
Take Me To The River


05-06-2014, 09:04 AM


Adelaide found herself wandering across these rocks, her blue eyes absently searching for rare herbs. It had become a habit now, as if she was unable to let her mind rest. These past weeks had been spent in Ebony lands, attending meetings as the newest member. She desperately wanted to win the approval of her leaders and convince them of her talent. She still wanted to make her mother proud.

But now she had decided to take a short break, exploring the lands outside of Ebony. Her brain seemed to ache with her endless hours of healing study, and she needed to distract herself. Just for today. So the white maiden paced across an endless sea of jagged rocks and rushing water, leaping from stone to stone with surprising ease. The young woman had always been graceful, as her slight figure had also been inherited from her mother. So many things about Adelaide were tied to her mother. It made it a bit difficult to look at her reflection. Luckily this water was moving too quickly to provide a clear image. Besides, she had no reason to look down.

The water crashed and bucked against the rocks, spraying her legs with a fine mist. She continued to jump across the delta, eventually making it to the other side. She coiled her legs once more and leapt to the peak of a massive boulder. Here she sat, gazing down the slope of the angry river to where it met with the sea. This was truly a beautiful sight to behold, nothing like Adelaide had ever seen before. She smiled a bit at the fading light of the day, watching where the horizon began to bleed. This view reminded her of a lullaby that her mother had sung to her as a pup. On a whim, the young woman began to sing it to herself quietly.

"Take me where the wind blows... take me to the sun... take me to a river that flows to the sea..." her eyes stung a bit as she heard her voice, another thing that was so similar to her mother. "When I close my eyes then I can see, and I am not afraid..."

Her short song complete, the maiden shut her crystalline blue eyes. This released a single tear that tumbled down her cheek and into the crashing waves below.


Motif I


4 Years
05-06-2014, 11:19 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2014, 11:23 PM by Motif I.)

The world was open to her in its expanse of glorious blue and outstretching skies that spread out in endless waves before her. She felt the freedom swell within her chest, and burn hot along the lines of her veins. This was her life, and she would make this her world. She would find her paws beneath her and the stability of their long and glorious limbs. She would feel the wind catch her, pull her and she would be gone. She raced against the land, each tap of her paws upon the earth was the rhythm of her beating heart, and the player to the music that resounded in her soul.

She ran until the tang of salt mingled pleasantly with the aroma of freedom. She paused in her wild movements, stilling with her head raised as she greedily took in the scents before her. Her eyes would slip closed and her paws would dig into the soft sand beneath her paws, clenching the loose grains beneath her and feeling the warmth of it soak into her pores. She would let a sigh slip her muzzle, feel it torn from her lips by the sun-soaked wind as she let her golden orbs open once more.

It was from here, from her spot by the faded sea and with the grip of wind to her coat that she watched the molten lava of the dying sun, watched its last wink of light before it was swallowed by the following darkness. The spray of autumn shades that lit the great expanse before her was something to see as it shimmered and reflected upon the artistically rippled sea.

The sea seemed alive before her, lapping and dancing against the sore, shifting and singing against the breeze. Truly singing, with a voice of wind and life and softness as it floated through the air before her. "Take me where the wind blows... take me to the sun... take me to a river that flows to the sea..." these where true words to the air before, a true life in the voice that sung them. Her eyes would flicker up and down the beach before resting upon the rocky shapes that littered its shore, and the figure that adorned its form. She didn?t hesitate before leaping forward, clambering in elegance up the harsh forms and landing light on her feet behind the girl who held the oceans voice. ?Take me to the River, take me to the Sea. Climb the highest mountain and go there with me? She sung softly, almost shyly despite the fire within her soul. She sung with closed-eyed beauty in tones that whispered between the winds and skimmed along the surface of the sea. When she completed the words her eyes would half open and she would peer curiously at the other from between her lashes.

Muse music: Secrets - One Republic




05-07-2014, 07:33 AM


The woman was gazing in awe at the disappearing rays of the sun when movement was heard behind her. Her ears swiveled, but she didn't dare move. This moment was too wonderful to pass up. So when a soft female voiced chimed in behind her, she was quite surprised. Especially when the words this female sang came from the same lullaby that was flowing through her mind. Adelaide felt an odd surge of kinship even before she turned to address the stranger. Her sapphire eyes were curious as she casted a glance over her shoulder. Behind her was a young female, adorned with chocolate brown fur and unique white markings on her face. For a second Adelaide recalled her own reflection, thinking of the many black lines and dashes that rested there, but then she decided not to hold the silence anymore. The white maiden smiled as two eyes of gold revealed themselves once more.

"That was beautiful, miss. Are you familiar with that lullaby?" Her voice was low and sultry, as it always was, but her eyes were incredibly kind. She hoped it wasn't too evident that she had been crying a moment ago. "My mother sang it to me when I was a child," she went on. "I guess I hadn't realized that others knew it the way I did. But that doesn't make it any less special."

The graceful woman lifted her bodice from the stone and came to sit a foot or two away from the other girl. Her smile was still very welcoming, though her voice was growing soft with reflection. "My name is Adelaide Lazurite. What is yours?" It then occurred to the snowy girl that she hardly ever introduced herself with her last name involved. But it had been a token from her mother, another thing to remember her by. And she would honor that name as best she could.


Motif I


4 Years
05-07-2014, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 02:05 PM by Motif I.)

Through the limiting vision of part litted eyes she would now take in her first look of the girl before her. Where before she had been a dark silhouette against the last rays of a dying sun, a dark figure to the backdrop of the burst of autumn shades and shimmering miragesbof color. Now she could see the girl in whole as a creature in of a shimmeringly blue white by reflection of the great sea in the last shreds of white behind them, a shade not seen from down below. More then this she could see that she was not a true representation of the pearlecent shade. Not with lines of black that shaped and adorned her feathure and the stunningly living shade of blue.

with the completion of her song she would now hold the full attention of this stranger, and a grin would sweep Motifs expression as she kept her own golden gaze upon the other. "yes, its beautiful and hard to forget" her gentle voice was wistful with those words and all the memories they brought back to life. She did not however dwell upon a single one, allowing nothing to take her attention from this silver girl before her. Her expression was almost apologetic as the other spoke of the songs meaning to her. She had not after all intended to intrude, but it had been too much right to walk away from, and the words still tasted sweet upon her tongue. Motif Destruction, Adelaide. And its my pleasure with a friendly wink and a half dip of her head she would complete the pleasantries of introductions.




05-10-2014, 10:12 PM

The other woman seemed to finally open her eyes and take in the other girl before her. Adelaide waited as her appearance was taken in, not embarrassed in the least. If there was one thing that the white maiden was confident about, it was her looks. She knew that she was beautiful. After all, she still looked like her mother. The brown female smiled at last, commenting on the beautiful lullaby and how hard it was to forget. "So true," she replied gently, an identical smile on her lips.

Then the pleasantries were exchanged. The two women introduced themselves, the other calling herself Motif Destruction. "What a unique name," Adelaide murmured. "The pleasure is all mine, Motif Destruction." The girl exposed her crown - and her wounded ear along with it - as she bowed in respectful greeting. Already she felt comfortable, even as they sent polite and distant words into the air.

Perhaps they could get to know each other better. "What brings you here, miss?"


Motif I


4 Years
05-11-2014, 03:19 AM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2014, 03:01 PM by Motif I.)

The night was graceful and lovely around them, alive with the sound of the sea finding purchase against well-worn stones before swishing away from shore once more. In fact, she could say it was as lively and pure in appearance as this dame before her. It was hard to fight the urge to slip closed her eyes and take in the wonders of the world before her in a great breath of air, to hear its grace brush tenderly against her soft audits that swayed with a barely noticed twitch against the soft wind that curled about them both.

But this she did not do, with the presence of Adelaide calling her attention. Not that this came to Motif as a terrible burden, it was by far a pleasure to hear the whispers of the wind in Addies tones, and the backdrop of the sea to background the white girls figure. For this bleached coated dame spoke only truth in her thoughts, she was of course beautiful.

There words would lead down a familiar lane as this girl would ask her why she was here, what had brought her to this place "family, actually" she would admit, another slight smile bringing life to her dark lips. "I have heard I can find other destructions in this land. Do you per chance know of any here?" she would ask her now, but refused to allow the topic to turn to her alone. "And what brought you here?"




05-11-2014, 10:35 AM


The waves continued to sing their own lullaby into the night as the two women sat across from each other. She watched as the beauty of their surroundings began to put the other maiden in a state of awe. The breeze caused her ears to sway, and she seemed to be struggling not to close her eyes again. Adelaide gave a silent chuckle. It was refreshing to see such a thoughtful individual, someone who really appreciated the beauty in everything. The graces that nature had to offer.

Finally, she heard Motif?s voice move into the silence between them. Family had brought her here, at least this was what she claimed. She then asked Adelaide if the name of Destruction was familiar. Indeed it was, though she hadn?t thought about it before. ?Yes, actually. The alpha of Ludicael goes by that name. Song Destruction, I believe?? The only reason she knew the name was because she had once aspired to join that scholarly pack. But she had been turned away on the grounds that they had enough healers already. Then, when the snowy female had tried to leave, the warrior had attacked her and torn flesh from her left ear. The wound there was still fairly fresh, as was her grudge toward the entire clan. But if Motif was looking to find her family, who was she to stop her? Adelaide just hoped she could leave in one piece.

She wiped the momentary scowl from her face and turned to acknowledge the second question. Why was she here? ?Well, I belong to the Ebony pack nearby. I am a healer there. The last few weeks have included a lot of difficult studying for me, so I decided to take a day of rest. I suppose I ended up here.? The maiden gave a companionable smirk and turned to stare out at the ocean again.


Motif I


4 Years
05-14-2014, 03:12 PM

She would be fully pulled away from her musing into the wind as the girl before her would speak again. Motif?s head would tilt gently to the side as she appraised Adelaide and took in the titbit she had been given. She had not actually expected to find an answer to her question so quickly, but perhaps if this Destruction went by the title ?Alpha? it would explain a lot as to why she had heard rumours of Destructions living here, and how she had found a lead to one so quickly. She would incline her head in thanks to Addie as she sorted through it in her thoughts.

Despite her curiosity to Song, the subject would change direction and new words would be given. She didn?t know much about the packs, so hearing this girl was from Ebony didn?t mean a great deal to her yet, just to explain that this woman was not a rogue but a pack wolf. ?I can see how you would find your way here. It?s a great retreat? she agreed softly, turning her head fully into the wind until it tickled by the little hairs along her ears. ?Thanks for the information by the way, it will be good to see how my family has developed here? she mused thoughtfully.




05-14-2014, 08:13 PM

The woman would sigh and close her eyes for a moment, just feeling the breeze upon her face. Everything was fine now, and she could feel the knots of stress slowly melting away. Her lips curled into a smile, and at last she looked back at the other girl. Motif seemed thoughtful for a moment before commenting on what a nice retreat this place was. "Yes, it is. I'm glad I found it. I'm glad I found you as well," Adelaide said quietly, nodding kindly. "You have been great company."

The two sapphire eyes remained still, watching the brown woman as she turned to embrace the gentle wind once more. It was interesting to picture having a large family such as hers, especially one with such distinct markings. Imagine all of the unexpected reunions... a soft chuckle surfaced in her throat. "I am more than happy to share what I know... and I hope to meet more Destructions like you someday. You seem like a wonderful family. I wish you luck in more happy reunions." With that, the snowy maiden would sink to the stone and stretch out her paws, enjoying the cool mist that licked at them.
