
Its a trip

free buck for the pack



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-13-2022, 07:43 AM
The new onset of prey was one to marvel at. Eraithus was surprised when he saw it, a large buck with pristine antlers. He was not normally a hunter but a need rose from any wolf like this. Like the first hunt hed taken as a yearling. The rock fall, his fallen packmate. Hunting was how his addiction had started, while he could go a long while now his needs never really were met. He lived off of statuating himself off prey. Sure he hunted for food, but the blood he drank in large quantities was to fill the absence of wolfs blood. Eraithus paws spread on the nooks cool grass. The breeze made the grass sway in the sunlight as the buck grazed with his herd. "You will be mine." He sent off a soft growl but quickly fell into a crouch.

It wasn't just the hunt he was after. Those antlers were some impressive things. White glistening and certainly sharp. Perhaps Boreas had rubbed off on him. He thought about it, Eraithus couldnt resist the idea of turning the antlers into a fashionable weapon. Many giant wolves wandered the lands, great warriors, they had weapons. Why not him? Eraithus licked his lips feeling the soft ground meet with his paws silently strolling forward. The buck looked alert with his head surveying the field. With Eraithus bright blue flank he found it easier to hunker down in the grass. How was he to lure the buck? He needed to seperate it from the herd because he was going to have to take the chance of taking the beast down. Not to mention the huge herd of doe's he had with him. One alarm and they'd notice, Eraithuses ear twitched in irritation. However, those antlers were exactly what he needed to help defend his pack especially with the recent bloom in nature. With this it meant bears and many more predators.

He didn't move until he heard a strange noise from above. It sounded like the screech of a bird, suddenly he shot up ears alert. When much to his amazement an owl came barreling down on the buck! It hit the bucks flank with its claws, the creature bellowed as blood welled on his side. The deer scattered, Eraithus watched as the bright white owl with black specks flew upwards. The buck was lowering his head to defend himself with those antlers. The creature was heading right for him but with its back turned. Before Eraithus could react the white owl was boring down on the buck once more. Skillfully it avoided the bucks thrashing head getting a slice with its claws to the bucks shoulder. Eraithus saw his chance, he jumped as the buck reared aiming straight for its throat. He clamped on and the next few minutes was a blur.

When the buck was still Eraithus sat down. Watching as the same owl seemed to glide to the Bucks body. Landing silently as it turned to look at Eraithus. "What do you plan on doing with the deer?" It asked in a soft and gentle voice, her. Eraithus knew many creatures learned wolf language but it was still a surprise. "Fashion the Antlers into a weapon." The wolf didn't see the point of lying. Certainly she was not big enough to be using this as a meal. She studied him, making Eraithus shift slightly uncomfortable looking at her claws. The owl gave a soft coo of amusement.

"Ive been tracking this buck for days." Eraithus heard her say, but there was an edge to her tone. "I expected to die today honestly so I thank you for that." The snow owl looked like she was giving off a crooked smile. Eraithus ears twitched he didn't know why but he somehow was welcoming her company. "You're free to watch if you'd like. I'd probably take the meat for my pack if you didn't want any, that is." His head tilted as her eyes came up to meet his own. She clicked her beak shuffling a few feathers before landing in the snow close to him. "Kespie." She said pointing a wing to herself. He smiled standing to approach the carcass. "Eraithus." He introduced himself in turn. He then got to work, the first task was gently getting those antlers off this beast. Eraithus for lack of a better word was sloppy. His first time crafting and gathering material from a beast. After a final tug of his jaws with a sickening crack one of the antlers came free. Gently he placed it beside Kespie before going to work on the other antler.

"Eraithus?" Kespie began as the other antler popped off. Eraithus lay the bloody things on the grass before looking at the owl curiously. "Would you mind if i stayed? I am an excellent scout and could help you hunt and fight." The request baffled him. Hed just met this creature, but many wolves had animal companions, why not him?

"Watch me make this and maybe I will consider it." He gently placed a paw over the antlers. Kespie watched in intrigue. Eraithus grabbed a bit of bark from a nearby tree. It was thick but pliable as he began weaving the antlers together Kespie watched with growing curiosity. The man was delicately weaving the bark over the antlers. After a few minutes of messing with the bindings Eraithus looked at the sharp pointed antlers. He marveled at his work. "What is it?" Kespie asked, giving a hoot as she inspected the pieces of bone. He grinned looking at her. Eraithus grabbed the antlers and struggled for a moment before they rested on his shoulders. Kespie blinked, tilting her head almost completely upside down. The antlers rested with a bit of weight around his shoulders. However, their edges pointed outwards. Protecting his chest and throat, but also if a wolf decided to launch at him those edges would definitely cause issues, much less if he tried to run at a predator or an enemy.

"Impressive!" She cooed as Eraithus may have blushed if he could. He took the antlers off and looked at the body. Thats when he called the pack, this meat couldn't go to waste. Besides the thought of sharing the news of his new accessory was rather joyous. It was then that Kespie landed on him. Her weight settled on his shoulder blades, but it felt like she was supposed to be there. "I will let you stay Kespie." He finished as he dragged his new antlers closer to him.

Tl:dr: Eraithus takes down a buck with a snowy owl and makes a stabby antler weapon. Calls for pack to eat the buck.
Eraithus has a permanant bend in his tail, giving it a crooked appearance. Some of his art does not depict this.
he has a female snowy owl by the name kespie, it is assumed shes around regardless of mention.

Carnage I


2 Years

02-27-2022, 02:58 PM

The lady had strolled the lands freely, listening to the birds sing and the wind caress her body. She was in the mood for some company, to see the activity of the pack. It did not take long for her to pick up a scent and hear some commotion. Her ears would perk towards the noise with interest before making her way over. She had kept a respectful distance as she watched. Carnage watched with intrigue as an owl would swoop down to make her attack multiple times as the buck defended itself, surely this wouldn't be successful. She watched as her fellow packmate took opportunity of this distraction, going directly for the victims neck. Impressive. She would stay silent for a little longer as she soon figured out what the main prixe really was- the antlers. He would craft carefully and admire his trophy until he eventually managed to place it upon his shoulders.

Carnage would emerge boldy from the shadows, a smirk upon her lips as her eyes fixated on Erathius. "Impressive... A prixe well deserved, Eraithus." She would admire his trophy once more, before going over to the buck and tearing into the meal. Her white fur now tainted crimson. She wondered how many more would turn up to enjoy this feast, it would be good for them all to come together. "You're looking far healthier since i last saw you! The last she saw him he looked rather ill and irritated, just getting over an illness, he had come back better than ever.
"text text text"