
Breaking free of these memories


05-04-2014, 09:11 PM

It had been a few days since Jinxx had found her and spoke to her about Valhalla. She had been unsure, nervous about joining. And some small part was still waiting for Skoll to show up. But it seemed he would not be coming. As she stood on the border she looked over her shoulder as if waiting to see the white male appear. With a sigh she looked away and back to Valhalla. She still wasn't sure about this, but what else did she have? Skoll wasn't coming back. It was best she just forget those memories of him.

The cold autumn breeze tugged at her fur, pulling it this and that way. She shivered but not from the cold but the whirl of emotions inside her. She wished someone would show up, a face she knew and could trust. Part of her wanted family, but felt they might force an opinion of the pack onto her. She needed to see things for herself. But part of her liked being out here on her own. But if what Jinxx said about their older brother was true, then she wasn't safe. She could never defend herself, she knew something of it, that was if violence didn't always through her into a panic attack. She sighed heavily. Would she ever overcome those cursed attacks? It was becoming a problem now. She feared sleeping alone because more than half the time she was plagued with nightmares. Not nearly as bad as a panic attack but they could trigger one.

She wasn't sure if she should howl out. But seeing as no one had walked by yet, she could be sitting here all day waiting. Head tilted back and a soft call was sent out. She shifted nervously as she waited. She had no idea what she was going to say. She supposed it depended on who showed up.


05-05-2014, 01:56 AM

It hadn't been long since he had spoken with his little sister. And since he returned home, he could not stop thinking about her. Did anything he say really get through to her? Or did she only respond what he wished to hear? His head shook slightly, a sigh parting inked lips as he tried to push it from his mind, but constant worry seemed to forever plague him. His family...everyone seemed to either be growing apart, or getting close before drifting off. Like a cruel game of tag, it seemed to toy with his heart in a manner he hated. He wished it would stop...he wished he could just be empty of the feelings that plagued him so. But he feared if he did that, he would become the monster that their eldest brother was. He couldn't keep himself from caring, he loved his family too much...

Black painted audits strained upwards for a moment, a soft and very familiar call echoing within his ear fur. Saddened optics rose to gaze across the distance, the familiar white and black form of his sister sitting at the borders. Hopefulness grew in his eyes, tail wagging slightly. Had she decided to seek a home in Valhalla? At least, to seek refuge until they rebuilt what they had lost? He could only hold that small shred of hope. Just a sliver, if anything. He approached her, suppressing the negative feelings he always held and showed that he was glad to see her. His black stained muzzle reached forth, salmon tongue caressing her cheek as he nuzzled her affectionately. "Angel, I'm so happy to see you!"

"Talk" Think "You"

Who Are You Now by Sleeping With Sirens on Grooveshark


05-11-2014, 08:42 PM

She would shift her weight nervously as she waited. Who knew what would come of this meeting. To say she was nervous might have been an understatement. There were so many possibilities of what was to come it had her shaking. It did not help that Skoll words to stay by the lake kept repeating in her mind. But she couldn't stand being alone anymore. Her ice blue eyes flickered about but quickly her focus landed on the plant forms around her. She had heard a lot of herbs grew around here.

Movement out of the corner of her eye had her head snap around to see her brother. A soft sigh spilled from her lips in slight relief. At least it was a familiar face that would greet her first. Her tail would wag softly as a smile lite her face."Jinxx, its good to see you too. Thank the earth your the first one I see nervous brother." She said softly, her voice dropping to a whisper at the end. She wanted to hide in his shoulder, seek comfort from family and wish she could skip over the part of meeting the pack.


05-11-2014, 09:00 PM

Sephiroth would meander through the territory, taking up the responsibilities that Surreal was too busy for. The scents of a couple others nearby would catch his attention, one familiar he would learn to be Jinxx, the other an unknown though it carried a similarity to the first...curious, he changed his course towards the pair, and it wouldn't take long for him to see the cross marked male and another figure; a female next to him. He would approach in a swift manner, dual toned features rippling as his paws skimmed over the earth. Aquamarine eyes fell on the girl, her markings and features attracting his attention.

Stopping near the pair, he would nod his head and offer a friendly smile. "Good day, Jinxx. A relative of yours, I presume?" He would glance at the cross marked male before returning his gaze to the female, a marking similar to the Epsilon's also on her shoulder. He knew of a couple others that resided within Valhalla with the same markings, and knew only too well that the Crossed wolves were of blood relation. Dipping his head to the young girl, he would speak to her now. "Hello, stranger. My name is Sephiroth Crescent, Beta Secondary of Valhalla. What brings you to our lands? Or are you just visiting your brother?"

Talk like this


05-11-2014, 09:12 PM

She would move forth to greet him, a light chuckle emanating in his creme chest. He nuzzled her with affection, whispering in her ear. "Don't be nervous, the Valhallans I've met here so far are kind." He urged her, giving her a gentle lick atop her brow. He was incredibly happy to see her here. And he hoped that in her time here, she would grow to be a little more social and perhaps their relationship would grow to be better as well. Head would turn slightly as he scented someone's approach. Ocean blue eyes lifted to see the dual colored form of one of his Beta's. Not one he had officially met yet, but he knew who he was from the previous meetings. He dipped his head to the male as he approached them, nodding his head in respect he would answer. "Good day to you as well." He would nose Angel, a look of pride and happiness upon his face. "And yes, this is my sister, Angel. Coming to join us, I hope."

Talk like this

Fading Away (Acoustic Version) by Demon Hunter on Grooveshark


05-11-2014, 09:51 PM

Jinxx's comforting presence and words helped to ease her nerves. Surely if they were not he would not be staying here along with her other siblings. Plus Jinxx was very protective of them all and would not allow them to stay somewhere were others were not kind and it wasn't safe. Her brother's touch made her relax but as he pulled away and directed his attention somewhere else she stood close to his side. It was another male of white and grey and seemingly having higher rank than her brother. Glancing at her brother, ears twitched before she too bowed her head shyly. He was impressive to say the least and she found herself pressing into her brother as if trying to emerge herself into Jinxx and not even be there.

She listened to their quick exchange before attention was brought onto her. She glanced between the two before licking her lips, finding her mouth dry. Pulling away from her brother she sat down, head slightly tucked in to her chest, tail wrapping around her paws. "I am Angel Black. I came hopes of joining like my brother and some of my other siblings have. I was also hoping someone could teach me in the subject of healing. I know the basics, but thats it." She said glancing up at the new male. Something spoke that she could trust him, that she didn't need to be afraid or shy.


05-12-2014, 10:16 PM

He listened to the young femme, watching as she drew closer to her brother before stepping slightly away. Jinxx seemed to be very close to his family, an individual that was selfless and caring. He envied him, at times. For he had tried to do that at one point and failed, in the end she had left. And he felt terrible, for they had left on bitter notes. Blinking away the memory of what never was to begin with, Sephiroth nodded to the white and black female, still giving her the space they needed so as not to cause her discomfort. He watched her closely, noting the nervousness she held along with the shyness. Judging by what he saw, it went hand in hand. Though he would not judge that based on what he was seeing, for he was somewhat nervous upon meeting strangers as well.

So he was right in assuming that the girl was related to Jinxx. She was his sister, and a pretty one at that. Though he would take it upon himself to assume the entire line was pretty or handsome. They were all curious to look at, the marks on their shoulders a peculiar sight. Offering a kind smile, he inclined his head towards her. "It is nice to meet you Angel. I have heard about others like your brother possibly coming to seek refuge from Erani. Although our pack is becoming quite full, I will not refuse your request. You have a place among our pack. We encourage those who wish to learn the art of healing as long as you work hard and prove that you want to learn. If you're anything like your Brother, then I'm sure you are of strong heart and mind. Are there other skills that you possess? It is alright if you don't know much, we specialize in training to teach what you don't know. I, for example, teach sparring skills. Erani is our master healer, so I encourage you to learn from her or Imena. Ashtoreth and Meili, as well as Surreal also possess hunting skills and are among the best. As is your brother." He turned to Jinxx, giving an encouraging nod to the male. He was quick on his feet, his speed and willpower admirable. Though he had yet to figure out his place here, he knew that soon he would. He gazed at the girl, awaiting a response.

Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark



3 Years
05-13-2014, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2014, 07:16 PM by Tyr.)

Tyr had been out among the the grasses, just walking no where particular as he sought to strengthen the muscles in his leg. They'd been atrophying from lack of use since he'd come here - he hadn't been doing a whole lot of moving around and when he had he'd taken to being lazy about it, simply carrying it close to his chest rather than putting his weight on it. But he was anxious to live up to Erani's expectations, and by extension Cormalin's, so he would strengthen the leg to lessen his handicap in a bad situation.

As he passed close to the border, though, a call suddenly caught his attention... a vaguely familiar voice, though it took Tyr only a moment to place it. Angel, the girl he'd met during the terrible storm not long after he'd escaped the old pack to come to this land. Surprisingly eager to see her again, he'd set out with vigor.

But between his crippled leg and his distance, he was not the first to arrive to greet her, as he saw upon approaching. He hesitated some distance back, his mismatched ears drooping to the side as he nervously eyed the two much larger males. They both had the scent of Valhalla, so they could handle anything she needed... but what if they were getting aggressive for whatever reason? Even Valhalla could house wolves who were of less than admirable qualities. She might need someone to stick up for her, or vouch for her or something... he couldn't just walk away, as much as he suddenly wanted to.

Hesitant limping steps carried him toward the trio, eyes darting nervously between them. "Hi, Angel," came his voice shyly. "I don't know if you remember me..." Nerves caused his voice to suddenly fail, and he could just swallow dryly and stare.



05-19-2014, 06:51 PM

She would listen intently to the new male, her ice blue eyes trained on him and wide. As Sephiroth mentioned more of the family joining she would glance at her brother with a questioning look but would ask about it later. It would be rude to interrupt Sephiroth. He had much to say and offer and she took in each word carefully, weighing it one carefully. There was so much to take in and think about. It all seemed nice but what could she offer the pack? They seemed willy to offer her everything but what did she had to give in return? The thought dampered her mood and eyes dropped to the ground. He asked her about any other skills, compared her to Jinxx and suddenly she felt overwhelmed. She scooted back a few steps from them both, trying to think things out and stay calm. Tail swished nervously till a voice, a new one made her look up.

To her utter surprise there stood the male she had met during that horrible storm that drove her at one point away from Twig. Her blue eyes sparkled happily, tail wagging. With a soft yip of joy she bounded forwards like an excited pup."Of course I remember you Tyr!" She said warmly now standing infront of him. With a smile she would slowly reach forwards to touch noses with him, eyes closing with a grin. She remember how shy and nervous her was when they first met. Looking back at her brother and Jinxx she would position herself right by Tyr's side." i'd would like to join but I don't have much skills in anything else. I'm fast and can single out prey and drive them but not take down. That's all I have to offer, I feel horrible I cant give more back.." Her head would bow down as she stared at Sephiroth's front paws.


05-30-2014, 03:27 PM

Another voice would interrupt them, Sephiroth turned to see Tyr coming over to greet Angel. So they knew each other? At least she would have a friend within the pack to begin with. He listened to her explanation about her lack of skills, and he would only shake his head. "Do not worry about that. If you say you can run fast then that in itself is a useful skill. You will be a Valhallan Messenger, welcome. And remember, Valhalla is a family pack..everyone here is expected to pull their weight. Laze about and risk demotion. There is no fighting within the pack, else you risk a consequence." He glanced at all three wolves standing there, a reminder as well for the other two. He nor Erani would tolerate drama within their pack, but he would remind Jinxx and Tyr of this as well as inform Angel. "Work hard, and you will rise in rank. Welcome to Valhalla, Angel."


Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark