
remind me to find my own [ASHEN MEETING]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
02-09-2022, 09:17 AM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2022, 09:19 AM by Venom. Edited 3 times in total.)
Venom made her way away from the usual meeting place in the Shrine, so much had changed so fast that she felt wrong sitting on her pedestal without Hattori. That was by far the largest topic she needed to address with the pack. By now she was sure most had deduced just what happened to their Shogun though she hadn’t spoken to many about it yet. His disappearance wouldn’t have been secret for very long. Venom would have answered any questions honestly to this point but now was the time to make things clear. To challenge the obstacles ahead, and to persevere as they had always done no matter how painful the task ahead was.

She made her way to Nephilim island, it was smaller but more central to all of the pack. There was a small gathering place around a campfire that Venom found appropriate. She would stand on the same level ground as the rest of the pack today. A symbol of her equality with them in the decisions to come. Venom sighed softly as she took a central position. She looked around for a moment, collecting her thoughts and words before tilting back her head and calling for the pack to join her.

The Empress lifted her head, no matter the difficulty she faced, this was where she belonged and she was far from relinquishing her responsibilities. Venom waited patiently for everyone to gather.


Dove Island Archipelago / early evening / warm
first round due by: 2/20
[Image: ven-sig.png]



2 Years

Mammoth Hunter
02-09-2022, 09:34 AM

Panic wasnt late to arrive, eyes cold, distant, empty of any emotions, face straight staring at the empress in silence. Herself had been through loss, abandonment from her mother and what she though of her brother leaving her behind aswell. She didnt need no one, she was done of taking crap from everyone. But she knew very well she wasnt going to let others step over her feelings, she would rather kill them than accepting that. She took a seat, with a confident posture, she was ready to show everyone who the fucking wolf she was and could be. She was aware of the recent inactivity from their so called Shogun,who's she blamed for her mother's departure in the first place. She began to guess he was gone. For good she hopped.

"the talk"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
02-09-2022, 10:09 AM
Ike wasn’t as angry or hurt as her mother or siblings might have been about their father leaving. Part of her hurt, dark whispers told her she just wasn’t good enough for Hattori to stay, that he needed more than what his pack and family could ever give him. The other part of her tried to reason that he was the one that relinquished his claim, he was the one that left, he was the weaker one… Ike felt heavy under all of her thoughts and reasonings, but none of it would change the fact their family was now broken. She tried to throw herself into her training, the yearling wasn’t sure she had ever worked so hard. Any sign of the carefree girl that had been hinted at around her first birthday was gone. Given her lofty rank that she didn’t think she deserved and the self-defeating thoughts as Hattori turned his back on them left Kiyohime stoic and cold. Despite the support all around her Ike kept her feelings to herself.

When her mother called the young princess dropped the little spar she was having with Tanto. She turned towards the island without a word to the small dog, she trotted towards the meeting as he turned back towards the palace. Silently she arrived, crossing the land bridge with ease as she found her place next to her mother. Having the second highest rank in Ashen would never feel right, especially when she very nearly tripped herself when she sat down. Thankfully there weren’t too many wolves here yet, the last thing she wanted was to humiliate herself in front of the whole pack.

Mismatched ears fell to her skull and she looked down at her paw, not at all her usual self and failing to hide the face completely.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-09-2022, 12:31 PM

As much as Plague wanted to spend every moment of every day with his young children, after he received the news of their former Shogun’s abandonment he had thrown himself back into looking after the pack. He wanted Venom to feel as if things here were taken care of so that she could have the space to grieve and breathe for at least a moment. It was hard balancing being the father he wanted to be and still supporting his sister and their pack, but he was lucky to have Void and Rava beside him to more than fill in the gaps for their pups when he couldn’t be there.

He was just on his way back from a patrol when he heard Venom calling them for a meeting so he hurried forward to find her—with a bit of caution to make sure he didn’t trip himself. As the surprising crystal talons started to make their appearance he suddenly had a greater appreciation for his sweet Ike and how often she was tripped up on her own. It had certainly taken some adjustment and he still found himself tripped up on them from time to time.

He slowed as he neared the clearing, seeing that only Ike and Panic had arrived before him. He walked over to press his nose to each of their cheeks affectionately before he moved a short distance away to sit down as well. He briefly considered sitting on the opposite side of Venom, but he didn’t want to be presumptuous and also knew he’d have his own partners and children gathered around him shortly so he wanted to leave space for them when they arrived.

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
02-09-2022, 02:12 PM

Iki was past angry and had become somewhat numb to the entire ordeal. Not having a father had become the norm and she was used to it now. The pale princess had been teaching herself how to live without him and... surprisingly... it was easier than she'd imagined. Really, what had he ever done for them anyway? Nothing that she couldn't do herself, that was for sure.

When her mother called for them, Ikigai made her way in that direction. Others were already there and she gave them a cursory glance before moving forward and seating herself next to Ike. She gave her sister a little shoulder nudge and sat tall, all of her attention on the Empress. Venom hadn't shared her thoughts and Iki didn't know what this meeting would be about, but she was anxious to know what changes would come on the tail of the former shoguns departure.

| "Tanuki" | "Ikigai" | "Willa" |
[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
02-09-2022, 06:45 PM
The monochrome pup was out wandering the shoreline when Venom’s call had reached her ears. Quickly the family had moved toward Nephilim Island, Rava and Void doing their best to herd the pups onward. Seere is loping slightly ahead the small herd and so, she arrives at the meeting first of the group. Small tail wags happily when she sees Auntie Venom and she quickly sprints up to give her aunt’s leg to give it a huge hug. Head tips back and she offers Venom a bright, happy smile before spying her dad in the crowd.

With a small squeal of delight, Seere rushes over to Plague and weaves through his legs a couple times before settling on one of his large paws. Mismatched eyes look over the other wolves and Seere tilts her head back to whisper loudly, “Dad what is going on? Is everything okay?” Worry tugs her features into a frown as she looks up at her dad. She waits there with her family as even more wolves continue to arrive.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



4 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 3 Worship
02-09-2022, 06:57 PM

A call came, one from Venom. Cy wouldn't necessarily say she was settling into pack life well, but it could have been worse. Things were still strange here, and there was a sense of decorum that she just didn't get. Oh well, things would come with time... right? They should come with time. That, and there were others around that would notice if she say, fell and got hurt when she was exploring. They'd know, and come after her.

She hoped.

It was mostly just hope that kept her together, these days. Hope and pride. Cyanide was a strong creature, and nothing would shake or challenge that. She knew who she was. That was enough to keep her going. The wraith headed in the direction that the alpha had called from, casting a glance about the group as soon as she was near enough. Fuck, Oki wasn't here yet. Neither was Celeste. Without the buffer of familiarity between herself and the unknown, Cy didn't really know how to react or where to put herself. Decisions, decisions. She settled to a careful seat on her haunches at the back of the group, figuring she'd move if someone told her otherwise. Yeah, good enough. What did Venom need from them, anyway?

[Image: f8y68ba.png]
[Image: aOnym4W.gif]



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
02-09-2022, 09:00 PM

Pontifex found work wherever he could lately, keeping himself busy to avoid facing the gut wrenching emptiness of the shrine house he was restoring. The ache in his ears and nose from the fresh piercings that Pollux had recently applied with his deft little fingers still lingered as he worked, but for the most part it was a useful pain. It grounded him, reminded him of reality. He was slathering mud over the foundation of a new wall he was adding to the old building when Venom's summons rang out through the alabaster woods beyond. A frown creased his brow, and the yearling hastily wiped his paws on the lush summer grasses. A wordless yip summoned his companions as he moved at a steady lope through the trees around the shrine and towards the coast.

Standing on the beach, he could see a gathering of wolves had already begun to grow on one of the smaller islands of the archipelago. Hallux took to the wing as he crossed the land bridges with Pollux clinging to the silken tresses of his ruff. It was strange to see his aunt standing at the head of the pack without the imposing shogun at her side, and suddenly he found himself slowing to an ambling pace. He hadn't gone to visit with his aunt since he'd started to settle back in. Did she hold his mother's actions against him? Was he to face punishment at her paw, now that the shogun was gone? Two toned eyes sought the familiar, delicate bodice of his pale cousin. Sidling up beside Ikigai, he offered an affectionate nudge to the side of her slender neck with the end of his snout before skirting the outer edges of the small group to seat himself. It felt... wrong to join the general masses. He was no longer Abraxas by name, he was no more to the pack than any of the common wolves they had accepted into their ranks.

Tucking his tail lightly against his hip and pressing his slim forepaws against one another, he pushed his narrow shoulders back as he reclined upon the sands. Lifted his tapered skull high, cast his attention towards the Empress. If he kept his expression neutral, he wouldn't risk betraying his own anxiety. It would keep him safe from prying eyes and persecution from the others... right?

"Pontifex" || "Hallux" || "Pollux"

Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
02-10-2022, 09:00 AM

Moping was what she had done as of late while her fur continued to grow back. The new development of her tail coming in longer with finer fur was interesting and secretly, she loved it. At the time of Venom's echoing call across Ashen, Celeste had been sitting alone, admiring the looks of her tail. Curled around her with the end in one paw, she sighed softly to herself. Figuring that she should probably go see what the news was about, she looked to companion to follow her.

Setting off in the direction of the call, her nose took her toward a smaller island where she could see the flicker of a campfire. Hm, it appeared not quite as serious as the sullen howl of Venom had sounded. Approaching the growing circle of wolves, Celeste's aquamarine eyes sought out someone she knew to sit with. Her first reaction was disappointment when she didn't see the behemoth body of Oki. Odd that he hadn't yet shown up to his own mother's call. Furrowing her brow as she drew closer, her expression would soften slightly when she noticed Cyanide sitting by herself.

While her feelings for the girl were still a little tense as they undoubtedly would have to get to know each other, she still wanted to be near familiarity. Walking around the group until she reached Cyanide, Celeste's attention turned toward Venom for a moment. She would have to thank the Empress at some point for taking her in and providing safety within Ashen. With a gentle dip of her slim face in Venom's direction, she then turned to glance over at Cy. Taking a seat near the girl, she reached out to bump her nose against the girl's shoulder. "Sorry I'm late," she whispered with a small smirk before turning her attention back to Venom.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipAll Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
Ooh La LaOverachieverSnake EyesHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! VengeancePride - Bisexual
Mammoth Hunter
02-10-2022, 01:02 PM

Fashionably late, Kuroki rocked up onto the scene in a causal jaunt, seawater dripping from his coat as he came to a standstill. Standing just in front of Iki and Pontifex, he made a point of shaking out his coat as violently as possible, spraying beads of water everywhere just because he could. Thoroughly pleased with his impish antics, he shot Iki a sly grin before he moved over to Ike to give her shoulder a playful shove. He knew she was clumsy and that if he pushed too hard she'd probably fall ass over tit, so he was gentle. Kinda.

Knowing full well the big shots would shoot him a sour look if he kept acting out, he sighed dramatically and made his way over to Cel and Cy where he flopped down onto his side. Like he'd been dropped from a great height, legs splayed and as uncouth as could be.  Meetings were the worst, but from the looks of it this was probably gonna be a serious one. Better listen well and all that, yadda yadda.

"Did you miss me?" He tipped his head back, eying Cy and Cel upside down. He'd been roaming about the past few days and only just gotten back. Oh how they managed without him, he didn't know.

[Image: jCtsUWy.gif]


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
02-10-2022, 11:46 PM

Stolas had never been to a pack meeting before. When Aunt Venom's call went out across the archipelago, the pup had been playing out on the beach in the sand, enjoying the bright and sunny summer weather. Red and black ears pricked up to hear the Empress' call, at first hesitating while he wondered if he needed to be in attendance. But Venom's call had been for all the Ashen wolves, and that included himself, so the boy began to make his way over to Nephilim Island, crossing the land bridge and following familiar scents until he had located the meeting of Ashen's denizens. They were gathered around an old campfire spot, with Venom seated at the head of the meeting. He saw his father and sister already here as well and made his way over to join their little group, no doubt waiting for the rest of their family to show up as well.

"What's going on, Dad? What's Aunt Venom doing?" he asked his massive sire while he took a dutiful and posture perfect seat up against Plague's forelegs, his dark nebulous coat almost a perfect contrast to Plague's snow white. His dark gray eyes slowly moved about the faces of the other wolves in his pack, many of whom he hadn't met yet.

"Stolas Abraxas-Destruction"


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
02-16-2022, 02:36 PM

When their aunt called for the pack Sitri went looking for his parents, finding Void and Rava near the palace. He didn't see Plague anywhere and he frowned as he followed his mother and other father to where the meeting was being held, thinking to himself that they should wait for Plague to walk with them too. But when they got there he found Plague already sitting with some of the others that had gathered as well. His frown was easily replaced by a grin as he hurried over to join him, settling between Plague and Rava and leaning into his mother's side. Seere and Stolas already questioned their pale father on what was going on so he kept his questions to himself, instead just waiting to see what the answer would be and looking around at the other wolves of the pack they hadn't met yet. They didn't venture off of the palace island that much so seeing so many other wolves was weird to him. His gradient gaze took it all in curiously while he waited to see why Aunt Venom had called them all here.

"Sitri Abraxas-Destruction"



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
02-17-2022, 06:28 PM
The days spent raising his children alongside their mother and his husband was like some dream he never knew he’d wanted come true. Void changed so much since the first time he met Plague. It was still hard to believe how far they had come. From deciphering their feelings to one another, and wondering if they should even be together, to finally being married and having a family. None of it should have happened, yet here they were.

He was with Rava and the children when he heard Venom’s call. Though Plague was out patrolling he would help the little red marked woman and their pups to their very first meeting. This would be Void’s first time at an Ashen meeting himself. He grinned at the thought of sharing this experience with their children and happily herded them all towards the meeting place.
Seere, Stolas, and Sitri raced forward to meet Plague who had already arrived, and made Void grin as he watched father greet his children. Void couldn’t really imagine a more endearing sight than Plague with their children.

Void went slow, and helped Rava over to Plague’s side, sandwiching her between the two of them. He kissed the children’s foreheads, Plague’s cheek, and nuzzled Rava encouragingly before his attention returned to Venom.

"Void Abraxas-Destruction"



Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
02-17-2022, 06:53 PM
Rava was completely at home in the palace and their little collection of rooms. Raising their puppies and learning to live. She felt like she was experiencing the world for the first time just like they were. However, she was more hesitant to expose herself to the world. Seere was the most sensitive to her mother’s deficiencies, but Rava was trying to work on herself. She had to be better because those innocent little faces looking up at her deserved a mother who was more than slave or a wild woman.

So she steeled herself at the call for all of the pack and she let Void’s presence give her strength. Rava helped lead their puppies to their very first meeting. They always made her smile no matter the situation so as Void guided her to Plague’s side she tried to focus on their innocent joyful children instead of the other wolves around them. Despite knowing full well none of them would cause her harm she couldn’t fight her instincts. Rava leaned heavily into Plague’s arm and peeked from beneath her hood at Venom.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.



3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022All Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantMammoth Hunter
02-18-2022, 12:30 AM
Malachai hadn't failed to notice that Grim hadn't returned to their den in some time, he was a little irritated by it but for the time being, he wasn't too worried. Grim was probably just brooding over the fight they'd had and he would give the other young man time. He perked slightly as he heard his cousin calling for them, the boy shrugged and rolled his shoulders. He approached the island, easily making the swim from the mainland. He also hadn't failed to notice the shogun had been gone for a little bit now, he quickly moved through the gathered wolves and seated himelf beside his sister, totally unaware she held any resentment towards him at all. He gently nudged her with his shoulder before turning his attention towards Venom, banishing the slight sadness Grim's absence had caused in him, at least for now.

"Malachai Cain Klein"

Art by Cebochka
[Image: eqRWCiM.gif]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Expert Fighter (170)

Expert Healer (165)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Ooh La La
02-20-2022, 11:24 AM

Saia spent most of her days alongside her mother locked away in their areas of the royal palace and occasionally went out to stretch her legs or test her skills which she knew would grow in time. Maybe her mother's more secluded nature was rubbing off on her but she was actually a lot more social when given the chance. There would be a day soon where she would wander farther into the lands of Ashen by herself and maybe make a friend or two. Or at least have a conversation.

She moved forward with the rest of her family when the call was made. She didn't know anything about meetings, but she knew Venom's calls were important even if just the little puppy spar training she had with her not long ago. Seere and Stolas seemed more worried or interested in what was going on. Instead she sat quietly beside Sitri and around the rest of her family and waited to see why they all gathered.

"Saia Abraxas-Destruction"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (250)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-20-2022, 01:52 PM
Kitsune couldn’t quite stop herself from feeling like her family was falling apart. Her father had always been a strange wolf in the family. Stern and stoic and hard to please, but he had also always been there. And then suddenly, he wasn’t. She knew her family was still reeling from the change. Her mother, who was strong and clever and had always stood up for Kitsune, no matter what, was hurting. It made her… it made her hate Hattori, just a little bit.

As the cool for a meeting rang out, Kitsune got to her paws and trotted to the meeting place. Finding much of her family already there, and her mother already waiting by the campfire. Kitsune trotted up at sat as close as she could get to her mother around the press of other wolves.




2 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverOverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSnake EyesCritical Block!
By the skin of my teethThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-20-2022, 05:20 PM

Takeshi was, unfortunately, the last to arrive it seemed. Ever since his father’s betrayal and departure, he’d been trying his best to take on the huge absence that the Shogun had left. He spent all his time monitoring the borders, hunting and making sure everyone in the pack was being taken care of. When he got the chance, he did his best to find his siblings or his mother and check in on them, allowing them to vent their frustrations or their worries and offer them a shoulder to lean on. He didn’t sleep much any more, a certain tiredness forming in his glowing red gaze, but he did his best to hide it. A part of him was incredibly angry at Hattori for leaving them like he did, like they were nothing to him, another part was sad and confused, and another part felt nothing. Empty. A black void he supposed it could be described. But it didn’t matter, his feelings didn’t matter. He had work to do.

The boy arrived on the scene, his expression its usually neutral as he offered nods to his packmates in greeting, but a small smile curled onto his lips as he spotted his siblings and his mother. He gave each of his sisters a kiss on the forehead, his brother a firm nudge with a white padded paw, and his mother a reverent bow of his horned head before sitting down next to his sisters to await his mother’s announcements.

[Image: takechibisig.png]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
02-22-2022, 08:39 PM

Venom dipped her head to Panic, appreciative of her swift arrival. Ike was swift to follow and sat beside her. She knew the girl was nervous about her new position, but Venom was confident she would one day grow into the rank. Plague followed behind her and Venom gave him similar affection in return before he moved away. Probably so there would be enough room around him for his big family. Iki appeared next and swiftly found her way to Ike’s side. Venom offered the girl a smile and a little nod as she stood tall despite everything going on.

Her attention was taken by little Seere as she ran up to give her lug an affectionate hug before she turned around to race to her father’s side. Venom didn’t have much time but returned the girl’s hug and shared a proud smile with her brother. Cyanide arrived while she was distracted but she did catch the woman’s eye and gave a swift nod of greeting. Venom did see Pontifex arrive, and he covered his anxiety well. She offered him a soft smile and dip of her head, she had meant to seek him out before now. Like she told Modesty, he and his siblings were welcome here even when their mother was not.

Celeste appeared and made her way towards Cyanide, and Venom offered her a quick nod of greeting as well. Kuroki appeared swiftly after that, teasing his siblings before turning to the ladies he’d brought to her border. Stolas and Sitri stumbled in and she found herself smiling at the sight of all the pups despite everything. They were the promise that Ashen was growing and flourishing. The pain was temporary.

Void and Rava guided the puppies and Venom took the chance to grin as Saia before her attention shifted to Malachai. She offered him a nod as he found his place beside his sister. Kitsune and Takeshi rounded out the rest of her children, and the last of the wolves she expected here. She put an arm around Kit as she leaned in close. All of them seemed to process Hattori’s leaving differently. Venom offered her son a soft grin as he settled himself and she could begin her agenda.

-start of meeting-

"Hello everyone, thank you for being here.” Her sunset gaze shifted around to the attendees. She didn’t want to start with the obvious and looked towards Plague and the four beautiful puppies at his feet. "I want to start by welcoming Ashen’s youngest officially to the pack.” She started with a smile on her features as she looked to each one. "Seere, Stolas, Sitri, and Saia.. They’ll all be looking for mentors soon.” She gave a pointed glance to the yearlings of the pack. A perfect opportunity to strengthen bonds and test their own strengths.

"Along the same lines I’d like to introduce our crown princess, Kiyohime.” Venom gestured towards Ike and she saw the girl blush under the gaze of their pack. Her siblings were welcome to challenge their sister to take their heir position, but Venom would be surprised if she saw that happen.

Eventually Venom would have to state the obvious. "While I’d like to celebrate those victories on their own, I’ve really gathered you all to take note of Ashen’s restructuring. Hattori is no longer your Shogun. He is to be treated as you would a wolf from a neutral pack to Ashen.” Venom didn’t desire some kind of feud with whatever path he chose to take instead of… She pushed the thought from her mind. "No matter our circumstances now he has left a lasting mark, and I want to know what you would like to see in the future, what should remain the same, and what we should start brand new. Influenced by Hattori or not. This pack is a much different place to when I took over, and I want it to reflect those of us who are here now.” She wanted the pack to adapt. Much of what Ashen was stood because of Deathbelle or Hattori. Venom was just the holder to two leaders who left their mark much more plainly than she had.

Abraxas and koi influence was everywhere, but this was a chance to make Ashen something that was truly hers, and reflected the wolves surrounding her that supported her now and always had. "I want to open the floor for anyone to offer their ideas or ambitions. Questions and complains. I.. I’m so grateful for all of you. And I want to know how Ashen can be better for you.”


second round: March 1
[Image: ven-sig.png]


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
03-05-2022, 05:26 AM
Seere sits on one of her dad’s front paws and she smiles at all the wolves that arrive to the meeting. Her small tail thumping hard against her dad’s paw when the rest of her family approaches and she beams at them all. Her aunt’s voice pulls the small pup’s attention back to Venom and huge smile resting on her lips. As her aunt introduces them, Seere waves a paw to the gathered wolves, giggling with happiness at being noticed.

The meeting goes on and the pup’s attention wavers, mismatched eyes falling from Venom to roam over the gathered wolves. Venom seems to be talking about stuff that interests the adults so Seere contents herself with wiggling on her dad’s paw. A yawn drops out as her aunt talks about ideas and ambitions and she gives another, excited wiggle. Small paw shoots up and, “Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!” Can be heard from the pup.

Waiting until her aunt Venom points to her, Seere will say, “I want to be a fighter! Just like dad!” Beaming up at Plague for a moment, the pup tilts her head back down to look at Venom as she adds, “I love it here! My only suggestion is that others should be careful on the shoreline when they decide to go for a run. There are sharp rocks that like to hide in the sand. I know. I found one.” Giving a sage nod, Seere settles back onto her dad’s paw as she waits to hear what others have to say.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.