
oops I did it again

Zoey & Theory



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
03-18-2022, 10:33 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2022, 10:33 PM by Solo. Edited 1 time in total.)

ooc. post-dating this because I dragged ass on replying to their meeting thread RIP let's call it... mid Spring? for this one sorry

The swim from the island back to mainland was a bit longer than it had been the first time around, this time he was deeply aware of the young girl tagging along for the trip. Her legs were quite a bit shorter, and so she took a bit longer to cover the same distance that he did in just a few strides with those long legs of his. By the time the steady rushing of the rapids began to make itself known up ahead, the sun was nearly hidden by the horizon. It didn't bother him much, but he knew that it was now imperative that he get Zoey into the pack, and settled down in a warm bed for the night. She'd been sleeping on her own in strange places for far too long, and she deserved to rest her little head somewhere safe, finally.

"We're just gonna have a seat here, and wait for Theory to get here. She's a very kind headmistress, I'm sure you'll love her." he assured the cinnamon furred youngster, shooting her a small smile. Without any further ado, he tipped back his skull and let loose a sonorous howl for the leggy leader of Abaven. He'd chosen to wait a little ways from the actual border, as the rapids were liable to drown out anything that anyone had to say during this first meeting otherwise. "I'm sure you're excited to have your own bed again, aren't you?" he asked with a good-natured chuckle, the corners of his glowing eyes crinkling lightly as he did.

Narrative| "Speech" |
stock from pexels



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-21-2022, 12:09 PM

This was but the next page in Zoey’s book, the next step in her lifelong adventure. The lonely child had been forced to fend for herself far too early in life, and Solo was the beacon of hope that she didn’t realize she needed. When she was older, she’d know though. She’d know the male essentially had saved her life, being in the same place as she was. A child attempting to hunt and fight and feed themselves was far too much to bear, realisitically, and though she didn’t register the dire situation she was in, it was clear she wouldn’t have survived long if she had continued to tough it own by herself. This way, she could at least find the skills she needed to thrive in a safe, protected environment, surrounded by gentle, kind wolves who’d treat her like one of their own.

Swimming from the island of strange items back to the mainland was tiring, and she didn’t register her exhaustion until she could barely walk to the edge of the scent border wih her new friend. This young man had been kind enough to get to know her, and take her back to a place with this Theory person. They sounded a bit scary, bit he assured her she was a nice person at the same time. Still, she could only take in so much at the moment - paddling for miles through chilled waters and then walking a while after left her downy legs feeling heavy as lead poles, her goggles now feeling too tight against her face as she rubbed the still-wet straps with a soft grunt in discomfort. They were comfortable otherwise, but not for a sleepy, tired, and somewhat traumatized child.

When they finally sat down, she plunked down gratefully, her tiny ears flicking towards the brute as he mentioned how pleasant headmistress Theory was. She glanced up with her goggled eyes, her exhaustion clear in her dulled gaze. Still, they sparkled with endless curiosity as she softly said, "What’s a headmistress?" No doubt it was an important title, nonetheless. It was then the boy let out a long howl, melodious and strong all the same. Zoey watched him with childlike awe - she had tried to howl with her parents way back when, but it was more of a squeak then. She could only imagine what she’d sound like now, but she was a tad too drained to attempt it at the moment. Still, as the man inquired that she’d be happy to have her own bed, it seemed to perk her up a bit, a wide smile stretching her lips as she squeaked, "Yeah! And I can have a place to keep, um, bugs and cool plants and stuff!" She had plans to decorate her new place, it’d been far too long since she’d had her own den to call home. She waited for the leader to show up, her head sagging from sleepiness but her little tail still shuffling on the earth in a happy wag.

”Speech” ‘Think’



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-21-2022, 05:20 PM
It was complete. The hallways had been scrubbed, the dorms appointed with soft places to sleep - furs, fragrant dried heather and thyme - and everything had a sparkling sense of newness. Theory had been pacing the halls for a while now, breathless with anticipation for the students that would begin to trickle in. Her excitement had begun to fill the air until she felt like she was stifled with it. Theo turned out of the main hall at the distant sound of Solo's call. It reverberated in through the cave, the echo of it making it sound as if it was coming from everywhere at once. As she padded out of the school, she heard the very end of it trailing off towards the Rapids. She set off at a clip to see what the bright young man had summoned her for. A familiar sight greeted her on the approach: Solo, accompanied by a younger wolf she didn't recognize. A crooked smile settled on her face as she drew closer. He was like a piped piper, summoning lost children down to Abaven.

"Solo," she greeted warmly, then dipped her head to address the small girl: "And hello, my name is Theory. What brings you two to the border?" By the end of it, she'd raised her head again to speak directly to Solo. "Although I can hazard a guess." As she spoke, a plan began to form in her head. Yes, it's about time. He's earnest and committed. There's no better fit for the role. But first - this had to play out. Theory sat down, her short tail twitching expectantly as she regarded them both.