
Almost Famous


05-07-2014, 04:05 PM

Mid-day sun shown on her back, as she padded along the obsidian shores. Her ivory paws cast a strong contrast against the black sand beneath her, the granules of sand slowly working their way between her claws, and into the pads of her feet as she walked. Her hips swayed gently as she moved, her head high and her tail aloft. The way she carried herself spoke of personal pride, rank, and blood. She had long ago learned to walk like a Queen, if she intended to be one for long. So far in her time here, she hadn't come this far south, but with the impending Winter she felt the need to escape to a potentially warmer area for the day. Unfortunately, as the spray blew against her in the wind, it seemed that the beach wasn't going to be a tropical escape. Even with her thick coat, her shivered as the water doused her amid the cold breeze.

Curiosity drew her forward, the black sands here were unlike anything she had ever seen. She followed the sloping of the beach, as it led her away from the water and thankfully inland. It wasn't long until the sand gave way to regular ground, as she traveled away from the shores. As much as she wanted to explore, this wasn't the weather for it. She was being drawn in towards the briar she had only recently left, but in the expanse of tress that separated the shore from the briar, she paused to rest for a moment. Her paws led her to a small puddle, left over from the night before's rain and after sniffing it carefully, she leaned down to take a drink. Her tail swayed in the air behind her, balancing her and once her thirst was quenched, she raised her head- violet eyes looking around. A different scent was on the breeze, and she curiously glanced about her, before speaking into the wood, "Hello?"




6 Years
05-17-2014, 10:44 AM

Azalea stalked along outside of Valhalla territory with no particular aim. Up to her old antics of exploring the land. A year had passed since giving herself to Glaciem and being taken by Isardis. She had felt like half herself for a long time and finally seemed to be getting back to normal. Those crazy motherly hormones no longer plagued her night and day. She could leave her all too grown children without feeling the immediate draw back to them.

She felt free again.

The Adravendi gal could hear the water lapping the shore. She tasted the salt and felt the moist and chilly breeze. The foliage was breaking up and then cut off abruptly. The young woman hung back, her eyes catching on a wolf who already seemed to know she was there. "Hello?"

Quickly becoming aware that she wreathed on shadows, Azalea picked slowly and carefully, so not to unsettle even the smallest twig, out of the wolf's stare. She didn't care that the wolf saw her but she would not let her know that she had been so dead on about her location.

"Hello." There was a hint of caution to her tone as Azalea stepped out onto the beach, maintaining a distance of roughly eight feet between them. Amber eyes caught on the bizarre markings on the she-wolf's face and she felt the wolf was slightly familiar though she couldn't recall how. Never had Azalea met this wolf.

"Tortuga?" Nose caught wind of the hateful scent and Azalea found herself tensing lightly. Tortuga, last she knew, had aligned with the pale devil of the north. Was she in league with Isardis?


05-20-2014, 08:11 AM

Someone was indeed there, she'd be correct. When the figure emerged, returning her greeting- Roman's violet eyes were greeted with a mostly white female, save for her brown head. Roman turned towards her, though she would maintain the distance the other had set. She had no reason to come closer. She relaxed slightly, taking a slight breath and she noted a pack scent but one that did not recognize. Quickly following her greeting, the other would question her. Roman blinked once before speaking, "Tortuga." She said in agreement. There was no need, yet, to mention her rank. Her tail moving about her, she spoke again. "I know you're of a pack, but I don't recognize the scent- which means, you're from one of the three packs, I've yet to meet." She really hadn't gotten around to meeting the other three packs- it'd been one reason aftar another, really. Valhalla, was the last pack on her list- and it was only on her list purely to put faces to the pack her father so despised.

She didn't introduce herself just yet, waiting first to see where this conversation may lead. Gods only knew one shouldn't be quick to paw out personal details, to some stranger easily. You never knew just who they could be.




6 Years
05-20-2014, 06:27 PM

The she-wolf before Azalea had eyes a color that she did not see often. Not blue or green or two toned but a vibrant purple. "Tortuga," the stranger would say after blinking her eyes and removing Aza's attention from them.

"I know you're of a pack, but I don't recognize the scent- which means, you're from one of the three packs, I've yet to meet." There was a faint nod as Azalea acknowledged the information. Why had she told her that? There was an empowerment in her not knowing where Azalea was from.

"Last I knew Tortuga moved north, is that still true? I've not been keeping up with all the dramas lately" yes, let her think that Azalea was a know nothing airhead from some little pack of wolves no one knew or took interest in. She also didn't want her to know that she hadn't been in the area for a while, who knew how many wolves knew of her disappearance.

Azalea sat down, eyes casting out past the shore for a moment. "You have very unique markings, not that you didn't already know that." Azalea considered what was behind those markings. What family did she belong to?


05-26-2014, 12:01 AM

Apparently, the gift of information would be rather one sided, though she couldn't suppose that she blamed this stranger. After all, she could be anyone. She faintly nodded, but didn't offer what pack she was from. Roman however, shrugged it off, not really worried about it. She'd find out soon enough. There were only three packs left, and she'd just put the scents together, when she met them. The strange she-wolf spoke, and Roman blinked at her question before nodding her head in agreement. "We still control a few northern territories." She'd keep her answers vague, two could play the same game.

It would seem the topic would shift, the stranger commenting on her strange markings as she settled into a seating position. Casting a glance back at her hip, she nodded, sitting as well. "They were the markings my mother designed for me. She had some... rather eccentric spiritual beliefs." She remarked, her tail flicking dismissively. At least she could offer enough information about herself, to keep the conversation flowing... couldn't she? "I seem to have forgotten my manners," she commented, her tone light. "My name is Roman Armada." She offered casually, figuring that at least one of them could be 'friendly.'




6 Years
05-26-2014, 06:04 PM

"We still control a few northern territories." That was really all the answer Azalea felt she needed on the topic. What pack not allied with Glaciem would root in the north? It was a dangerous game, to play ball with Isardis.

"They were the markings my mother designed for me. She had some... rather eccentric spiritual beliefs." Azalea tipped an ear, her head minutely following suit. The Adravendi girl was largely unaccustomed to religion. She didn't believe in a god. She didn't believe in an afterlife. She believed in the here and the now.

"I seem to have forgotten my manners," The pale wolf was polite, chilled only as much as Azalea had made her. "My name is Roman Armada." There it was. Roman, and Armada. Azalea gave her a once over, eyes guarded but curious. This Armada didn't seem vicious or even hateful as Isardis was. Perhaps some apples fell farther from the tree than most. She nodded and then smiled lightly. "Forgive my edge, certain events in life seem to have soured me to the world. I am Azalea Adravendi and I believe that makes my sons your brothers. Not that the concept of siblings is new to you."

Azalea's tone was genuinely light as she let herself relax completely. Why was it so hard for her to let her troubles go anymore? Suppose being made to bear children by a male she didn't even really know could do that to a wolf. "It is, despite my behavior, nice to make your acquaintance." No, Roman didn't seem cruel at all though Azalea also didn't expect her to roll over at a threat. She looked like a fighter, one good thing that could be gained from Isardis because he was, after all, a brilliant opponent.


05-29-2014, 01:07 AM

Her father was a dangerous man. It was a fact that she remembered well, no matter how comfortable she seemed around him. She adored him, but she had a healthy respect for his power. She was carefully truthful, and carefully loyal- but now she had a pack to care for. Perhaps where she lacked her fathers pride, she had inherited his ambitions to a degree. She had wanted her own pack, and he had handed her a throne- now, though she wouldn't hesitate to go to war- she was careful about such decisions. She had a family in Tortuga, not just an army. She had wolves who needed her to be at her best. Wolves that looked to her for guidance, as an example. She would not disappoint.

As the other woman nodded, taking in her name- she smiled slightly. A sentiment that the Queen returned. She introduced herself as Azalea Adravendi, and Roman fought to keep her face impassive. She recognized the name- the name of the Valhalla wolf that had escaped Glaciem during the siege- the one that had given birth to the sons, they now kept as prisoner. How Azalea had ended up a prisoner... and then pregnant was beyond her. Those details were scarce. At Azalea's comment about her sons, Roman gave a slight chuckle. "I seem to have plenty of siblings, though I'm always eager to get to know each of them. I have yet to meet your sons, Azalea Adravendi." She spoke with a warm tone, she had no reason to be hostile to the dame. As Azalea commented that it was nice to meet her, despite her behavior, Roman flicked her ear. "One cannot fault your wariness. I'd be wary too. I was actually." She said kindly, ending her statement with a chuckle. She was wary when she scented the other wolf- she couldn't deny it. She had relaxed substantially when she realized the stranger was female- and not the monster that had tormented her dreams. Her memories from her rape were refreshing in her mind- a year after the event. It was like she couldn't shut them off.

She was unsure of what to say, her mind drawing a blank at where to take the conversation she had stumbled so easily into. "I must admit, I'm not very familiar with your story and its ties to my family.. I have so many questions swirling about my brain, but I am hesitant to start asking them. " Her voice was soft, she was curious, yes, but she didn't want to push the other into divulging the information that she so desperately wanted to hear from another source. She could hear the Glaciem verison all day long and feel as if she was only getting half the story. She was curious to know... everything.




6 Years
05-29-2014, 07:10 AM

"I seem to have plenty of siblings, though I'm always eager to get to know each of them. I have yet to meet your sons, Azalea Adravendi." Azalea quirked a lighter toned brow spot at the woman. "Well, considering he is holding them hostage for a crime that... well, frankly doesn't exist, I'm sure you could go pop in for a visit." She wasn't trying to sound harsh or rude in any manner, simply talking.

"One cannot fault your wariness. I'd be wary too. I was actually." There was another chuckle, Roman seems keen on a good laugh though maybe it was to offset any unease or just to downplay the awkward conversation they were holding. "I must admit, I'm not very familiar with your story and its ties to my family.. I have so many questions swirling about my brain, but I am hesitant to start asking them." Azalea shrugged, "Ask and I shall help the best that I can. My situation was one of love, loyalty, and much foolishness. I went in the fall to trade myself for my aunt's betrothed. I could see how down she was to not have him by her side so thought it a noble act and for the better of the pack. Then Winter came, my second winter, you know? I desired a man but by no means your father. He had been waiting for it though and struct at the first chance. It was not rape but it was also not wanted. I ended up with two sons who now hold my heart in a frustrating way. I did not love them, I learned to love them and now I cannot fathom losing them. I left because if I had stayed I would have killed Artemis or she would have killed me and then what? Leave my children forever without a mother and forever with a father who seems intent on ruining them and their entire family."



05-30-2014, 01:50 PM

'Well, considering he is holding them hostage for a crime that... well, frankly doesn't exist, I'm sure you could go pop in for a visit.' The ivory woman's left ear flicked at the words. There was some honesty there, she probably could pop into Glaciem to visit, but she would feel like trespasser- a stranger there now. "I probably could, but that would make me a trespasser. My pack maybe allied with my father, but we aren't the same pack. Tortuga is my own, Glaciem is his. I'm not one to simply ignore borders." She spoke lightly, no reason to be hostile. Just stating a fact. If Azalea hadn't realize that, she was indeed in control of Tortuga- she could easily grasp that fact based on her words.

Her ears tilted forward in interest, as Azalea began to speak- giving details about her infamous story. Roman listened intently, her ears falling back against her head as she mentioned breeding with her father. 'It was not rape but it was also not wanted.' How was it not rape? If she didn't want it, then it was against her will. Wasn't that the definition of rape. She could nearly feel a bit of bile rising in her throat, she had never considered her father in that way. Politely she would listen to Azalea's story, a slight smile pulling at her jaws as the mother spoke of her children. That slight smile faded, as the silence fell between them, and it was again her chance to ask questions. "If you didn't want it... doesn't that make it rape?" She asked, her voice quavering slightly. Could Azalea tell that the idea of Isardis as a rapist shook her to her core? She'd never pictured her father that way- as that kind of monster. The question floated about her brain, was he that monster? Or was Azalea's situation different from Roman's entirely. Isardis was a brilliant king, but did he have a darkness as well?




6 Years
05-30-2014, 02:27 PM

"I probably could, but that would make me a trespasser. My pack maybe allied with my father, but we aren't the same pack. Tortuga is my own, Glaciem is his. I'm not one to simply ignore borders." Funny, because she could imagine Isardis prancing right over his daughter's border without a care in the world. Really, what was she going to do if he did?

Roman was a good listener, allowing Azalea to tell her story. When she stopped, Roman spoke up. "If you didn't want it... doesn't that make it rape?" Azalea looked away from the wolf, who seemed rather disturbed, to think on that question. "No. It wasn't rape. I would never..." She stopped, frustrated at the thought. By all accounts it WAS rape but she would never, could never, let herself believe it. "I didn't want it but my body did. It disgusts me to think how much I couldn't help but enjoy it. Our hormones are cruel."

With a heavy exhale Azalea looked back up to Roman and shrugged. No changing the past. "So, what else would you like to know? How about how it all started? How my best friend met him when she was only a year old and Isardis desired her, a child at the time, enough to start a hate fest on my pack? He started a war, he wanted us wiped from the face of this earth. And even after he had gotten what he wanted, Liberty, he conned that white bitch Artemis into challenging for Valhalla and when she won his final blow was this: All of my family, my pack, even myself all free to go... with two exceptions. Two pups whose sin was being born would go back to Glaciem."

"Anything since then I know nothing of but I can say that things seem calmer now and Valhalla seems to have arranged a deal. I will see have my sons back soon."

It felt like half of a story, or rather a fraction of one. Her story was only one of all those effected. So many had their own accounts of their own affects. What about Vixe? Pressured to preform for his leader. He went mad on the battlefield and lover faced lover as the two men she yearned so much for prepared to rip each other apart. Her father had put an end to Vixe's life. It was a tragedy, there was no heroism in the act. So many wolves had their lives altered.



06-01-2014, 01:15 AM

Azalea didn't leave her waiting long for an answer, and when the other she-wolf spoke- Roman felt her stomach churn. She hadn't enjoyed a second of what had happened between her and Fugue, yet she couldn't bring herself to be disgusted by him now. Could she even call that rape now? Was Azalea's story closer to a rape, then Roman's? At least Azalea seemed to despise the man who had taken advantage of her. Her ears flattened slightly, and she sighed lightly, nodding slightly at the woman's statements. Roman had been lucky, at least she hadn't conceived as a product of her rape. Ultimately, she had walked away. With that question answered, she didn't know what else to say, and she wondered how her view of her father would change with the words that Azalea spoke, brewing in her mind.

Her ears twitched as she listened to Azalea. The details of how the war between Valhalla and Glaciem weren't exactly a secret, but she couldn't deny that it was absolutely intriguing to hear another point of view. Frowning slightly, she spoke again, "How did Liberty... run into Isardis?" She mused aloud. One wolf, it seemed had been the trigger for what seemed to be the biggest war of the land. Her ears pricked in interest, and she spoke. "There was a resolution of peace or.. a deal?" She questioned, as she considered Azalea's words. She was so out of the loop on Glaciem drama, as of late. Her tail flicked at her side, did this mean peace was coming to the land? The wheels in her mind were practically spinning. Had Isardis approved this? Someone she couldn't imagine it.

"Earlier you said, you desired another man before my father... took advantage of your situation. Did you ever find him again?" She asked, this time her tone was curious. Had Azalea found her happy ending? Was there a happy ending for a story like that?




6 Years
06-03-2014, 05:44 PM

"How did Liberty... run into Isardis?" Azalea cut a look at Roman, for a moment wondering if she was challenging Azalea to prove how it was Isardis' fault and not Liberty's. Once she saw the Tortugan's face however, the Valhallan calmed down. "She was up in the North exploring, I believe." Azalea hadn't really bothered to ask her friend. Why hadn't she been more interested in the details of that critical turning point? Easy, because no one expected one small meeting to have so much power over the lives of so many.

It wasn't long before another question came from the dame's lips. "There was a resolution of peace or.. a deal?" She half shrugged, "I wasn't hear but from what I understand it was only a deal. Temporary peace arranged in return for Sendoa's life saved in a time of need." She didn't take pride in how the bargain had been arranged by Erani but she knew you had to pick your battles.

There was silence between the two. Azalea had told all she had to tell of the story, the history. "Earlier you said, you desired another man before my father... took advantage of your situation. Did you ever find him again?" Roman's words made Azalea's ears pop up to attention, her brow spots jumping with them. "We are together." There was a smile on her face as she said it but she was reluctant to give any other details. What they had was private and she didn't like the idea or everyone knowing their business.

"Who would have guessed it, an Armada wolf that I could possibly call a friend! What of you, Roman, do you have anyone?" A special someone was clearly what she meant, suddenly in wonder over the fact that she was now just shootin' the shit with an Armada.


06-05-2014, 08:59 PM

The details of how Liberty had come across her father, were scarce at best. Out of all the wolves in Alacritis- why did she have to run into Isardis? If that day wouldn't have happened, would the war ever have came to be? Azalea said that she was exploring the north, and Roman couldn't fault Liberty for exploring. She wouldn't even begin to try. Maybe some things were just meant to happen. She nodded slightly at Azalea's answer, satisfied. Azalea went on to mention the deal that was forged between Valhalla and Glaciem. Her ears pricked as she mentioned that Sendoa had been harmed. Was the Queen okay? Perhaps she should visit her aunt and father soon. She had plenty of questions. It was an intelligent move for Vahalla- never let a crisis go to waste.

"I'm happy for you, and your sons." She said simply. And she was. Children didn't need to be taken prisoner- that was no way to win their love or loyalty. She never could understand why or how you could take your own children as prisoners.

'We are together'. Azalea said with a smile, answering the question that Roman had asked a few moments prior. Roman returned the warm smile, and chuckled as Azalea went on to speak about calling Roman a potential friend, and asking if she had anyone. A slight blush tinged her face, and she ducked her head slightly before smiling. "There is this one male in my pack. He's... frustrating but.. dreamy?" She said slowly, chuckling slightly as she pictured Faust in her mind. Frustrating, that was a good word for him. Very. Frustrating.




6 Years
06-05-2014, 10:09 PM

"I'm happy for you, and your sons." Azalea nodded to that, her face straight. It was very good for her boys. They were a year old, they deserved a life outside of a den and prisoners confinement. She worried about how they would act once back. Would they be... broken?

The two smiled and moved on to lighter topics. Men. It was always an easy topic for women, at least all those that Azalea had met. For her mother it had always been Collision, for her aunt Chrys it was Gideon... every girl had at least one. Roman got flustered, even looking away and Azalea could feel that familiar, girlish smile coming on. "There is this one male in my pack. He's... frustrating but.. dreamy?" She giggled, she couldn't help it.

"There was one of those for me, a Glaciem wolf actually." She smiled, her eyes almost greedy. She didn't know why she was going there, she didn't really want to talk about him. When she realized what she was doing her face fell. "Well, the siege saw to him." She didn't need to know the details.

"Its been nice, Roman Armada, but I think it is best I head home now." She stood up, shaking out her coat lightly and waiting for Roman to respond.

Perhaps they would meet again? Perhaps they would become friends? Azalea didn't pretend to know what life had in store anymore.