
Humble? What's that?

seasonal solo



Expert Fighter (160)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
04-19-2022, 03:18 AM
If Tor had stopped to think about it, maybe when the bear had decided to take his fish he should have just let him without arguing about it. After all, the bear was huge, a big mature male of the species and far outmatched him in strength, wits, and experience. All Tor had was a gangly adolescent body and a head full of empty. Of course, Tor never really ever stopped to think about anything, let alone about a fight, so when the bear tried to swipe that juicy fish he'd worked so hard for the first thing he did was give a shrill cry of rage and sank his oversized fangs into the bear's paw.

He was immediately lifted off his feet and flung around like a ragdoll while the bear bellowed in pain and anger. He had just thought to make an easy meal by chasing the foolish little bear pup off his kill, but now it was personal. Now he'd be making a meal of the fish AND the pup.

Tor had no idea of the bear's murderous thoughts and frankly, wouldn't have backed down even if he had. The boy had nothing in his brain but rage. Static crackled uselessly along his blue markings, he was so mad, and his young tiger-like claws where out and flailing towards the bear, trying furiously to slash up the arm that was waving him around like a flag but mostly failing.

What all the zapping and clawing did do, entirely by accident, was keep the bear from immediately crushing him against his massive chest, which would have been the immediate end of the brief life of one Tor Regni. The young berserker was all but unaware of the danger of that - he was only doing it to try to get a piece of the bear himself, not realizing that he needed to be trying to keep his distance.

He clamped down even harder when he felt himself start to slip, but adolescent puppy jaws are nothing as strong as an adult wolf nor did he have the muscle endurance yet to keep a grip. As the bear flung him once again and he reached the end of the arc, like the crack of a whip he was sent flying, through several thorny brambles that luckily muted his momentum a little in addition to filling his hide full of prickles before he came to a rather abrupt stop against a tree.

The bear spun towards the place the small body had crashed through the brush and peered nearsightedly around but couldn't find the irritating little creature he had been intent on killing. Didn't matter. He'd take the win, and the fish, and not waste the time looking.

By the time Tor tottered woozily and full of thorns and burrs back to where his fish was, it - and the bear - had already gone. The pup slouched grouchily back towards home, already vowing to lie his tail off about what happened. No way he'd admit that he'd... lost.