

Band drinking game night



Beginner Intellectual (10)

Beginner Navigator (10)

7 Years

Pride - Nonbinary
03-08-2022, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2022, 06:58 PM by Auðr. Edited 3 times in total.)

Now that they'd been called together Auðr figured it was time to have a good old drinking game or fight, depending on how seriously you took it. Now Auðr wasn't exactly the most social of wolves, especially when compared to their siblings but where the majority of their family had brawn they had brains and so there were few enough games Auðr could really hold their own in. Besides, what better way to get to know the newer faces than to see how they reacted to getting insulted to their faces, once their inhibitions were downs. Ugly sides could really come out of those you might think were otherwise nice when you discovered the deeper pride that lived beneath their composed exteriors.

So the Trygg wolf had carefully gathered up their meager collection of spirits, they had few enough left from the passage over but it would be enough for most of the band to get well and truly sloshed if need be and worst case they had no doubt one of their siblings had some more stashed away somewhere they could probably be blackmailed into giving up. Auðr Had found a mostly cleared area near the wall that would give them a windbreak against the cool autumn wind and would also offer enough space for the wolves to lounge around, the bottles of alcohol were pilled in the center of the clearing, within easy reach to keep the spirits flowing. Finally after adjusting bottles and sweeping leaves away for nearly five minutes longer than they really needed Auðr would loose their voice to call for their family, for their band. They hoped one of their siblings, more familiar with the local tongue and familiar with the faces Auðr did not yet have names for would arrive quickly and be able to fill in anyone who needed context, it wouldn't be the first time they'd played this game before.

WC: 319 (319/1500)

”Speech” ’Thought’

((OOC. Okay I did what research I could to see if I could find any officially recognized rules or rituals about this but couldn't so please accept my basic rules, gonna post them here to keep the thread more fluid instead of having to have Auðr explain them when they might not be needed, basically my research showed that it was not uncommon for a drinking game in which players would take turns insulting each other was played. For the sake of the thread rules are:

1. 1st round, everyone takes a drink, I'll randomize players to decide who goes first but otherwise it's whoever comes up with an insult first. The first insulter picks someone in the group and gives them an insult.
2. The first victim has to try and come up with a comeback the first player drinks, if they cannot or are angered by the insult they must drink instead. Then they pick someone else in the group and insult them.
3. Play continues as this until we're out of drinks, no one's awake anymore or a fight breaks out.

Please try to keep the thread moving as this is an intellect skill thread!))