
shattered pathways


05-05-2014, 04:30 PM

Whisper fluttered around shattered drums that once beat with unyielding ambitions. Lost, she was so lost again. It was the haze, the one she had fought so hard to abandon, that flexed its fingered in the glove of the nexus in her psyche. Limbs stepped one before the other in a rhythmic pattern. The fog clouded those once brilliant eyes and left behind the mask that once captured her so deeply. Where was Fable? Always the anchor of her world had been that one insignificant wolf, the one who had abandoned her years ago. Her foundation had crumbled at the seams and here she stood, a figment, an apparition back from the dead.

Memories fled from the weight that still hug close to those huge shoulders. They clutched massive paws as one pushed up and then back down. Each movement stirred the light inside her broken mind, if only for a moment, but she needed to really remember. Who was calling her name with such fever? She could ear them crying. Did they miss her? Who did those voices belong to? She shook her head and allowed a isolated breath to break free from her thick chest. Her tail lay limp behind her as she walked along.

The washing sound of waves seemed to beat inside her head. She could hear them singing. Singing songs of candles and pathways and blood. What did their song mean? Who was she? She couldn?t recall but felt like it was right to be here. Maybe if she kept moving the fog would clear? Was that even possible, For the fog to go away? She didn?t know. It was always there now and she felt like she was dead, dead and lost and broken again. Her ears twitched as she kicked a small shell. It cracked beneath her massive paws and she stopped for a moment. Her violet eyes lingered over the fragile thing. She had barley touched it and it cracked, just like that, was that what she did? Broke the world around her?



5 Years
Extra large
05-05-2014, 04:54 PM

The pack he had once looked after had seemed to have dispersed since his absence. The only ones who had really remained were his immediate family and Vi. He wasn't sure where Tidus, Hansel, Jack, Byakuro or any of the others of his pack had gone. But one particular name weighed heavily on his mind; Newt. Where had the giantess gone off to? The last time he had seen her, she'd been about to battle the smaller dark woman whose name escaped him. But since then he couldn't remember seeing her around. Had she found somewhere else to live? Had something befallen the woman? He had considered the giantess to be a friend to him, since she had helped him during his reign of Tortuga. It saddened him not to have any news from her or even know how she was doing. Would he ever see her again?

Restless as usual, the cobalt titan was up and about, wandering the edges of the beach, following his usual patrol. The waves crashed noisily to his left, a soothing kind of melody that he had become accustomed to. Living on the island had become such a paradise that he wasn't sure if he would want to move back to the mainland. It was so beautiful here by themselves, but at the same the pups needs to be exposed to the rest of the world. He couldn't keep them here forever. Ebony paws would sink into the sand with each step, the grains slipping through his toes as he moved along at an easy pace, ears and nose alert for any signs. Though the salty air was strong, it wasn't strong enough to disguise a scent he thought he'd never come across again; Newt. Newt was on the island? Taurig would come to a standstill, velvety nostrils quivering as he tasted the salted air. Her scent really was there. How on earth had she gotten here?

Curiosity and disbelief stirred the gargantuan forward, limbs pulling him towards the scent of Newt, milky eyes blindly searching for the strongest point of her scent. Newt?! He would bark, hoping that she would recognize him and call to him. If she was really back she had to meet his family, she had to know that he had made a life for himself beyond Tortuga.



05-05-2014, 08:17 PM

The winds drifted threw oh such soft fur. Pulling at the aroma of who she use to be. Mirrors told the stories of the brave and heroic and yet the shadows showed the broken and lost. Who was she? With the whisper of ghosts to her ears her head turned blandly. No emotions crossing her eyes as she stared into what seemed like nothing and yet there was something. Violet eyes showed no sign of acknowledgement to the sound that had passed straight threw her. She paused in mid step. Something drew her to shake her head. A smell? What was triggering the forgotten to remember? Yet it was so hard to hold onto that small fabric of remembrance.

The cloud seemed to subside, at least it would appear, and as she drank in the figure that she had looked right threw only moments ago. Had he said something? Her ears twitched in a delayed response and she allowed her lip to curl back for a moment. It was a flicker of aggression, a sign of her turmoil. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her, mimicking a gavel, each swish growing closer and closer to its target.

?Fragments, they shimmer, bits and pieces and yet I cannot see the picture.? She said with a growl. A flicker of a face, a sharp stab of disappointment, regret, and even anger seemed to coil inside her body. It was as if the world had ignited so many emotions she was unable to chose just one and yet how could she? What he had done had disappointed her greatly but she was unsure what it was he had done. Something nagged at the edges of her being but the impression was so minimal she dismissed it. ?A name, a flower, thorns, I cannot recall. You called me something? A creature perhaps?? she asked, the flowers knew the truth, they found it with blood. Maybe if she took just a little. She might remember? He seemed to know her face and yet she felt so confused.



5 Years
Extra large
05-06-2014, 12:25 AM

Newt's scent was nearly overpowering now, causing Taurig to stop in his tracks, mikly eyes zeroed in the direction where her scent was the strongest. He could feel her presence near him, hear her breathing, but there was something off about her voice. A name, a flower, thorns, I cannot recall. You called me something? A creature perhaps? She didn't sound like the Newt that he remembered. Newt it's me, Taurig. Do you remember me? He felt stupid asking her if she remembered him, since he very clearly remembered her. Something didn't feel right though. Had something happened to the woman while she'd been gone?

Are you alright Newt? Scarred nostrils would flare, tasting Newt's scent. He couldn't smell any blood on her and she didn't seem to be in any kind of distress, so what could be wrong, if there was anything wrong? The titan stood several steps away, torn ears standing to attention as he waited to see if the giantess would recognize him and remember who he was.



05-07-2014, 06:51 AM

hadows danced across her eyes. Scorching out what was reality and what was the lost realm. She could hear something in the distance. They were muffled and disheveled words that called to her shattered memories. She blinked for a moment; unsure what time of day it was, where she was, who she was, it was all a blur. Hadn?t she heard a name, what had he said, Taurig. Her body acted on instinct, giving the illusion of recognition. She moved towards him. Each step felt as if she was pulling her paws out of quicksand. Stick and clinging, holding on for dear life, as she grew closer to the cobalt wolf.

She stood, eyes looking at him but not quite at him. Her body made no movement; she was utterly still, all but the rhythmic movement of her chest. She struck out, her head turning towards his left shoulder, and her teeth grazed fur and skin. She barley drew any blood at all, just enough for a small taste. She rolled the drop across her tongue and closed her eyes.

A flash of memory crossed her subconscious. She could see him, defeated and broken because of the pink wolf. She could see his mate, she had wanted to protect her, but she didn?t know why. A shattered home given out of desperation and all those that depended on him left homeless. Oh she remembered now as the anger pulled her mind back together. She fed on that anger, wrapped it around herself like a blanket, and really looked at him.

?Well then.? She said, confusion still laced in her voice but the faded cryptic banter seemed to ease. ?It seems my mind retained its fracture.? She mused. Yet fear clutched at the back of her mind. She had lost her self again. If she was regressing she knew she would likely not remember any of them. At least, not until she tasted them, blood was memory and knowledge and it would help her remember.

She focused on her friend and tilted her head to the side. ?Blood speaks truth. It calls to me and with its taste comes revelations.? She said with a laugh, ?Don?t shit yourself now Taurig, blood and shit just don?t mix you know.? She teased in an attempt to lighten the confusion. Yet the worry still clutched at her heart. She could feel that unknown being flexing in her metaphorical body. Testing her and seeing where her limits lay.



5 Years
Extra large
05-07-2014, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 03:55 PM by Taurig.)

Concern would lace itself across the titan's features as he stood before Newt, waiting for some sort of response. But none came. The silence between them seemed to grow infinitely and Taurig was beginning to get the feeling that something terrible had happened. And the sound of sand shifting would reach his ears and he would feel Newt move closer. He would stay completely still, hoping that perhaps something had clicked and she was coming to embrace him. But much to his surprise there would be a grazing across his shoulder, barely noticeable and then the sharp metallic taste of blood would reach his scarred nose. She'd...bitten him? But why? Bewilderment would replace his concern as he gazed in the direction of Newt, dark brows furrowed together.

And then finally she was speaking, relief flooding his system. Blood speaks truth. It calls to me and with its taste comes revelations. Don?t shit yourself now Taurig, blood and shit just don?t mix you know. His own laugh would bubble from his ebony jaws, chest heaving with the motion. There's my Newt. For a moment I thought something had happened to you, but I can see now that you're just fine. How have you been my friend? It's been quite some time since I've seen you. A lot has happened since the last time we were together. Haunches would fold beneath the gargantuan as he sat, hoping that they could sit and talk awhile, and maybe if his family was wandering nearby, they could meet the giantess.
