
Why Did It All Go Wrong?


05-04-2014, 06:32 PM
Ooc:: After Imonde stuffs obviously. xD

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Why had it happened? Her mind was spinning, stomach feeling sick. Teal-green eyes were once more filled with fresh tears. She had gone away from Fontamo Bay for the time being... Scared to face Birch and his mate. It wasn?t as if she asked for this... But what would they think of what happened to her? That strange male... Should she have seen the signs? Were there signs? She was shaking so badly... Her thoughts scattered in every direction as she pushed on. She didn?t care where she was anymore or where she was going...

She was at the bottom of some mountain, weary legs pushing her onward. She hadn?t stopped since she was able to get away... Pushing on without food... Water... She didn?t care anymore. The tears continued to roll down her cheeks, each step becoming more unsteady than the last until she finally made her last stumble and fell upon the earth. She made no move to get up. Her body was tired... And she felt broken and used. A paw would cover her face as a whine left her, eyes closing to try and hold back the tears that seemed endless in their coming.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-09-2014, 03:51 PM

Fear was in the air today, as well as unsteadiness. Both of these smells satisfied the rusty brujo as he would wander the hot and rocky plains leading to a great mountain. At the top, thick smoke bellowed from it, curling and disappearing into the distant skies. Lime gaze would be satisfied with the sight to behold, and would turn to leave, only to stop and swivel his ears forth to take in the sound of a soft and pitiful whine. Ah, the fear soon would reveal itself to the man, in the form of a pitiful femme. She was quivering in fear, and her face held the terrified expression he knew and loved.

"Are you okay, little girl?" The man made sure to speak in the native tongue of most in this land, but lime gaze would glint as a plan would spark within his mind. Perhaps if he could calm this femme down enough and seem as if he were helping her, the rusty man could use her as an assistant. A calm and relaxed grin would spread across his face as he would lie down, his paws just barely touching the femme's own, and resting his head on his paws, awaiting a reply from the quivering damsel.



05-11-2014, 05:26 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
"Are you okay, little girl?"

Oh. Dear. Gods. Ellis? paw would draw away from her face, widened gaze of horror coming to rest upon yet another male. Her body quivered a soft whine coming from her. She had no more strength to try and run... Whatever happened at this point was in the paws of the stranger. Once more she found her destiny in the hands of some strange brute. Ears would lay back, body quivering where it lay on the ground. His way of speaking too sounded a little different, though he spoke the common tongue. Uncertainty welled in her gut, tears slowly continuing their fall down her cheeks. Would this madness never end?

He would lay before her, his paws barely brushing her own, and Ellis would draw back just enough to make sure there was absolutely no contact. Her teal-green gaze never left him. That gaze that told of her being broken. He would rest his head upon his paws then, waiting for an answer. Ellis would swallow, laying her own head back on her front limbs as she breathed out a shaky answer.

?No... I?m not...? The blood scent of being taken still lingered... And perhaps it was only in her mind but she was sure she could still smell the deed. She would look away from him, squeezing her eyes closed. ?Please... If you are going to do anything just do it... Do not toy with me...? Her voice cracked with emotion as those words left her lips.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.