
Break Away




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-18-2022, 07:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2022, 06:58 PM by Azzurra. Edited 1 time in total.)

It was the middle of the night when Azzurra quietly got up and slipped out of bed, looking back behind her to make sure Balthier was still sound asleep. The longer her heat went on the more insufferable it became and the more difficult it was to lay beside Balthier. She couldn't even fall asleep and ignore it and laying there wide awake was just maddening. On her way out the door she paused and looked at the little collection of supplies they kept in the bungalow—including a half empty bottle of wine that they had shared at some point with one of their dinners. She wasn't even all that keen on how she felt when she was drunk, but she almost just hoped that it would make her feel anything else than how she was feeling now.

She carried the bottle out to the beach, walking down a long the shore a little ways away from the bungalow before she settled down on a soft patch of sand. Pulling the cork from the bottle she started to sip the wine, taking a few drinks before sticking it down into the sand in front of her with a sigh. For so much of her life her own body had been fighting against her and keeping her trapped by her own sicknesses and now just as she was recovering and rebuilding herself her body was betraying her again. She knew it was just part of being a female, but it really just reminded her of the fact that her mother had never been around to teach her about these things. She had no idea what to expect going into it and had to figure this all out on her own.

Azzurra fidgeted with the bottle in front of her, taking another couple of drinks and watching the wine slowly disappear as it sent a warmth and a tingle though her body. At the very least it did accomplish what she had wanted and made her feel something else, but it backfired in the sense that it made her mind wander into places she was desperately trying to make it not go. The way Balthier held her, the feeling of his toned body on hers, how he could make her feel... It gnawed at her and tried to drag her back to the bungalow, but instead she got up, abandoning the now pretty much empty bottle in the sand, and walked inland though the island in the opposite direction. Crawling back into bed with Balthier when she was trying so desperately to untangle her logic from her emotions was exactly what she didn't want to do.

As she passed through the jungle of the island and wandered near the structure where Chimera and his family resided, she caught the scent of another wolf on the breeze and she glanced up from where her sapphire gaze was lingering on the ground in front of her. She spotted the pale man lingering outside of the compound and her steps began to slow. She had seen the striking man around the pack a couple of times, but she had never actually spoken to him. He wasn't nearly as big or muscled as Balthier, but he was still very handsome in his own way and she did really enjoy the bold colors that stood out against his white fur.

It struck her that if she truly ever wanted to try and untangle her life from Balthier's she needed to figure out if she even could. Was she too far gone to be attracted to anyone else? That couldn't be the case since she remembered how she felt when she was with Satira, but was that just a fluke? With the alcohol in her system it gave her enough motivation and bravery to turn her path toward him before she could second guess herself. Maybe this man she never met wasn't a good starting point for her self discovery, but at least she was somewhere she felt safe and comfortable and she didn't think that anyone here would be a danger to her at the very least. She gave him a smile as she approached him, giving him a friendly dip of her head in greeting. "Do you mind if I join you?"




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-19-2022, 07:52 AM
Part of him was still settling into this new life that Chimera gave him, realizing and grasping his freedom wasn’t something he had ever expected in his life. Choosing what he did during his days, working because he wanted to and not because he had to… sometimes it was too much for him. Whenever he doubted himself there was always Chimera to lean back on, he encouraged him with words and affection, and was unlike any man he had ever met before. He was a just King and wise beyond his years. Serving him was unlike any master he had before. Chimera was not his master though, he was the King and Erystotle would follow him willingly.

The galaxy marked man was sitting outside in the courtyard, the moon was beginning to rise and Erys always felt a connection to the celestial body. It was a constant in his life that he still looked up to even as his life completely turned around. He didn’t know where he would be if Chimera hadn’t taken him that day. Perhaps he would be dead by now instead of finding enjoyment in his life. Erys was actually living now, he was real and alive instead of being an object that was just used until breaking.

As his silver eyes searched the sky and the moon a soft voice caught his attention. He looked over to see the young woman approach him shyly ,and after his eyes fell on her he caught the scent of her. She was in heat, a fact that was impossible for any man to ignore. But Erys did his best, she looked almost lost despite being in her home pack. Erys gave her a soft smile in return, hiding his inner emotions was easy after a lifetime of it. He put on his sweet and helpful face as he greeted her.

"Of course not,” Erys returned as he patted beside him, happy to have company. Even if it was hard to ignore her lovely scent. He tried not to think of the way it made his skin prickle. "What brings you into the moon’s light tonight?” He asked quietly as the night demanded.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-19-2022, 09:52 AM

She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or not when the horned man looked up with kind eyes and welcomed her in with a pat beside him. If he hadn’t, if he had just denied her presence and sent her away, then it would have been easier for her to decide what she really wanted to do. Instead he was sweet and polite and gave her all the more reason to want to join him. She settled down beside him, feeling strangely comfortable with him even though she wasn’t even sure of his name. He seemed sweet and the way he spoke quietly and gently drew her in. She hadn’t been able to see how pale and silvery his eyes were from a distance, but now laying this close they were quite ethereal with the moonlight bringing out the silver flecks in his irises.

"I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to be alone,” she replied when he questioned why she was out here. It wasn’t a lie, but she left out the part that she had chosen to come here instead of going back to the bed she shared with Balthier. She didn’t want to be alone, but she wanted a different kind of company than she usually had. She had approached him wondering if another man could make her feel like Balthier did, but what she hadn’t really considered in her slightly intoxicated state was the fact that her heat and the instinctive drive that came with it played a larger role than she realized. It sent her mind off into thoughts she probably shouldn’t be having about someone she just met and it made it hard to look at him without blushing.

Azzurra shifted a bit closer to him as she got comfortable, their sides very neatly touching. "I’m Azzurra… What’s your name?” she questioned curiously while attempting and failing to keep her thoughts and body in check. She couldn’t stop thinking about how soft his fur looked or mysteriously magical his pale eyes and skin looked in the moonlight. She couldn’t help but wonder how different his frame would feel over her own than Balthier’s or what his expression might look like when they were done when there was no internal conflict or guilt to work around. Her gray dipped paw slid closer to him, crossing the small distance and brushing the side of his foreleg as her cheeks flushed and her ears flicked shyly.




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-19-2022, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2022, 01:27 PM by Erystotle. Edited 1 time in total.)
In the before time Erystotle wasn’t given any attention unless it was negative attention. He was unseen and unheard unless his master desired it of him. The memories of being a slave to any of the faceless wolves know as master still haunted him. Of course he didn’t believe that the young woman who approached him shared any of these qualities but she did bring the hint of a memory. A reminder of the nightmare he lived through.

Despite the dark thoughts that lingered with him the girl seemed to be relieved when he welcomed her beside him. She told him honestly what was wrong, and he could see it in her as she spoke. She didn’t want to be alone. He knew how that felt, but after being truly alone for so long he had learned to unhealthily cope. Being so alone left its marks, just as he tried to forget about the nightmare. "I understand,” Erys returned knowingly.

The flush of her cheeks wasn’t so noticeable in the moonlight, but her seemingly shy disposition was. Like she wasn’t so certain of him because of unfamiliarity, but being unable to stop from coming closer because of forces stronger than her fortitude. The behavior was almost reminiscent of the men that sought his company…

She introduced herself and asked after his name and he answered as she hesitated slightly before nudging closer to his side. "I’m Erys,” he returned kindly. Surprise touched him as her dainty paw reached out to touch him. That was the moment he truly realized how lonely she was. He was still very much aware of her state, of the alluring scent she wore as perfume, her soft attempts to get closer to him. For the first time he was thankful for the difficult experiences he had faced. He wasn’t naïve to the darker aspects of the world and this was touching on them. Erys had to handle this carefully, for her sake.

"Are you alright, Azzurra?” He asked her softly, not rebuking her, but offering comfort as he placed a silvery paw over hers and sought to find her gaze. Something was wrong for her to seek out an unknown packmate like she was now. He couldn't find himself believing it was simple loneliness.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-19-2022, 03:48 PM

She smiled softly as Erys introduced himself in the same sweet temperament he had with his other greetings and it was endearing in a way she wasn’t expecting. It caught her off guard, but in a good way. It made her relax a bit and made her feel like she didn’t make a complete mistake joining him here. However, as she inched closer and let herself reach out to make that first contact with her paw on his leg, his expression became hard for her to read and then his paw was resting over hers. She stopped as he asked if she was okay and she blinked with surprise and what almost felt like embarrassment. She hadn’t necessarily done anything to be embarrassed about, at least not yet, but he made her pause and confront the emotions she was trying to run from and it made her uncomfortable in her own skin.

She tried to say that she was fine as she attempted to brush it off and keep moving forward, hoping her instincts and more carnal desires could overpower the feelings of everything else. Looking into his concerned eyes though made her chest squeeze tightly and she looked down at his paw that was resting over hers, her mismatched ears folding back. Saying that she was fine and that nothing was wrong felt like a lie and even though she had only just met Erys it felt wrong to lie to someone that seemed so genuinely kind and worried for her.

She didn’t know what to say and just gave a little shake of her head in response, still unable to meet his gaze. “I… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be bothering you,” she managed after a moment and she started trying to get up and move away, feeling mortified that she had allowed a chip to show in her armor and that she couldn’t even manage to hit on someone without falling apart. She wanted to hide it all and pretend everything was fine like Balthier seemed to always be able to do, but it was wearing her thin and she didn’t know what to do. She just knew Erys didn’t deserve to be bothered with her problems.




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-19-2022, 06:43 PM
She was really beginning to be put at ease, but maybe he overstepped himself when he asked his bold question. Maybe he was misreading the situation, or he wasn’t as knowledgeable as he thought that he was. Erys surprised her, and he could see her conflicting emotions. He wished he could read her mind, it seemed like she was getting closer because she wanted to feel his touch. Physical affection could drown out some of the deep sorrows within one's heart, but in Erys experience it only tore you further apart in the end.

Her ears fell to her head as she fought with herself on her answer, he gazed deep into her eyes that showed the hurt within. She averted her gaze from him, obviously feeling ashamed of something. He squeezed her paw a little to encourage her and when she finally spoke it was much more appropriate for stranger to stranger. She answered his question without an answer. Something was going on, and maybe Erystotle was overstepping his bounds as he pressed her.

"No, it’s okay.” He gently grabbed her paw again, lightly enough that she could pull away if she truly wanted to go. "Please stay,” she didn’t need to be alone right now. "You don’t have to say anything.”

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-20-2022, 10:15 AM

Just as she was beginning to stand she felt his paw on hers again to stop her. She held where she was, partially out of surprise that he even wanted her to stay and partially because deep down she didn’t really want to go. She definitely didn’t want to go back to Balthier right now with her emotions running so high so that would just leave her alone again with her own thoughts. She hesitated as Erys asked her to stay, still feeling guilty for disrupting his peaceful night with her problems, but eventually she did settle back down beside him. "Okay," She said softly as he insisted she didn’t have to say anything even though she felt like she owed him some kind of explanation now.

She was quiet while she attempted to untangle her thoughts while her heat and the desires that came from it continued to wreck havoc on her, She just wanted everything to be simple and easy, but it never was. Everything was always so complicated and she just felt like she was at a loss. Her side leaned gently into his while she laid with him, leaving her paw in his while she genuinely enjoyed his kind, calming presence.

"I’ve never slept with anyone besides my brother," she admitted softly, looking down at the ground in front of her. She couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye while she shared what was bothering her even though she knew that kind of thing wasn’t exactly out of the norm here. One of Chimera’s queens was his sister after all. It was still hard for her to say, especially to this gentle man that she had only just met. But, once she started talking it all came out one after another. "He’s always taken care of me… I was sick for a very long time and our parents were gone when we were still pretty young. He loves me so much and I… I love him too…" She was hesitant at the end, always wondering if she actually loved him romantically or not, but she quickly moved past it.

"It’s just that… When we’re done he always seems so conflicted and guilty. Everything seems fine and wonderful until the very end. And I just… I don’t understand. Is… Is it normal? Should I feel bad too? Am I not supposed to want to feel good and have pleasure?" Her voice cracked a bit at the end as tears started to mist over her eyes and her ears fell back again, leaning into him more as she sought out any kind of comfort from these emotions she had been burying down and hiding for so long.




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-20-2022, 01:39 PM
He wasn't quite believed that he was going to convince her, but Azzurra hesitated and stopped, still looking lost as she settled back at his side. Even though he didn’t have a good look at her features he could tell she wasn’t really looking at whatever was in front of her. Her mind was far far away at this point. He didn’t press her, he didn’t ask, he just sat with her so she didn’t have to be alone with her thoughts. Erys held tightly to her paw and let her lean against his side.

The once slave was prepared to sit with her all night if that was what she needed, it was a pleasant evening and the stars above were good company. Eventually though, her thoughts became a confession on the air. His head tilted subtly as he listened to her, not entirely surprised by what she said considering the King that ruled over them. She didn’t stop, as she started to let the dam open it all came rushing out as she explained the deeper workings of the relationship she shared with her brother.

She went on, revealing the trouble within and Erys mourned that he could not really give her any answers to her questions. He had never had any real relationships. Not beyond his adoptive mother, or Chimera. He could take his guess, but he didn’t want to sway her when he couldn’t even be certain. What he could do was to hold her.

Tentatively he leaned back onto his haunches so he could balance with one paw holding hers as the other slipped over her shoulder to offer his embrace. "I.. Don’t have much experience in healthy relationships.” He told her softly, "But if something doesn’t feel right.. It probably isn’t.” He had a lot of experience in what should be done, not what should. He wasn’t a stranger to the awful feelings that were had in the aftermath. "You deserve everything good.” He promised her determinedly. He didn’t know her very well, but he knew those words were true.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-20-2022, 09:25 PM

Azzurra didn't really know what to expect from Erys for a response as she spilled out her inner turmoil that she hadn't been able to discuss with anyone else before now. She couldn't discuss it with Balthier because the one time she tried it had ended in a fight that had made her whole world turn upside down. Now she was just doing everything in her power to maintain the status quo so she wouldn't risk losing him. As painful as everything was and as uncertain as she felt about everything in her life, Balthier had been her only constant through every loss and every struggle. Losing him now, even if it might benefit her in the long run, felt more difficult than living in this state of uncertainty and anxiety. Still, while she here with Erys in the quiet of the night while she tried to cope with her overwhelming emotions, she realized it was actually nice to be away from her brother for a bit and have an open ear to speak to.

She appreciated the feeling of his paw holding hers like a tether to keep her grounded and when his other foreleg slipped around her shoulders she thought she might just crumble apart. His kind advice was honest and it was what she already knew was true even if she didn't want to accept it. If it didn't feel right then it probably wasn't, but she also didn't know how to fix it. She felt trapped and in search of a way out that she didn't even know if she would take if it was offered to her. Azzurra leaned into Erys' embrace, struggling and failing to keep the tears that had been forming in her eyes from falling. His assurances that she deserved everything good made her already overwhelming emotions feel like they might bubble over and she shifted in his embrace to press her face to his chest, hiding in his soft, white fur like she might be able to hide from the world there. But, just like every other way she had attempted to cope, it didn't make the emotions go away and it just left her with nothing to do but face them.

Her paw pulled away from his as she slipped her forelegs around him to hug herself tight to him. Even though they were still little more than strangers she felt like she could trust him and she gravitated toward his gentle demeanor, his kindness feeling like a salve on a wound. For a little while all she could really do was cry into his chest, letting out all of the pent up confusion, hurt, guilt, and longing. When she was finally able to get her quiet sobs to dissipate, she gave a shaky sigh and gave him a grateful squeeze with a silent thank you. She felt so terribly guilty for disrupting his evening and unloading her trouble and trauma onto him when he very much didn't ask for any of it, but she couldn't express how much she had needed this and how thankful she was to him for allowing it to happen.

She was quiet for a little while until she was able to calm down enough that she was confident her voice wouldn't break when she tried to speak. Being so pressed against him like this, it was hard to keep her mind from wandering back to the topic that had prompted this spiraling and break down to begin with. Purging the clouded, painful emotions had only left her more raw and open than before and let the other needs that hadn't been fulfilled come even more strongly to the forefront. "Erys..." she said softly as she lifted her head to look up at his face tentatively. It was difficult to get the words out, but she reassured herself that even if he turned her down at least he would be kind about it. She leaned her muzzle toward his, but she kept herself from actually touching her lips to his. "I just want to feel good... even if its just for a little while." Her face flushed even as she managed to say what she wanted. "I... I understand if you don't want to, but... if you do..."




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-21-2022, 07:04 AM
She was struggling considerably, and beyond sitting with her there wasn’t much that Erystotle could even do besides hold her paw and tell her it was going to be alright. He couldn’t know for certain, not really, but he knew Fenmyre was somewhere special. If she could not find her way here he would be surprised. He offered her no real solution, but he did try and instill the truth in her. It was far better to confront the challenges before her than ignore them. If she knew she had someone on her side to support her while she struggled.. It seemed like she realized that as he wrapped his arm around her and she fell into his embrace.

For a moment he thought that he had broken her, the way she seemed to collapse into him like the weight she was bearing had finally crushed her. Erys could do nothing but hold her, but he would hold her tight and support her as best he could. Maybe they had just met, but Erys had a big heart. He couldn’t let her cry by herself.

Azzurra took her paw from his as she wrapped her slender legs around him and fully accepted his embrace. Erys wrapped his arms around her shoulders and lowered his head over her own, protecting her from what he could and letting her cry for the struggle she was faced with. He didn’t know how long he held her, but it didn’t really matter. He would have held her for as long as she wanted, into the morning and the next day if she needed it. Much quicker than he expected though, she regained her composure.

His pale silver paws had been gently rubbing her back for comfort and support, and the motions slowed as she eventually managed to dry her tears and clear her throat. She sniffled softly, regaining control before she whispered his name. Erys lifted his head so that his ghostly silver eyes could catch her gaze. She seemed to stop herself before her muzzle lifted to his, but didn’t quite touch as she went on. Her voice was so soft and so hesitant she nearly broke his heart right there.

"Azzurra,” he whispered back softly as he ran his paw down her back and held her while he hesitated for only a moment. He couldn’t deny her. He wasn’t certain of his own feelings but all he wanted was to give her relief. He had never been with a woman before, but her warmth and how easy it was for him to care for her. If this was what she needed.. "Come with me.” He whispered back, not wanting to degrade her further by indulging in such intimacies right out in the courtyard. If she still wished it, Erys would lead her not to his crampt quarters but to his favorite bungalow on the beach.

It was out of the way of the other shelters, and he had spent considerably time making it beautiful and homey. His room was the servants quarters by Chimera’s rooms to be close in case the King needed him, but this was Erys’ little escape. There was a little garden behind with fragrant and colorful flowers that reflected the pale walls of the bungalow. He opened the door to his guest to reveal the specially decorated interior.

The majority of the interior was decorated with items of cream and white. Fluffy ivory furs were laid on the bed and the nook by the window. There were fresh flowers in a vase in the corner, and the whole room was clean and cozy. He hoped that Azzurra would find this place as much of an escape as he did. Now that they were here he could feel an odd nervousness in his belly, not because of what Azzurra wanted, but the position he was being put in and how easy he could hurt her because of it.

"This is the place I come to when things get overwhelming.” He admitted to her as he led her inside. He went to the opposing side of the room to get a water skin to offer her. At the same time he tried not to move too far away from the girl, his side brushed against her and his paw caressed hers as he handed her the water. If she really wanted this he would do it right.

He aimed to lead her up to the plush bed that took up the majority of the room. His silvery eyes catching glances of her own brilliant blue gaze. He wanted her to forget everything going on outside, he wanted her to feel safe, loved, and cared for. She was already receptive to his touch, so Erys carefully helped lay her down in the cloud of a bed beneath him. He looked into her sad eyes, and felt much deeper emotions than a stranger should feel. Maybe it was his own traumas and experiences, but he wanted her to feel like she mattered. He wanted her to feel complete even if they were only given this moment. As he gazed into her beautiful eyes Erys lowered his muzzle to hers and kissed her softly.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-21-2022, 11:22 PM

Azzurra held no expectations of the kind man that had already given her so much just by being an open ear and someone to lean on while she poured out the bottled up emotions on her heart and if he simply denied her advances she wouldn't have been surprised or hurt by it. She was a mess and she wouldn't have blamed Erys if he didn't want to involve himself in the mess that was her life any further. Even still, as his paw slipped slowly down her back and her name left his lips in a whisper she hoped deeply that he would say yes. She wanted the pleasure to help her pretend that everything was okay, she wanted to feel good to cover up everything that was hurting, and she wanted to stay wrapped in the embrace of this man that had, at least for the night, become her life line. There was a hesitation and a moment of silence where she braced herself for him to let her down easy, but instead he told her to follow him. She blinked with surprise, but she didn't protest. She reluctantly slipped out of his embrace and stood so that she could follow him to a bungalow that was separated from most of the others, the scent of the fragrant plants in the garden by it greeting her first.

As he opened the door and welcomed her inside, she looked with awe at the welcoming, beautifully curated interior. Everything looked like it was put together so thoughtfully and in ways she had never really considered. Everything was bright and welcoming and matched his pale coloring with ivories and creams throughout. The furs looked so plush and comfortable and she could smell the subtle, sweet fragrance of the flowers in the corner. "I can see why... It's beautiful," she told him, glancing toward him with a smile when he mentioned that this was where he came when he was overwhelmed. She lingered in the middle of the room as he moved away to get a waterskin which she took gratefully, looking to him with shy appreciation as he handed it to her with subtle affections. "Thank you," she said softly as she took a drink, the cool water feeling refreshing as it rinsed the taste of the wine she had been drinking, and setting it off to the side on a small table.

She was still blown away by how kindhearted Erys was to someone he hardly knew. As she followed him closely over to the large, plush bed, she felt no hesitation as he helped her onto it and she sank into the soft furs. Her heart skipped a beat and fluttered in her chest as she shifted onto her back and Erys made his way over her. She looked up into his silver eyes and saw nothing but the sweet tenderness that he had exuded since she happened to stumble upon him. She hadn't fully understood why he had wanted to bring her here instead of just taking her in the courtyard since she had offered and was willing, but now that she was here, now that she was fully experiencing the care that he wanted to give to her, she understood and she appreciated everything that he was. This was more than she could have asked for and it was overwhelming in its own way.

When he brought his lips to hers and kissed her, Azzurra melted into the gentleness of that kiss as her eyes slipped closed, a few more tears rolling down her cheeks. It wasn't the same kind of painful purging that had hit her before, but a cathartic feeling of choosing something purely just for herself. There was no pressure, no feeling as if she had to keep a fine balance to keep things from falling apart, no ignoring of things that were too difficult to face. She was able to return Erys' kiss and let herself go into it, her mind flushing out any other thought that wasn't this warm soul pressed against her. Her slender legs slipped up around his neck and she pressed deeper into their kiss while the toes of her mismatched paws curled and held onto his scruff as if she might drift away if she didn't. A fire spread under her skin everywhere they touched and a quiet whine of need escaped her as the needs and escape she craved came back to the forefront of her thoughts.




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-23-2022, 06:56 PM
The girl didn’t hesitate to follow behind him as he led her towards his bungalow. Somewhere cozy and private. If not because of her, but because it was for him. Erys couldn’t just have her on the courtyard, it was too much like what had been done to him. Instead, he welcomed her into his home. Her look of awe as he opened the door was satisfying in itself. He was rewarded as she seemed to relax here in his cozy little getaway. She told him it was beautiful as he passed the water to her.

He could smell the wine on her breath and knew she would do well with a long drink of water. She responded sweetly to his subtle affections and as he caught her gaze under those long lashes his belly fluttered nervously and excitedly. She made no secret of what was desired from him, and it was easy to lead her to the bed. She lay down on her back so his belly was against hers as he lifted himself to the cloudy bed over her. She was warm and welcoming, and her movements helped to guide his own. He’d never been with a woman before, but it was easy to lose himself in her.

He’d seen her sorrow but now she would also show him the joy they could create together. Erys would help her forget as much as she was about to help him to forget. He held her, and as he leaned forward to kiss her Azzurra grasped back at him. She melted against his lips and wrapped her pale arms around his neck. Their eyes closed as they both fell into the tender affections. Her toes wound their way into his scruff as he pressed against her thin frame. He felt the warmth of her, the deep kindling desire. He wanted more, she had solicited him but Erys was indulging in the intoxication as well. She whined softly into his kiss, and her need echoed in himself. He inhaled sharply as the sudden deep need he had for her.

One pale paw trailed down her hip as his weight balanced on the elbow that cradled her cheek. Erys went to guid her hips to align with his own as all of her limbs wrapped around him. He grinned into their kiss before he pulled away to look into her brilliant eyes. The lingering sadness had dissipated, but Erys would banish it for the night. He held onto her and finally joined their bodies with great care. The experience was nothing like Erys had ever experienced before. Pleasure and euphoria cleared his mind as Azzurra overwhelmed him. He moved with her, letting her lead him so the both of them could climb divine heights together.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-23-2022, 10:48 PM

Azzurra was used to Balthier setting the pace, even in the few times that she had initiated their heated moments together. She had mostly felt like she was receiving what Balthier gave her and he decided what he would do to give them both pleasure. It felt different with Erys. The way he kissed her and the way that his body pressed into hers, it was like a dance where he somehow was waiting for her guidance, letting her show him the way in subtle ways, but he was still driving them forward as well. It felt like they both needed this for one reason or another and it felt like they could find solace in one another's embrace. Anything or anyone outside of this bungalow drifted away from her mind while their lips connected together in deepening, more passionate kisses and her paws held on to his scruff to keep herself grounded to him and to remind herself that this wasn't a dream. Erys and everything he was making her feel was real and wonderful.

With her whine filled with need and longing for this man that had given her far more than she would have ever anticipated when she approached him, she felt his paw move to her hip and felt him guide their hips to meet. Her heart fluttered and skipped with excitement and nerves, a little part of her still a bit anxious about being with another man for the first time. Even still, no part of her wanted to stop and no part of her hesitated as she felt all parts of his body press to hers. It wasn't until his lips broke from hers and she blinked open her eyes to meet his pale gaze that she felt the last of the nervousness melt away. The last traces of the heavy emotion that had been sitting on her chest faded from her expression and she looked up at him with a thankful happiness for not only giving her what she needed physically, but being compassionate for what she needed emotionally as well.

With her limbs entangled with his, her hips pressed upward to meet with his, a soft gasp escaping her as he joined them together as one. Another whine left her, but one of pleasure and euphoria instead of desperate need. They easily found a rhythm together, her body moving with his and encouraging him onward for more as they grew more accustomed to one another and started to find the little things about one another that made the moment even more perfect. "Erys...!" she gasped breathlessly, unable to do anything but tighten her hold on his scruff as she was taken away on crashing waves of incredible sensations. If it wasn't for the bit of adjusting to one another at the start she probably never would have guessed that this wasn't a common activity for him and she most certainly wouldn't have guessed that she was the first woman he had laid with.

Quiet and breathless sounds filled the otherwise still bungalow as the pleasure built steadily higher, the heat under her skin feeling ever more alive and electric with each passing moment and every impassioned movement. The peak of her pleasure crept up on her quickly with heavy breaths and desperate whines, gasping as she went over that precipice into pleasure that blanked out her mind and set every nerve ending along her skin on wonderful, sensitive fire. "Erys...!" she cried again between gasps and moans, clinging to him and pressing into him as she let herself completely go to their mating.




5 Years

Trick 2019
04-25-2022, 07:52 AM
Past traumas wouldn’t cease to haunt him, terrors enacted against him, curses that destroyed any kindness shown to him, a life of servitude as an object. It had all changed when Chimera took him into his embrace. Since that moment Erystotle had fought to regain what had been taken from him. Purpose, personal goals, real relationships. He was forging strong ties with his impressive King, Azzurra was begging him to indulge in her.

He had so many deep wounds to work through, but as Azzurra held to him it was like they were healed. Like her touch could close the open scars and make him anew. He similarly grasped her, because if he let her go the past would reclaim him. He wanted to embrace this beautiful moment with her, as they chased their horrors away and found a moment of bliss together. Happiness wasn’t an emotion he knew very well but as their eyes met the emotion grew between them. They were practically strangers in the night, but there was an undeniable connection they both needed to indulge within.

She helped him as they continued forward, her body moving against his as he pushed against her and their bodies began an intimate dance together. Her soft gasp and little murmurs of pleasure helped to encourage Erys in his hesitation. She gasped his name and hed to him tighter as their actions built in intensity. His lips were pulled into a small grin as he indulged in her, burning his features into her soft fur as the sensations and actions threw him into a whirlwind of emotion and pleasure.

His own gasps and moans filtered through pale lips as the two of them climbed higher together. Azzurra projected her pleasure with every shift and thrust, her breathing becoming ragged as her little whines became more intense. His name was on her lips as they found themselves tumbling over the final edge together. "Azzurra…” He returned with gasping breaths as his body was ignited. Fire burned within him as he lost his control, his mind consumed with the flames of passion as he held her tightly and she clung to them as pure bliss consumed the both of them and their bodies.

"Erystotle Atlas"