
let's pretend i care




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
02-22-2022, 08:00 PM
Morgawr was realizing more and more how often she was alone. She liked being alone, though, so it wasn't a problem. She had much more interesting characters in her own mind than she could probably ever find in real life. She'd come up with many over her life. Her original big, fight-loving squirrel, of course, but also a fox-eagle hybrid named Zip Zap who liked exploring, Tripper, the sarcastic, calculating Machiavellian genius wolf, and Buttercup, a scared little mouse trying to care for her regularly sickly children (in actuality, they were being poisoned by a bad rat who wanted to keep Buttercup from ever leaving). This little cast had its extras and side characters, but the core four were the most important. They stayed the most consistent and she held them the closest to her heart. She didn't pay much attention to anyone who wasn't in her mind. She talked only when she had to, and played less. She was a loner kid. Not lonely, not really, since she, again, liked being alone. She did.

She was wandering around the territory of the Armada, just listening to the soft buzz of her own thoughts. Zip Zap was arguing with Biggie over a scrap of meat. Despite the size difference, Biggie was holding her own. She did in nearly any fight she was in. She was stronger than Morgawr thought she would ever be herself. Sure, she was just a pup, but she was old enough to start actually training more, and she just didn't. She was happy with her routine, even if something just below her skin sometimes itched madly with the craving for something more. She had no idea what that "more" was, so she ignored the feeling. It was uncomfortable, so it couldn't be too important, right? Anyway, she liked being alone.

She ended up near a den near a river. She didn't realize that she was nearby anything in particular though until a light-colored, faintly tan raccoon jumped out in front of her. She stared down at it for a moment in stunned silence, disgruntled and a little disorientated from being so removed from her thoughts.

WC: 359
Total: 359



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
02-22-2022, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2022, 10:07 PM by Halo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Halo had been busy lately... well, mostly busy. Busy was in the eye of the beholder. She had the Warlord's task to complete. A checkup for every single member of the pack, starting at the bottom and making her way down. What a task it was. Frankly, it was the first time she'd met some of her pack mates, their second alpha included. In honesty, Halo could go a good long while without seeing Azure again. Then... he said he didn't sleep much these days, a sentiment of his father's that he'd echoed. That was troubling, and Halo set about putting together some herbs for tea. If she could get the man to drink the draught, maybe it would be helpful. Maybe. Gosh, she could hope, right?

It was the same batch she was making for Sirius himself, something she could make in large quantities and portion out. The alphas had so much to do, it wasn't like they'd have time to make their own tea in the evenings. No, Halo would make it in her biggest jar and drop it by in the mornings, swapping out the previous day's empties. It would mean more dishes, but they would be more likely to actually take the prescribed remedies, then it was worth it. A caretaker at heart, a caretaker by nature. Halo just wanted everyone to be okay. She worried so badly sometimes... no, that was okay. Things had been getting better lately. It seemed like the last of the strange illness had fully faded from the land, and everyone who would get better had gotten better.

As always, the pale healer was busy with her day to day tasks. A day off from checkups for the most part, she was doing inventory and working on some remedies for the higher ranking officers of the pack. She'd run low on antiseptic as well, having cleaned maybe more wounds than necessary on each of the Armada's members so far. In her mind, all of it was necessary, though there was a possibility that they were just indulging her so she didn't worry. Halo was likely too tenderhearted for a pack like this. Her head was loud as she worked, and she found herself struggling with the lid on her witch hazel jar. For a moment, she frowned to herself. She'd need Mr. Raccoon's help... but where had he gotten off to?

"Mr. Raccoon, I need a hand please." Halo stuck her head from the door of her den, frowning for a moment. Where-- oh! Her gaze had fallen on a child, one she had yet to meet. Around Callie's age, if Halo had to guess. One of Azure's children, right. That made sense. "Hello there," Halo called to the young girl. Of those children she had yet to meet Levi, Morgawr, and Makara. From what she understood, Levi was a young man and the smallest of them. She wouldn't make the guess on which of the young girls belonged to which name, instead offering a smile to the pup and crossing to greet her. "I hope Mr. Raccoon isn't giving you too much trouble," a light joke, sure. Mr. Raccoon was an odd one, and raccoons had their propensity for mischief. It seemed like an okay-enough way to start a conversation... Halo hoped.


wc: 552
total: 911
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