
Oi Vey


05-08-2014, 04:29 PM

Aleksandr had been careful about where to place his paws since he had been born, but today he had been feeling rather bold as he didn't pay attention to borders until it was almost too late. He froze just inches away from the border as be backed up slowly, he couldn't afford a fight and he wouldn't take a flight. "Oi, wonder what 'is packs 'bout." He told himself quietly as she shifted the weight between his paws. The faintest scent of blood reached his nose and he wrinkled it slightly. Thank the Seven I didn't cross dis one. Would been in a good 'mount of trouble for sure. He told himself with a sigh of relief as he turned away from the borders to walk away.


05-09-2014, 01:40 AM

Around and around he went, slipping and slithering through the bushes and foliage as though he really had nothing better to do. In all honesty? He really didn't. Cat was busy with their new daughter and he hadn't seen Narfi since the meeting so that pretty much left him with the job of patrolling the boarders. The scent markers were starting to go stale so he had even begin to 'help out' with that issue when needed. Where was their other monarch anyways? Kylar had only ever seen him once and even his scent had begun to go stale. All up to the little duke now. All on his shoulders not that he really minded all that much. It was on this patrol that he would catch the scent of a rouge intermingled with the boarder. Had he crossed? There had been no alerting howl? Brow furrowed as the mammoth of a man broke into a brisk trot and moved away from his round about path to head straight for their new friend. "I can't smell my piss on your paws so you haven't crossed the boarders. A good way to start. But you do stand quite close to pack lands. Can I help you?" Voice was a gruff rumble, a deep grating sound that vibrated heavily in his chest and up his throat. Tones were not the most pleasing to listen to, akin to something like a crunching sound of bones being broken or gravel being ground. A deep baritone that was hard to ignore. The male would stop a fair distance from the man, head raised higher then normal but still lowered, chin tipped down to protect his throat. Stance was loose and tail was lowered. He didn't want to be threatening but still, muscles flexed slightly beneath ebony hide in case of an attack. Anything could happen after all.