
Lunacy at its best


05-05-2014, 09:44 PM
Most of you know by now, the history of the Black Clan. However, there is also the other side of the story, the dark sided past that has gone untold. I am giving the opportunity to give you, the players of Alacritis, the chance to become part of the history.

As you know(or may not know), Lunatik was first born Son to Deviant and Mystic. For four years he lived in the Clan, his power hungry ego never satiated, and simply being heir was not enough. One night in cold blood, the monster unleashed his hatred and fury upon the Clan, bringing in a band of rogues to destroy everything and everyone they could. From puppies to elders, they slaughtered and created a massacre the likes of which the Clan had never seen. Lunatik himself fought against his parents, killing his Mother. The Clan fled with those they could gather, fleeing every which way.

Now, Lunatik and his loyal band of Miscreants are on the move, searching for more to destroy, others to kill and torture, seeking to destroy the peace and ways of life that is Alacritia. They will seek to bring down packs, be it by death or disbandment. Picking off members one by one, corrupting, raping, killing, maiming, anything that would hurt and/or destroy or cause harm to someone or those closest to them. That, is what they live for. They are loyal to him, as they see him as the true and powerful leader after that mass slaughter.

Lunatik himself, seeks to slaughter the remaining members of the Clan...and will stop at nothing to harm them, or those who are close to them. He is on his way to Alacritia, leading his band that has become a family of sorts. Together, they seek to dominate.

The Miscreants
The Miscreants are a band of scarred giants, all ranging from 40"-42" in height. They seek the thrill of the hunt, their prey being other wolves. They love to torture, to taste blood upon their tongues, to fight and destroy the bodies of those they encounter. They are merciless, and although they have minds of their own, they will follow and obey Lunatik without question. They are loyal to him, and he is loyal to them. Several of them are psychotic, having some kind of psychopathic pleasure or sadistic mindset. They love to see the suffering of others, and are always quick of wit, and strong of body. They are battle ready warriors, not a nice heart among them.

1. Must be 40"-42" in height.
2. Alignments must range from Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, & Chaotic Evil.
3. These are not nice wolves. They are meant to be completely evil, and might run the risk of being killed with the actions they bring to Alacritis; be prepared.
4. You may do what you want with them, however, please do not bring them to inactivity.
5. They are not to turn their backs on Lunatik, they have followed him since before the Massacre, and will continue to do so.
6. They are known to maim, fight, kill, rape, kidnap, enslave, etc. If you cannot deal with either of those things, please refrain from applying.
7. Have fun unleashing Hell upon Alacritia >:3
8. They may range in age, the younger ones will have been brought in as recruits from older ones. Plan accordingly.

I will make designs for you to use, however, feel free to use your own. There are no restrictions to designs as they are not of the Black Clan. Just rogues that had been recruited by Lunatik. So you have complete control over coat design.

Notes: Design 3 & 4; Siblings.
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Roleplay Sample:


05-07-2014, 01:45 PM

Quote:Lilith "Venom"

Quote:4 years


Quote:Chaotic Evil

'Even as a cold-hearted assassin, a wolf must be intelligent and be able to develop clever tactics specially for their victims. I was trained in targeting my foe's weaknesses and strengths, and exploiting these in the assassination. However, I displayed a unique skill that I had never studied. I was able to develop what you would call masks for my true personality. Very rarely will you hear myself mention my own name, and in my true shape. If you do, prepare for a one-way ticket to hell. Current residence: You'
'After I was born as Lilith, I was clearly with a nasty lust for blood. The taste would always excite me, as well as the scent. Both of my parents abandoned me far from pack territories as a yearling, as I was claimed too dangerous for life around other wolves. This was true, and when I was discovered and recruited by Lunatik, this diseased mind of mine only grew stronger in the murder of the Black clan. It was a wondrous night, the metallic scent of blood in the air, the pained screams of the wolves within, the bloodlust within me only would grow to this day, and here in Alacrita, I will bring hell to the surface, just as we did in the original lands where Lunatik ruled over.'

[Image: v7avc6.jpg]

Quote:The slate hued femme is not of such feminine stature, standing at a mammoth forty-two inches of height, weighing in at a rather light one hundred ninety-six pounds, due to most of her body being tightly bound muscle. The diseased femme is cloaked in slate blue tones all about her body, evenly alternating with gray tones to give the appearance of a solid color all over. A blanket of darker slate tones masks the dame's broad and strong back, covering her tail, and twining up to her neck, where it widens to cover the entirety of it in a solid pattern. If you are able to gaze upwards, you will find a pair of devilish and bloodthirsty eyes, both a bright crimson, the pupils ringed in a strange silver tone due to a damaged eye color gene. Always will you find her jagged mouth in a devilish grin, finding humor in your every word and secret. Scattered all about the femme's bodice are scars, hidden by time, and the lack of battle and blood.

Quote:Yet another day in the femme's diseased world, where blood would fill each nook and cranny, but yet it would not satisfy her hunger. A nagging scent would tug at the slate blue femme's nose, as her massive figure would lead her toward a rock, where she tend would leap upon, a rough noise following. In the distance, she could sight wolves getting closer, which then she would close her eyes and imagine the battle for the Black clan.

The blood. The screams. It would only cause the slate blue femme to snicker as a clan member lay dead between her massive paws. One scarred eye would move slightly as her crown would turn to watch another fleeing member attempt to sneak by. In a quick movement, the femme's body would lurch forth to assault the fleeing wolf, bringing it's small stature to the ground in mere seconds as strong jaws would snap tightly shut at the jugular of the wolf?

The slate blue femme would raise her ears as red orbs would reveal themselves once more as the cry of a raven interrupted her thoughts, which then she would reply to with a distasteful snarl and would drop from the rock, padding toward the figures she had imagined, one of them being Lunatik. Perhaps he had made it, perhaps he had not. However it would be, the femme would wreak havoc on all remaining Black clan members, and would personally deliver to them hell.



5 Years
05-12-2014, 06:59 AM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2014, 03:05 PM by Aldoro.)