


05-05-2014, 12:44 AM

The southern part of Alacritis was teeming with different regions, different eco-systems and the yearling was absolutely enthused with all that he found. The Sea's Plain was perhaps one of the most interesting creations of the land, that he had found thus far. With the tide in, the water was icky to move through but he padded through it slowly- trying to catch a fish. Admittedly, he was no fisher- and chasing the fish through the water, running at some moments and swimming when the water grew deeper wasn't exactly working for him. As he ran through the water, he slipped- falling under the murky surface for a moment before he found his footing and stood back up. Coughing and gasping he let out a disgruntled snarl, that fell into laughter. He shook himself, expelling the excess water from his coat before his amber eyes found that of his fish again, and he bounded forward his jaws reaching into the water to snap at it.

He missed it, of course he did, but he was determined to catch the stupid thing now. Chasing it some more, the fish seemed to had found itself an amusing game as the wolf raced through the tide snapping into the water after his prized fish. Occasionally, he'd slip and crash into the water- always coming up with a disgruntled growl, before he'd take off again. Completely oblivious to the outside world, he was focused solely on his potential meal, though he wasn't even sure what fish tasted like. Would he even eat it? He was damn sure gonna catch it! He worked his way through the tide, swimming again as the shore dropped off slightly, turning himself towards the shallow water. There! He found his fish again, and lunged towards it, a happy bubble of laughter leaving him. Tumbling through the tide, he was a wet mess but he was having the time of his life.




5 Years
05-05-2014, 01:40 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was really doing badly about staying within the pack lands lately. It was like the adventure bug had bitten her and given her a double dose of whatever poison it was that made her so eager to venture beyond the borders of Ebony and away from the new home that had been made for her there. She should have been more considerate of her parents and their wish to see her safe and happy, should have made a bigger effort to find her place there and begin the training that she had decided upon. She might have had a natural knack for hunting, but she was not going to become a strong fighter by playing hooky every chance she got.

But responsibilities were far from her mind as her curious paws brought her clear of Ebony lands, even clear of the east, and back into southern territories. For being from the same region as Seracia, this place looked nothing like it. In fact, it looked like nothing she had ever seen before. For starters, the water was different. Rather than refreshing and tasty like it should have been, it nearly made her gag on her first taste. But not only that, there was just so much of it. It spread on for as far as she could see and it rolled inland to wet the earth unlike the way it settled in rivers and lakes. How did wolves live around it?

Less impressed with the sea than she could have been, it was not until she spotted another figure there amid the shallows, leaping about with his attention raptly focused before him, that she finally felt a tug of curiosity start to well up within her. What was the wolf doing? Intrigued, Anais drifted closer, noting how oblivious the boy appeared to everything but his target, and no sooner did she catch a sudden glint of scales as the fish he chased skipped a little too close to the surface she understood his behavior. And if her mother's training meant anything she knew he was not going to be successful that way.

Ever helpful and always friendly, there was no hesitation about her as she stepped just into the water, letting it curve around the bottoms of her paws, as she called out to the distracted wolf with a smile, "Did you get it? I've never had much luck fishing that way." And, oh, had she tried. Her mother had merely shaken her head at her daughter's impatient antics, but Anais did recall that it had been tremendously more entertaining than the waiting game her mother played with the fish. And in her opinion fun was always the better choice.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
05-05-2014, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2014, 10:34 PM by Crucifix.)

Recently the thoughts of Crucifix where not entirely his own. Feeling oddly bewitched and uncertain of himself, a first for the confident and dark shaded boy his pacing of the Alacritis lands would be done so with a moody difference displayed in the stalking prowl of his exterior. He loved the fresh beach air, the soft flow of sunshine that brought a new life to the shimmering mirage of blue that stretched for endless reaches far beyond. It had been at a beach that he had chased the falling sun and met Day for the first time, Day who had quickly progressed to being his closest friend and a strange confident who he felt he could easily share his troubles with.

The boy had been a surprisingly good listener, and Cru had spoken more then had been his intent. He longed for that now, that easy way his words had come and explained away his life in the presence of that boy. It certainly would have been useful now as his crowded thoughts demanded attention and reminders of Othello. His prowling steps to the sea where taken in a careless stride and a lack of attention that almost had him missing the others that had already found their way here. But an oddly familiar voice would call out and his eyes would move from their pondered and downcast state to flick up and find the wolf who had spoken. As they fell upon the lithe brown form a smile would outstretch his muzzle. Anais! A bit of puppy excitement might be just what he needed right now. He would move ever forward, only stilling a few good strides from her and realising with a start that her speech hadn't been idle and to to herself. His gaze had found the other wolf, splashing and thumping through the waves in a desperate and comical attempt to... fish. He would still laughter as he came up beside Anais and watched the fisher beside her.



05-06-2014, 01:35 AM

Fishing probably wasn't that hard to an experienced fisher, but the young lad was getting quite the workout! Panting and tiring quickly, his tail still waved in the air- a banner at his excited state for trying to catch the fish. A voice broke his concentration, but he didn't hear all of what she was saying- because as she spoke he tumbled into the water again. Scrambling to his feet, he shook himself as he emerged, letting out a happy yip. Another wolf had joined her, and he bounded through the water towards them, "What'd ya say?" He inquired, his tail wagging. He was getting tired of his endeavors, but perhaps they could help him catch the fish. "I'm trying to catch a fish... I don't think I'm doing it right though." He admitted ruefully.

His coat was soaked through, the silvery blue color now appeared to be a darker grey. Shaking himself slightly, he wondered if he was coated with mud and slime, and a quick glance about himself revealed that, that was indeed the case. Glancing at the pair, he blushed slightly before dipping his head. "I'm Genesis! Who are you?" He asked curiously, in a good natured tone. His tail wagged furiously behind him, and he glanced about his feet as the fish dodged beneath his paws. His head snaked down, aiming to grab it between his legs, and he yelped as he slid forward, summer-salting into the water. Pushing himself back him, he splashed some water at them. "Come play!" He beckoned with a gleeful laugh as he turned away from them and bounded off into the tide.




5 Years
05-06-2014, 03:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais continued to smile and watch the boy as he fished and played, his excited antics beginning to infect her with the same sort of playfulness. It looked like so much fun, running around in the water and chasing the fish, even if it meant they would be less likely to catch one. He tumbled again, causing her to flinch a little at the large splash his fall created, but laughter fell easily from her lips as her tail began to wag, feeling eager to join him.

She sensed someone coming to her side rather than saw their approach, and she turned her head to distractedly glance and see who might have been joining her and the other young wolf in the water. It did not occur to her that she would recognize him instantly. Her quick glance became a double take and as her yellow-gold eyes fixed on his familiar, lovely purple gaze she felt her heart race giddily at the surprise. "Crucifix!" Her tail wagged swiftly, betraying the sudden urge she had to hide her excitement though she still did not understand why. Surely her smile was not helping with that projection either.

Before she could even begin to gather her flustered thoughts together enough to say more the other boy was speaking. Anais had momentarily forgotten all about him, about what she had said to him, and glanced slightly open mouthed between him and Cru as she tried to catch up. Thankfully he went on and reminded her of what he was doing and of the fact he was having very poor luck about it. Oh, that was right! She was going to help him fish, or have fun trying.

He offered his name and asked for theirs in turn, and still feeling incredibly self-conscious the grey-gold girl answered, "I'm Anais," with a more subdued smile and another glance at Cru. The boy who named himself as Genesis appeared to spot another fish and tumbled once more as he made a dive for it. Anais resisted laughter for all of a second as she watched the humorous situation, still laughing and grinning and wagging her tail as he slashed more water at her and Crucifix. His offer of play was so very tempting, her tail wagging merely at the thought, but, as she seemed to be making a habit of doing, her eyes shifted to the mottled grey youth beside her. For seeming not too much older than herself - he reminded her a bit of her serious older brother - she was unsure whether he would condone such childish actions. And a part of her did not want to disappoint him.

"Will you play too?" she asked, her voice shyly quiet though her smile and eyes were bright and hopeful. Maybe he would surprise her and agree. She really did want to play, and it would have been made all the better to have him join.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
05-06-2014, 04:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2014, 04:28 PM by Crucifix.)

He would smile as the girl recognised him in a heartbeat, and the smile on her maw would only strengthen his own. A bit of excitement was exactly what he needed right now. He bumped his shoulder against hers in a good natured greeting. He would have said more, but at this point the wild fisher was making himself known to them, bounding through the water with as much excitement as before ? this time towards them. He got a good look at the boy now, watching him as he spoke. He had a good silver tone to his body that shimmered bluer in the bulk of the water. His sweet nature was as easily seen as those tones, through his bright smile, and his welcome as he ushered them into the sea to play with him.

He caught also the darker points on his face and ears that softened his expression and undertoned it with a touch of mystery. He found himself thinking he was a very good looking boy, handsome in a sweet sort of way. He had missed the flabbergasted expression on Anais as he admired this newcomer, and as he turned his gaze back to her now she had regained her composure and was offering forth her own name, reminding him to do the same. ?Well hey Genisis, i'm Crucifix. And your in luck because Anais here is a damn good hunter...? he trailed off with a laugh as the other bounded once more into the waves after his pray. Shaking his head in what could almost be seen as fond amusement he turned his gaze back to Anais. ?Of course, lets go show him how its really done? he winked at her and plunged forward after the other silver boy. He didn't mention of course that he didn't have the first clue how to fish. Nah, this boy was winging it.


05-07-2014, 02:40 AM

His haunches wiggled as he spoke to the pair, he was nearly beside himself in giddy happiness. He wasn't sure how he ended up so giddy- perhaps the thrill of chasing a fish is what the lad needed to subside his anger. The younger girl introduced herself as Anais, and Genesis beamed at her. Crucifix was the name of the old male and Genesis smiled at him as well. Crucifix mentioned that Anais was a good hunter and Genesis felt his interest in the girl peak. "Where'd ya learn to hunt?" He paused in his splashing to ask, his curiosity peaked. The yearling hadn't done to badly for himself, while on his own. Sure he was underweight, but he wasn't starving to death. Turning away, and not waiting on an answer though he did want to know he dove down in the water, his amber orbs flying open under the surface. The water wasn't really clear, but it wasn't murky like a lakes. He could see the gleaming scales of fish, and something else in the mud. Swimming down towards it, he bolted up out of the water as it moved. "GUYS! What is this?! It's got a huge ol' circly thing on it!" He spoke rapidly, and in excitement.

He padded impatiently in the water, waiting for them to come over by him, ever so often dipping his head in the water. He was surprised to see the creature swimming towards him, surfacing in the water. It looked like a lizard, kind of in the face and he nosed at it, yipping as the creature lazily swam away from him. "Come back!" He barked, as he paddled after it, his paws soon scraping the bottom of the plain, as the water grew shallower. "I've never seen anything like it!" He spoke in awe, still following the creature.

ooc: It's a turtle, if you couldn't guess XD.




5 Years
05-07-2014, 03:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her shoulder still felt pleasantly odd where he had touched her even as he carried on their conversation, further complimenting her as he informed their new friend of her hunting skills. Her ears tucked and her yellow-gold eyes widened, shocked and rather embarrassed for him to point out a trait about her, even a good one, but the smile upon her face could not have been more pleased. Apparently she had made a good impression on him, enough so that he saw fit to bring it up to a new acquaintance. She could have blushed and hid from the fuzzy feelings it brought up, but with Genesis asking about her training - as well as such a move being way too noticeable - she was helpless but to answer. "My parents taught me," she explained, her tone modest as she shuffled a paw around a little in place. "I guess they did a good job."

She was not even sure Genesis had heard because he was already back in the water, his head vanishing below the surface only to resurface with startling speed with an exclamation that caused Anais's ears to perk curiously. A circly thing? What was it that he could see that they could not? She may not have been overly fond of the water here but she still padded a few steps forward, letting it glide up her legs and cover all the way up above her ankles. It seemed Genesis was still further out than she was, and though a part of her wished he would chase whatever he had seen closer to the shallows Crucifix had spoken up beside her, winking playfully as he led the charge into the water to join the other young male.

Not wanting to be left out, the grey-gold girl set aside her indifference toward the ocean water and padded boldly after the other two, her steps splashing and heedless of whatever fish might have decided to wander around the shallows. Instead her attention and grinning stare were set on Cru and Gen, laughing a little as she caught up to where they were. "Where did it go?" she asked as she bound over to them, the further she went the harder it got to simply wade easily. She wanted to see this odd creature Genesis had found, and hoped she had not lost her chance trying to catch up with him.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
05-07-2014, 03:44 PM

He laughed, slightly apologetic when he saw that he might have embarrassed the poor girl. She wasn?t obvious about it, but it seemed that being caught in the spotlight was unexpected to her. His grin to her was nothing but encouraging if she happened to glance his way. Yet the boy before them was acting with the most puppy nature between them, with his wiggling butt and inability to stay still it was clear he wanted nothing more than to enjoy the day, and the water was warm and pleasant around them. Crucifix was hardly likely to show any sort of restraint on a day like today.

He would find himself laughing at Genesis and his strange behaviour, hoping about and exclaiming about some circley thing, and tore easily through the water he would get a look at it for himself. He would laugh again as he saw the little turtle, paddling through the water without a care to the yipping excited wolf that followed it. ?It?s a turtle? he said, glancing to Anais as she joined them. He would offer her another grin, moving aside slightly to allow to properly join them in the water. ?So we giving up on fishing?? he asked, giving his head another shake as he turned his gaze back to Genesis, this excited boy seemed to be leading the expedition, with him and Anais following where he leaded.

"Speech." 'Thought.'


05-12-2014, 04:57 AM

Indeed he never heard Anais's reply to his question. No, his attention was back on the water and all the mystery that it offered. Diving under the surface he blew bubbles around him, amber eyes lighting up with amusement as the large air bubbles floated towards the surface. Coming up for a breath, his amusement was diverted too the circular creature, and he chased after it, pleased to look up and see that the other two had joined him in the water. The creature dived down in the water, as Anais questioned its location, only to surface again. "There it is!" He spoke in an excited tone. Crucifix spoke, calling it a turtle. "What's a turtle do?" Genesis asked, pausing in his swimming and playing.

Of course that moment of seriousness would pass as the older male questioned if they were still fishing. "Yes!" Genesis barked, his amber eyes darting around searching for the fish. Amber eyes came to rest on Anais, "Alright, Ms. Fisherman... er.. Fisherwoman. What do we do?" He seriously hoped that it would be fun. Standing in the water, his tail slapped against the surface, sending drops of water all over the place, his excitement tangible.




5 Years
05-15-2014, 08:41 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A turtle! She may not have been too excited by the ocean, but she caught a glimpse of the creature that swam below its constantly moving surface, the animal with the circly thing situated against its back with wide limbs that propelled it through the water much more swiftly than she could move. Come back! she thought, intent golden gaze following it and bringing the rest of her along for a few sluggish steps. It was no use. She was no fish, and she did not possess her mother's finesse when it came to the water. It disappeared once, resurfaced again near Genesis - which he announced excitedly - but even by the time she had turned and splashed over it was disappearing again. It was sneakier than the hares on land!

Cru returned their attention to what had initially drawn them all to the water, and at the mention of it Anais raised her head and glanced between them both with a bit of her earlier embarrassment returning. She might have been quick on land, and known a little about fishing from her mother, but she hardly felt qualified to have the both of them staring her way as if seeking direction. "Um." How did she begin? Thinking back to her own lesson she tried to remember how her mom had done it. With calmness. With patience.

"My mom says that patience is key. The fish are scared of quick movements and it makes them run away. Just like rabbits," she explained, sharing a quick smile with Cru as she referenced their last impromptu hunt. "You just gotta wait until they're close. And then bite faster than they can swim." Was that a decent enough lesson? Not wanting to feed them her instructions when she herself was not even very practiced in the success of the directions she gave, the grey-gold youth smiled a little sheepishly before adding, "Though I tend to bite too quick. Fishing's harder than hunting. I like Genesis's way better." Her tail wagged just above the water's surface as she thought about the good romp through the water they could have that way, even if it slimmed their chances of getting their prized fish. "Maybe we can make a game out of it?" she offered, even more excited now than before.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
05-19-2014, 11:28 PM

He could only laugh at the boys energey, his ability to hold onto his delight and welcome these strangers until they all felt like old friends. He turned from the tutle, and Cru watched he creature for a moment longer before also turning his gaze upon Anais. He felt that somewhere along the line she had been appointed head of this fishing expidition and he easily handed over the reigns to her. So it was that both the boys where blinking their eyes at the girl and watching her as she seemed to think it over.

He would grin back at her as she looked his way, nodding his head as through saying he remembered that experience, without speaking through her own speech. She told them how it was done properly then directed it right back at Genesis and his exciteable way of fishing. Cru laughed again, it felt good to be light with all else happening in his life. ?We can try it both ways perhaps. Splash about a bit till where all exhausted then play the waiting game for a meal?? he offered, tilting his head at the pair of them, clearly letting them make the final decision, he was just here to feed of the good energies and lighten up his life after all.


06-07-2014, 12:29 AM

He would listen as patiently as he could to Anais's words, his tail stilling the water. Fishing sounded hard! How did one just lay around and wait? Back in Glaciem the pack at a lot of deer, elk, and other land animals. Those hunts seemed to involve a lot of running and chasing. That seemed more fun than fishing. How did wolves survive on just fishing? Anais went on, asking ultimately if they could make a game out of it, and he nodded ecstatically, bouncing again when Crucifix's words agreed. A game! He loved games! It had been a long time since he'd had anyone to play with- since he'd left his siblings. "Lets make a game! I think between three of us we can catch him!"He chirped, excitedly.

He looked around for the fish he'd been chasing, his amber eyes locking onto its blue and yellow form in the water. "There he is!" He said, bounding forward towards it. The fish, noting its attacker had returned, darted off, towards the shallower waters- and Genesis barked and chased after it. "Come on guys! Let's get it! The game was afoot!
