? had a difficult meeting. One of her family harmed one of ours quite terribly?" his voice trailed off.

Series bounded away like a puppy and Hermes cocked his head to the side. Were all Destructions caught in the throes of adolescence? He eyed the male for a moment more before shrugging and throwing caution to the winds. Fur and hackles raised and with a bark he barreled for the other male, front legs coming down hard in the water to try and splash the other.


05-16-2014, 03:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 03:49 PM by Series.)

Series would listen once more to the man as he spoke, ears leaning to show genuine interest. "So... you're Hermes Olympus of the Olympus clan, and you live in Olympus?" The sandy boy feigned a look of confusion, still smiling at the other male. "That's a lot of Olympuses." He would laugh jovially, still dancing in the water like a child. Honestly, what had gotten into him? The spray glittered in the sunlight around him, causing him to grin once more. Then he heard the noises of his pursuer. Hermes would leap forward, slapping down his forelegs in an attempt to splash the other wolf.

He would laugh loudly again, moving his head just enough to dodge part of the water. It soaked his right ear and part of his face, but the coldness of it still did not bother him. "It's nice to see that you can loosen up, my friend," he called out shortly before turning about and kicking a load of water toward the man's face. "But you'll have to do better than that!"

As to his words about the Ludicael Queen, Series Destruction did not respond. It was no business of his what the tension might have been between the two packs, and he didn't care either way. He simply filed the information away in his mind and made plans to meet with his relative soon.
