
you piеrced my side with the same needle that you pierced your ears




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
02-28-2022, 04:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2022, 04:53 PM by Halo. Edited 3 times in total.)
Checkups.  Halo had made her way through the higher ranks, and that was a good thing-- right?  Azure was terrifying, yes, but he was the only one that was truly scary.  She'd gotten to see Mortis again, even if it was work related.  Hanako had been nice, and Halo was glad to have met her.  If she could borrow even a shred of her confidence, maybe she'd be better for it.  Is that something you can just teach?  What would she even say?  Hey, can you teach me how to be cool like you are?  No, that would be ridiculous.  Halo shook her head to herself as she readied her basket for the first checkup of the day.  She'd figure it out eventually.  

Mr. Raccoon held the basket as they made their way to the heart of the packlands, and then through it.  These were dens she was far less familiar with, but that was okay.  It was best to check there before setting off to take a look at the group that would be clustered around the training rings.  Yes, they'd all be busy, and Halo didn't want to bother anyone while they were meant to be training.  Whoever was hanging around by their den should be fair game, right?  Well, at least in her mind.  As she was on an assignment from the Warlord himself, Halo was able to carry herself with a bit more authority.  

"Magnus?"  She called out, loud enough for her voice to carry to the clusters of dens.  Should he arrive, she'd go and meet him nearer to his actual home, so there was some semblance of privacy.  "The Warlord is sending me to do checkups on everyone in the pack, you're next on my list, if you're here and have time."  Though her voice was small and words were swift, Halo wasn't one to be trifled with.  She had a mission, after all.  

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