


03-27-2022, 08:58 PM

Aura had stayed cooped up in their den for the better half of the day.  For the most part it'd been raining, and they really didn't want to risk catching a cold or something when they had plans to travel down to the gale gorge in just a couple days time to collect some last minute herbs before snow started piling up and outside travel became trickier.  They also had other preparations to make from inside of their home before herbs could even be brought in.  The pink wolf hadn't really noticed before, but somehow they let the mess in their den really pile up and there wasn't much room for anything new to come in without some extreme cleaning and a handy new system for organization.  Doing all of these things sort of last minute had them feeling rushed and kind of icky, but at least it'd all be done and over with by the end of the week if they stayed on top of things.

The rain had seemingly stopped for the night, and thus Aura took their first step outside for a well-needed breath of fresh air.  It was getting pretty late, but with adrenaline still running through their veins from all of the things they'd done today they weren't exactly ready to lay down for bed quite yet.  "Oh, lightnin' bugs are out."  they smiled, watching hundreds of little lights flickering about from all around them.