
trying to turn on the light

open - exploring <3



8 Years
02-25-2022, 04:12 AM

She'd crossed the sea. She'd rested. There were still so many things that Asteria needed to see, but that was okay. She was ready. What would it take? What would it take for her to find a place in this world? What would it take for her to find her place in Boreas? That really was the question, after all. The first order of business was clear in her mind, though. She'd find Fiori. She'd find the place that her mother had spoken of so often, and with such longing in her eyes. It was strange, but her quest had become more and more clear as time went on. Yes, she would find it.

Maybe it would help to find someone to ask for directions first. For now, Asteria was just sorta... drifting. Drifting, and drift she did. To the edge of the Prairie, the girl made her way. Her gaze was bright, searching, yet strangely gentle. Though she was filled with longing, something suggested that if Asteria was faced with the demand that she actually seize something... maybe it would slip through her fingers. She's not the most assertive type, no. Over the Prairie lands, she simply drifts. This has always been her life. Drifting.

With a softness in her gaze, she peers out against the fading afternoon sun. There's so much to take in here, and the crepuscular animals were beginning to come out. Yes, there ought to be other wolves out here too, with this much prey. Maybe one of them would be able to give her directions. If not, Asteria would just be able to grab dinner for herself and explore. Either way, she wasn't in bad shape for the afternoon and into the evening.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-25-2022, 07:32 PM

It seemed like every day the boy got more and more bold, simply wandering away from the safety of the pack and off into the unknown. There was a great wide world out there to explore, and there was absolutely no way that the little Saxe was going to let it escape his careful scrutiny. And so, sure it was getting close to time for him to be going back home, but he wasn't done wandering yet. Not by a long shot! Despite the growing darkness, Butcher was resisting the urge to return to the barn to roost for the night- growing attachment keeping him close to the blind wolf pup that kept feeding him. Luxe, on the other hand, had returned home on his own. The insistent calling of the herd being brought away from the pastures had been enough to convince him to head home for the night. That was fine, it wasn't safe at night for little lambs anyways.

Gangly limbs carried the young boy through the prairies, oversized ears swiveling incessantly to drink in the sounds of animals coming out of hiding from the heat of the day. The ground underfoot was still warm from the fading daylight, but the air around him was growing cool. The moisture of his nose wasn't being instantly wicked away, and it was his best means of telling the time without outright asking someone else. Dark form slipped easily through the growing shadows, following his own whims in the form of short lived tracking of animals moving to and from burrows, doing his best not to get bitten if he stuck his head into one of the underground nests. A particularly anxious prairie dog managed to get a good swipe across his nose, and the boy yelped and retracted his little head from the hole in the ground. Shaking his head to and fro, he tried to fend off the stinging sensation that spread up his snout until it became a dull, incessant throbbing at the very end of his muzzle.

Skipping and dancing awkwardly away from the site of the unwarranted and viscious attack, he nearly thundered straight into the idle figure of an adult. Long, sensitive whiskers caught the presence before the rest of his senses did, and the boy wheeled in a wide arc around where he thought they might be. Stumbling to a halt, he let out a huff. "Mean, mean, mean dirt rat!" he crooned in that eerie singsong cadence of his, scowling only a little.




8 Years
02-28-2022, 01:02 PM

There was little that Asteria could do to argue with the strange, empty longing in her chest. There was so much of it, and so little of her. The longing... god the longing. She needed something, she needed something that she couldn't put words to. The girl was lonesome, lonesome to her core. Lost. In so, so many words, she was lost. In so many worlds she was lost. Asteria tried not to ache. There was no use to that. There was no use to the aching, yet here she was all the same. Ah, at least she can explore. The prairie spread out before her, and it wasn't so bad. Where would she even go next? It hadn't been long that she'd been here, and yet... well, Asteria is always ready to move on. Almost always.

A yelp drew her attention though. It was the cry of a child, and her gaze was sent searching across the prairie. Where did it come from? Who did it come from? Had she intruded? No... oh. The star soaked girl didn't see him until it was almost too late, and he careened towards her. Still, he course-corrected in time, moving in a wide arc instead. A child, yes, but a large child. Asteria's gaze settled on him, concern shining through. While often rather detached, she wasn't heartless.

"Are you alright?" The words were quiet, Asteria's tone gentle but cool. She lowered her head a bit to peer at the child, head quirking to one side. A dirt rat... ah yeah, the prairie dogs. They could be ornery when they wanted to be. Speaking of which, maybe prairie dog wouldn't make for a bad supper. Maybe. It's with interest that she watches the child.
