
Dall Sheep Dinner




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-17-2022, 09:04 PM

Chade loved to hunt and so he was thrilled when Merrick agreed to partner up with him. Chade had wanted to hunt in a spot that Swift had no desire to go. Fenrir’s maw was a fascinating place to roam but it was also far too cold for Swift’s thin coated frame. Chade loved it! He’d roamed the snowy craggy place enough to have an idea of what to look out for on where it was safe to step.

He had roamed here, fought polar bears here and now he wanted to try and catch the sheep on this mountainside. With the many potential falls, slippery ice patches, and unexpected holes in the ground it was much more of a challenge than running down a deer in an open field. Hopefully, this new friend of his would also find such a task fun.

He had spotted several of them numerous times and knew where the foolish things liked to hang out. Apparently, no one had bothered hunting them recently so they weren’t properly scared and hiding out as much as they should. Soon they would learn these were Chade’s mountains to romp about on the snowy rocks.

He’d started off going left and as they got higher following a thin path on the surface to the right so that they found a nice perch, looking down a dall sheep was enjoying the view. The snow and wind blew along but if the sheep noticed them it wasn’t concerned. Really, was Chade the only wolf that liked it up here? Did they at least fear the bears when they came around?

There was ground to run down to get to the sheep, it just had sharp turns, widening out around the sheep and Chade knew there was a steep path down that was currently hidden of which the sheep could run down. There were better spots to have found the sheep but still, it was where it was. This would just be a straight-out chase, grab, kill type thing as Chade saw it.

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