
Tag! You're it!

Avacyn & Irílyth Intellect Seasonal


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
03-13-2022, 12:45 PM

The summer heat is fading from the land but the turning of seasons is arriving… slowly. The sun is heading toward the horizon and the hottest part of the day is behind them. Ricin appears at the mouth of the den he shares with his brother, stretching out the kinks his nap gave him. A yawn splits his maw as he sits to scratch an itchy spot behind his ear, his brain still shaking off the dregs of sleep when a purple coat catches his eye. Oh hey! Maybe he can convince her to play a game with him! With that thought, Ricin stands to chase after the retreating form of Avacyn.

When he gets in close enough to be heard, the blue boy shouts, “Hey Avacyn! Want to play a game?” The light blue wolf skids to a halt when he notices that the heiress is not alone, a small, pale woman is with her. Ricin moves more slowly toward the pair, offering them both a smile as he says, “Oh, uh hello there. I was wondering if you wanted to play a game of tag Avacyn. Oh! Maybe your friend can join us too?” Crimson eyes turn to the older female, offering her a warm smile and raised eyebrows in question. Maybe one of them had a fun twist on the rules too!


"Ricin Dauner"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-13-2022, 03:18 PM

Avacyn walked through the cave-spotted mountain along with Irilyth, recruiting her mother's handmaiden to be an extra set of paws to help her carry supplies back to her workshop. It was a nice enough day, especially now that the sun had left the high point in the sky and the highest part of the day's heat had begun to fade. She had quickly worked her way through the last batch of metals and stones that her mother had brought her and already she was itching to have more things to work on. Her crafting and creating had become her outlet and source of entertainment between training sessions and patrols with her parents and was something that she could call entirely hers. Her parents and brother didn't have the same interest in this sort of thing that she did in the same way that she didn't have as much of an interest in hunting as they did. It did mean that she ended up spending a decent amount of time on her own, but Irilyth was generally around the caves they shared so she could usually depend on her long time nanny to be company and help when she needed it.

Their path away from the caves was interrupted with he sound of paws coming up behind them, making her ears perk as Ricin called out for her. She looked back over her shoulder, her obsidian eyes landing on the blue-hued boy. She offered him a little smile as she turned to face him, giving a curious tilt of her head to his question, but before she could respond he seemed to notice Irilyth beside her and he corrected himself to include her in his greeting as well and clarified that he wanted to play a game of tag. That certainly wasn't what she had planned for the day, but that seemed like fun and gave her an excuse to spend some time with more pack members which she knew her mother wanted from her. She grinned in response and replied, "Sure! You'll play, won't you, Irilyth?" Avacyn glanced down at the smaller woman beside her and without really waiting for an answer she reached down and nudged Irilyth's shoulder with her nose, shouting, "Tag!" Giggling, Avacyn took off with Ricin, bounding down the path toward the lake.

WC: 387
Total: 612 / 1500

"Avacyn Mendacium"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-01-2022, 04:12 PM

It was not very often that Irilyth found herself in the employ of her Mistress' young daughter, the fair princess Avacyn usually keeping to herself most of the time, or spending time around her more brutish twin brother's side. So when the Mendacium teen asked her to come help her gather some supplies for her workshop, the diminutive fae was more than happy to lend a paw. They spent the better half of the day collecting things Avacyn expressly needed or thought might be interested to work with, wandering around the airy mountain range together collecting semiprecious stones and loose chunks of metals and minerals to craft with. Iri had no idea what Avacyn had in mind for them or what projects she was working on, but it did not matter. She was here to help, and that was what she would do with diligent perseverance.

Stashing away the last of their supplies in her now hefty satchel, Irilyth followed alongside the much larger wolf, marveling at how big she had gotten. The leggy young adolescent was the spitting image of her mother! She remembered when she had helped to birth the girl, how small and precious she had been with her unique glowing marking. Now she was halfway towards being a full grown adult fae, looking more regal and beautiful by the day. In a way, the wolf that had been her nanny since the start felt a surge of pride watching her mature. Despite having no blood ties to her, Avacyn felt like her own daughter in some ways, and she was so, so proud of the violet girl.

While the two ladies walked, the sound of approaching paws followed by the callout of another wolf behind them caused Irilyth to stop and turn, facing the young blue boy that had joined Elysium a few seasons back. Ricin, if she recalled his name correctly. He looked a little sheepish to see the handmaiden there, but invited them to play tag. Iri cocked her head to the side; she had never been invited to play a game before. Avacyn seemed eager to participate though, so she figured they could spend some time indulging in some harmless fun. "That sounds pleasant, I'd be delighted to," she replied with a smile turned up to her Lady. "How about we play with no tag backs?" That would require each player to tag the other wolf, keeping it a cycle of chase and avoidance.

Before she knew what was going on, Avacyn tagged her with a bump of her shoulder and took off running. Irilyth blinked in surprise, but quickly recovered, smiling as she bounded off after the two young wolves. Though they had youthfulness on their side, Irilyth had experience, and had been running almost all her life. She was quick to catch up to Ricin, swatting at the young lad's hip and managing to tag him back not long into the chase with a declaration of, "Tag!" Then she turned and put distance between herself and Avacyn, knowing Ricin would need to tag the Mendacium princess and then Ava would be after her once more.

WC: 524
Total: 1136 / 1500



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
04-01-2022, 05:28 PM

Avacyn is quick to agree to playing tag and her friend is delighted to play as well! Awesome! Mouth open wide in happiness, Ricin’s tongue lolls out the side as the pale wolf suggests no tag backs. Oh, this is going to be a lot of fun! Suddenly, Avacyn tags the smaller wolf and the blue boy’s eyes round as he suddenly realizes he is the next target. Turning around, he races off in the opposite direction of the wolf who is ‘it’, laughter following behind him. Dang she is quick! The pale wolf shows up and gently smacks him on the hip, making Ricin ‘it’. The boy feigns great disappointment, groaning out loudly, “Oh man! How did you get to be so fast?” He tosses the woman a wink and a huge grin before he races off after Avacyn’s purple form.

Ricin laughs loudly as he chases her, dodging rocks and leaping over small sticks just for the fun of it. He is so close! He just needs to touch one leg… suddenly, Ricin’s gangly legs become tangled with each other and pitch him forward, sending him rolling right into Avacyn’s rear end. He lets out a loud, “OOF” as he comes to a stop on top of the purple wolf, legs splayed every which way. Lifting his head off her back, Ricin gives his head a small shake before poking her nose gently with a paw and shouting, “TAG!” Gathering his long legs under himself, Ricin stands up and helps Avacyn get back up on her paws. Softly, he says, “Sorry about that, still getting use to these.” He flashes her a wink before once more racing off to avoid being tagged.

WC: 284
Total WC: 1420 / 1500

"Ricin Dauner"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-06-2022, 04:54 PM

Avacyn ran away from Irilyth along with Ricin until she heard Irilyth declare her tag, Ricin questioning how she caught up with them so fast which made her chuckle. She didn't waste any time darting off the other direction and leaped over rocks while she tried to make herself more difficult to keep up with. She was pretty successful at it for a little while and heard the blue-hued boy's paws pounding on the ground behind her... until they suddenly weren't. A quick glance back over her shoulder brought her obsidian gaze on the boy just a heart beat before he came crashing into her. She yelped with surprise as he knocked her off her feet and she tumbled forward as well, getting trapped under him as he fell on top off her. Blinking as the dust settled and she regained her bearings, she huffed and smirked when he tapped her nose to tag her. She wriggled out from under him as he got off of her and helped her to her paws and she gave herself a shake to get the dirt out of her fur. "It's alright," she replied with a chuckle before watching him race off and she went running to go catch up with Irilyth to continue their game of tag around the mountain range.

WC: 219
Total: 1639 / 1500

"Avacyn Mendacium"