
Take Another Little Piece of My Heart




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-01-2022, 11:48 AM

It had been easy to settle into Elysium. Manea was a very relaxed ruler and Asla felt that the lands claimed were safe. She didn't mind letting her children roam free, not that she could have stopped them. They were almost old enough to set out on their own if they wished. Time had gone so quickly. The fawn and grey woman was very proud of the wolves that her children had become, but she missed them being small little bundles of fur. When the time came for them to split from her side, she wouldn't hold them back, but she would always be there for them when they needed her.

Today Asla and Indigo had gone off on a patrol together, making their way around the border of the Rock Garden. At some point, the small fae led her brother away from the path and onto the big, grassy plain. They were due a rest and some alone time together would be nice. Asla chose a spot high up on one of the rocky shelves jutting up and out of the land. The darker stone was sun warmed which felt quite nice on the woman's grey belly as she sprawled out. The fae's thick, striped tail swished languidly back and forth over her heels as she waited for Indigo to lay down beside her. Once he had settled, she leaned into him, placing a kiss upon his cheek. One foreleg draped over his closest purple appendage and she sighed as her cheek was placed against the thick fur of his neck. "I'm so happy that we're finally together," she whispered.

They were finally together and Aslatiel had never been happier, but there was still a lingering sadness in the maned brute that she needed to get to the bottom of. She couldn't fix the problem until she knew what it was. "Are you happy with me?" They hadn't spoken deeply or at length about where they were headed together. She didn't even know if he planned to stay with her always. It was something that they needed to discuss and she was ready to do so. Indigo was all that she ever wanted, but she needed to know that he wanted her in turn.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-01-2022, 04:15 PM
The puppies that should have been were weighing on his mind, they would be yearlings now had things turned out differently. Very nearly adults, well and true wolves, with needs and wants, and personalities of their own. Indy did try and celebrate his niece and nephew, he loved Arc and Tira both deeply, but it was just a reminder of what wasn’t. His heart was heavy, and despite his best efforts that fact showed through his mask. He didn’t want to worry Aslatiel and he didn’t want to show Manea any weaknesses.

Indigo walked with Asla now, finding themselves alone in the territory. Admitting that Aslatiel warded away the sorrow was an easy feat, just having her at his side eased the sadness he felt. About his children and the loss of everything he had built. He tried to look at it all as an interim, instead of the lifelong dream he thought he had. He’d made something of himself, he’d been happy, but none of it really compared to a life alongside Asla. His goals were dear to his heart, but all he had ever wanted was his sister at his side.

After their patrol she led him out to the rocky cliffs, he could feel the warmth of them through his toes, and didn’t hesitate to join her there as she lay down. Asla fit in perfectly at his side, holding his arm as she leaned in for a kiss before confessing softly. She felt like he did, happy that they could finally be together. He smiled softly after leaning into her kiss, ”I am too.” Indigo’s deep voice rumbled through his whole chest. He was happy, this was everything he wanted.

Asla spoke again, her second question taking him by surprise. ”Of course I am,” he returned without hesitation. That was truth from the very bottom of his heart. ”I..” he stopped, she could see his sorrow through even the bright happiness she brought him. It’s nothing to do with you.” He tried to soothe her as he fought his voice breaking. There was something wrong, he wouldn’t hide that from her, but he also didn’t want to burden her either.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-01-2022, 04:26 PM

Indigo admitted to being happy with her, but there was still that sadness lingering just beyond his blue eyes. Her question seemed to catch him off guard a bit and his mask faltered. She could see the pain there and leaned into the massive purple man even more, letting him know that she was there for him. Indigo was quick to say that it had nothing to do with her and Aslatiel sighed, giving her head a light shake. "If you're in pain, then I'm in pain," she informed him. Were they not tied together by fate? Joined as one even in the womb? How could she not feel sadness when he did?

The woman was well aware that losing all of the friends and lovers that he'd accumulated in his band had done something to Indigo. It had taken a part of his confidence. The hulking purple giant had always been soft and loving, nothing like the beast that his tiny sister was. Losing something so dear had shattered his resolve. He smiled, but he was never truly happy these days. Asla didn't know how deeply his pain and sorrow went, nor could she know the true reason without him telling her so.

"Tell me," she whispered to him, placing another loving kiss on the side of his muzzle. She would never judge him, no matter what was bothering him. "If I don't know what's wrong, then I can't fix it." And she wanted so dearly to have her brother back; her lover back. She wanted Indigo without worries or burdens. She wanted to keep him safe and make him whole, but she needed to know how.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-01-2022, 05:47 PM
She leaned into him a bit more, a silent promise that she was there for him. The warm feeling helped him to breathe a little easier. Still, she could see through everything, she knew there wa smore than what was on the surface. She was his other half, they were one from before birth. Asla whispered to him, convincing him that her pain was his, but he still questioned her, at least on this front. He lowered his head over hers, nuzzling into her forehead as he paused. He wouldn’t forget how hurt she’d been, how hurtful she had been.. That moment had been the breaking point in where his life was going.

Asla shifted and Indigo held her as she brought her galactic gaze up to his sky blue eyes. She whispered to him softly, encouraging his words as she soothed him. With her presence, with her love, and with her kisses. She told him that he could tell her whatever he needed to. She couldn’t help him fix anything if she didn’t know. Indigo didn’t think there was going to be any solution to the deep ache in his heart.

”Aslatiel,” He whispered back to her, tears filling his eyes. He’d cried so much for them already. ”I miss them.” He whimpered softly, he’d never been able to really know them. But the pain in his chest wasn’t anything but yearning for them. ”My children.” Indigo’s massive form moved slightly so that he could hold her tiger and bury his features into her soft fur. He tried not to think about how she would react now, but he hoped she wouldn’t spurn him again.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-01-2022, 07:52 PM

The moment that Indigo leaned into her, she knew that he would share his troubles with her. The pain within him was raw and she had a feeling that some of it still stemmed from how she'd reacted to the news that he was having children with someone else. It wasn't fair of her and she realized that soon after parting ways with her brother. Aslatiel had grown considerably since then. Having her own children had made the woman much more understanding and much less selfish than she had once been. She knew that what she had said to Indigo was wrong. In the moment, she had just been so angry. It was no excuse and the damage was done. She would do everything in her power to fix it though.

Indigo admitted that he missed the children that he'd lost. Pain lanced through Aslatiel's heart. Not because of the lost children, but because she suddenly understood Indigo's pain. Had she lost Arc and Tira, Asla imagined that she would have been much the same as her brother was now. Indy shifted to hold her tighter and the small woman reciprocated, pressing as much of herself against him as she could. He was much larger than she was, but Asla felt as though she needed to protect her sweet, soft sibling. "I'm sorry," the woman whispered softly, holding the purple man against her.

Aslatiel continued to hold Indy, gently stroking his fur with one paw in a comforting manner. "There's nothing that I can do to rid you of that pain. Time will be key." Soft lips moved over Indigo's muzzle and forehead. "They aren't suffering and they're...wherever we go when we die. Waiting for you." Asla firmly believed in an afterlife. She'd seen enough ghosts in her time and had heard enough stories that it would be insane not to believe.

The small fae opened her mouth hesitantly, then shut it again, her brows furrowing as she thought hard. "Indy..." Asla spoke softly, still apprehensive about sharing her thoughts, lest he think she was trying to erase the children that he'd lost. "If you're serious about staying with me always, a mated couple til the end of our days...there will be more children." The world seemed to still as she spoke those last words. Indigo had the opportunity to reject her right here and now and that made Asla very, very nervous.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-02-2022, 06:34 AM
There was understanding in her embrace, she knew what it might be like if she lost her two children. She knew the pain and sorrow he was suffering through. As Indigo shifted so did Aslatiel as the two of them embraced and did share in the grief. There was no blow up, no chastizement for his feelings, just understanding and love for his broken heart. She pressed herself against him and a wave of emotion washed over him, it was a little relief from everything he’d been feeling. She held him tight and whispered to him softly, a tiny apology that meant the world to him.

It wasn’t Aslatiel’s fault his children had been lost, and it would never be. It was hard to forget her reaction, but now none of that mattered. Now he had her, they had lived without each other and both knew that wasn’t any way to live. Not when they belonged together, two halves of a whole. Asla held him and stroked his fur, whispering soft reassurances to him about the puppies he had lost. They didn’t even have names, but she was sure, wherever they were, they were waiting for him. Tears continued down his cheeks as he thought about them and everything he lost.

That was the price for his gain though, even after everything that happened Aslatiel still wanted to be at his side as much as he wanted her here with him. She uttered his name hesitantly, and her words were just as uncertain as she spoke. If they were mates, if they were going to spend their lives together like they always wanted to, they would have children. Indigo froze at the thought, his heart yearned for that eventuality but the healer in him only worried.

”Please don’t tease me in this way,” he whispered to her softly, squeezing her tightly as he tried not to find hope in those beautiful words. Having a family with Asla was everything he had ever wanted. But.. ”I want that more than anything in the world, but…” What kind of horrors would they give to pups born from their union?

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-02-2022, 06:54 AM

For as long as he needed, Aslatiel would hold Indigo in her strong, reassuring embrace. There was no one else in the world that she loved in this manner. The big purple brute forever had her heart and right now it was breaking for him. As Indigo shed tears for the children that he had lost, the fawn fae wiped those tears gently away. She understood his pain and would be whatever he needed until that pain gradually ebbed and faded.

After offering to give him more children, Indigo's reaction was to squeeze her and ask her not to tease him. Asla placed a kiss upon her brother's forehead. "I'm entirely serious, I assure you." Indigo spoke further and Asla gave him a squeeze. "I never thought I'd have children at all when I was a pup, then I had Arc and Tira," One paw continued to gently stroke plum colored fur. "Then I thought I would be done after them, but now that we're together again..." Her voice trailed off for a moment, then Aslatiel pulled back a bit, her galactic gaze meeting his sky blue eyes. "Indigo Fatalis, will you be my partner in all things, forever? Joined until the day we die?" Above all things, she wanted them to be together, but she needed that reassurance. She needed to hear from his very own mouth that he wanted the same thing.

"If you agree to be my partner, my mate..." Aslatiel inhaled deeply, then released her breath long and slow, "I'll stop taking measures to keep from conceiving. It'll take a while for my body to become receptive again, but I will eventually give you pups," she promised. No doubt both of them were apprehensive about creating children due to their own blood relationship. The taunting threats of their father and the words that he'd used hung over their heads. "We both remember what Sirius said to us," she reminded her brother, "but I've traveled, met so many wolves and I've seen so many things. Relationships like ours... they aren't as uncommon as you think. I've yet to come across one abomination, as he put it." Soft pads reached up to take his cheek gently in her paw. "I'll give you children. We can start our own family. Just give me your vow, Indy." Whatever vow he wanted to make, as long as it was a promise that they would be together, a mated pair, for all of their days.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-02-2022, 07:52 AM
Aslatiel held him tight, making no hint that she would let go or leave him now. She wiped away his tears and gave him all of the love that he desperately needed right now. He held her just as tight as she held him. There was so much love and adoration for each other shared between them. Indigo could have been content with what they had now, but Aslatiel wasn’t done. She had so much more to promise him than just a life next to each other.

She wasn’t teasing him, she was serious in every word. More than that they found each other again, more important than anything they were together now. No matter what happened, they would be together and that was the most important. ”Forever, Aslatiel.” He promised her as blue eyes met purple. ”All of me, until the day I die.”

Asla went on to explain, knowing where his mind was and where it went. They both remembered the warnings and threats of their childhood. But Asla promised him, if they were a mated pair then she would give him everything. She would let her body recover and she would bear him the children he wanted. They would not be the abominations that he was promised, they would have their family.

More tears fell from his eyes, but the sorrow was slipping away. These were tears of joy as she promised him everything that he had ever wanted. She promised him a life that he had never allowed himself to believe was possible. ”Forever, always yours.” He told her in a soft whisper that meant everything to him. ”Our own family.” Indigo could only barely believe the future ahead of them, but he hung his heart on her promise.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-02-2022, 03:41 PM

The words that Asla spoke to Indigo seemed to bring a plethora of emotions flitting across his handsome face. There was shock, disbelief, love, and eventually acceptance. She wasn't lying when she made her promise. The fawn woman would carry through on every little bit of it. She would provide the purple man with the family that he so desired and they would be bound together as one for all of their days. It was everything that Aslatiel had ever wanted. Indigo was everything that she had ever wanted. The time in between, their "game"... it hadn't worked how she'd planned. They'd both suffered because of it, but now things could be different.

Tears fell anew as the sweet, sensitive man harnessed all of the emotions that this promise brought forth. Asla smiled and continued to wipe away those tears. "You are what I've always wanted. From the moment we were born, it's always been you." She didn't need more children. Arc and Tira would have been enough for Aslatiel. Indigo wanted children though, so she would provide. Perhaps having something to care for would put the man back together.

Asla brought their lips together as though sealing the pact made between them. They would always be together. There was no force on earth that could tear them apart now. No threat that could ever stop them from being together as they were always meant to be. The obstinate idiocy of the world be damned. The pair would finally have their happy ending.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-03-2022, 06:15 AM
Indigo didn’t ever really know if he would fully recover from the losses he felt. His dreams being crushed, his children dead, everything he worked for gone… But now he had Aslatiel. Like his life had ended and he was being reborn with her. Indy was given a second chance, another opportunity to pursue the life he had wanted since the beginning. He gazed down into her infinite galactic gaze, seeing the deep love and adoration she held for him as she wiped away his tears and promised him the future.

”Maybe… Maybe what I built was never meant to flourish.” The fact that he had failed so spectacularly still hurt, but not near as much as losing the wolves he cared about and his children. He was never really supposed to have that dream because he had always belonged here in Aslatiels arms. Now she was promising to give him everything he wanted. He would have her beside him, they would have their own family.

His brows furrowed as he banished the sorrow and grief that had been haunting him for so long. He wouldn’t ever forget what he had been through, but Asla offered a relief to his self induced torture. ”Don’t let me go, Aslatiel. I need you.” He whispered to her softly, pulling her tighter to his chest and nuzzling his muzzle against her soft ear. This was where he belonged, where his heart was whole. ”I love you.”

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-03-2022, 06:29 AM

Indigo's words about his former band brought a frown to Asla's scarred features and she gave him yet another squeeze. "Sometimes things don't work the way that we plan," she knew that all too well. Look how spectacularly her plan of pretending they didn't love one another had worked. "You built relationships with wolves that you still care about. Hold onto the good memories and let the bad ones go." It was easier said than done, but she believed it was sound advice.

Again Indigo spoke and the striped fae gave a soft chuckle in response. "Never again," she promised him. "We've both paid our penance. We've gone through so much just to get here." Asla nuzzled into Indigo's soft, dark chest. "I will never let you go." She threw that vow out into the universe. Let someone or something try to pry them apart.

With one paw still stroking his fur gently, rhythmically, the woman spoke again. "We'll have to face a bit of scorn. Briar's wedding is soon and she really wants us to attend." The stroking continued. It comforted her as well as him. Though they were grown, she still sometimes felt like a child when she spoke about their father. "All of our siblings will be there," she spoke the obvious. "Sirius will be there." Asla pulled back just enough so that their gazes could meet. "I won't make a scene, but I don't want to hide," she informed him. There was no intent to rub their relationship in anyone's face, but she didn't want to pretend that they weren't together. Purple eyes silently searched, wondering what Indy's views were on the subject.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-03-2022, 08:01 AM
Her words were well thought out, her response was mature and her advice was sound. Nothing like the confrontation they had so long ago. She knew and accepted that he cared deeply for the band he had created, and now that he felt their loss she encouraged him to fondly remember the good memories that he had. He couldn’t forget how high he had felt when he set off with his band. His heart had been full, he’d been able to forget about the part of him that had always been missing. What she told him was exactly what he needed, but her words were easier said than done. He wanted to forget about the terrible demise of the band, but the thoughts would haunt him as the ghost of the members he loved did. He would try and do as she said, he knew dwelling on the loss helped no one, especially him.

Aslatiel promised that she wouldn’t ever let him go. They had been through so much while trying to be what the world wanted them to. They paid a steep price, and both felt loss and yearned for the one they held. Indigo knew from a very young age that Aslatiel belonged here with him. In his arms, basking in his unconditional love. She completed him in ways no one else had before, and now they were finally together. Nothing would tear them apart. ”And I won’t let go of you.” He vowed in return as he held her tight.

She stroked his fur gently as she went on, mentioning the obstacles they had before them. Including facing their family. Indigo hadn’t thought about the Armada or their kin within for a long time. He hadn’t talked to their father since he left, and he had heard through the grapevine that his mother and brother had been miraculously resurrected. Yet Indigo had not made any effort to return home. ”It… will be good to see everyone.” He spoke cautiously. He had no intentions of avoidance. They did enough of that the first part of their lives. He had accepted who and what he was, his family didn’t have to do the same. They would never understand anyway. ”I wont hide how I really feel ever again.” He vowed to her. The last time he tried he’d been destroyed, he couldn’t do that ever again. Aslatiel’s arms were where he belonged.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-04-2022, 06:40 PM

There was sadness in both of their lives. Indigo had lost his band and the bonds that he had formed. Asla had lost friends, family and most importantly, time with the one that she held most dear. The pair lay there together, holding one another and reminiscing internally and outwardly, vowing to one another that they would never let go again. No one and nothing could keep them apart.

Indigo responded to the subject of their parents being at their sister's wedding and Asla slid her cheek along his fur with a smile. "I'm fine pretending that they don't exist, but I wouldn't put it past Sirius to make a scene." Zee was nothing to her, having been very, very absent during her childhood. Sirius would be the one that would start something, but she hoped that he would have enough sense to not ruin his daughter's day. "For me, it will be good to see Briar." She always looked forward to seeing Ophie as well. Mort and Azure... well it had been too long. She didn't really know the other ones.

With a sigh, the woman buried her face into Indigo's fur once more. "I'm just glad that we've found one another again. It's our time now." They'd spent too much time apart, though they had both done a lot of growing up in the interim. Asla's paw rose to cup Indigo's cheek and she brought his muzzle up, claiming it with her lips. Fire burned like comets in the woman's galactic gaze. In that one look, she showed him all of the love and passion that she held for him. They'd spent too much time being sad. Now was the time for love and happiness.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-05-2022, 10:19 AM
It felt good holding her there against his chest, she gave him the relief he needed from the sorrow that continuously ate away and tormented him. He could smile with her, he could relax, he could forgive himself. He could have his heart's desire. Indigo knew what he had given up, he tried not to remember his childhood. Being so far removed from those times made it hard to revisit, so he had tried to believe they didn’t exist for a long time. Part of him was ashamed, he had such high hopes and wild dreams when he left the Hallows and told his father his plans. How could he look at Sirius now, with everything he had built so broken? He didn’t think much of his relationship with Aslatiel, it was never any of their business who warmed his bed anyway.

”It’ll be fine.” By now he didn’t care what any other wolf out there thought of him. He’d experienced too much pain, and lost too much, to spend the energy to invest in other’s opinions. Indigo was living for himself now, and what he wanted was to take care of Aslatiel. He wanted to be beside her, to hold her, and kiss her goodnight for the rest of his life. ”Yeah..” He had been gone for so long now… most of them didn’t even feel like family. Not that they would accept him now anyway.

”I am too.” He whispered into her fur as she confessed her joy in being beside him again. Finally together. She cupped his cheek and easily caught his gaze. Warmth filled him, he could see and returned the deep instinctual feelings for one another. Indigo and Aslatiel had spent too much of their lives in sadness, but not anymore. ”Ours,” he started softly. ”Mine.” He rumbled softly against her lips, so glad to finally be able to say that word.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-06-2022, 06:01 AM

Indigo reassured the woman that everything would be fine and she believed him as far as he was concerned. Interacting with their family still made her nervous. It would most likely be better off it they never met with their parents again. She did miss Azure, however. They had been so close during their childhood but time had pulled them apart. Then, once he was made heir and she was bypassed... there was still quite a bit of sourness there. And Mort... well he would always be Mort.

Her words were echoed as he shared the same sentiment. When he added 'Mine' to the mix, a shudder ran through Aslatiel's entire body and her maw split in a devious grin. "Absolutely, big guy." The fae's tongue flicked over Indigo's dark lower lip and heat filled her gaze as she met his own. "And you are mine." Just like they were always meant to be.

A chill wind blew. Winter snows would soon be upon them. Asla curled herself more tightly against the fluffiness of the man beside her. "I have so much to do," she spoke conversationally, relaying what was on her mind. "Arc and Tira will be two soon. I already had a sex talk with Tira, but I have to somehow broach the subject with Arc." The fae gave her head a little shake, accompanied with a soft laugh. "That'll be fun." Sarcasm. No doubt she'd be able to do it, but having a sex talk with a boy was different. Asla sighed, her expression going serious once more. "I don't know that I've been the best mother, but I want them to be prepared for anything. That's why I took them out into the world. I've made life a little harder so that the rest of their lives are a little easier, if that makes sense." Her brow furrowed and she shrugged. It probably didn't make sense.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-06-2022, 10:00 AM
Indigo had always been the odd one out in the family, never really close as the rest of his siblings. He recalled soft memories of being his mother’s favorite flower, of Sirius training him in his early days. Trying to encourage Mortis, and be as strong as Azure. Maybe that was why it had been so easy for him to detach and never look back. To belong Indy had to carve out his own place. But even that had ended in disaster and sorrow. Nothing in life was right except for having Aslatiel in his arms. He would defend her against any threat that came their way, especially when it came to those who should have been family.

He made her grin as he claimed her as his own. ”Forever.” There was no one else who could complete his heart like she did. Even after he had been shattered again and again, she picked up the pieces and put him back together. She kissed him suggestively and reminded him the inverse was just as true, he belonged to Aslatiel as well. He could have let her pull him closer, Indy almost let himself get lost in her, but there were still words left unsaid. Indigo nuzzled against her cheek as she spoke again.

Aslatiel’s work was never done, as she told him about everything that was weighing upon her. Tira and Arc were reaching adulthood, they needed to be prepared for everything that entailed. The thought brought him fond memories of their own second birthday and the first time they allowed themselves to fully indulge in one another. ”I can talk to him if you want.” Indigo offered softly. If he could give his nephew advice on how to avoid the heartache he experienced then he would. Even if it would be uncomfortable. ”I wouldn’t want him to repeat my mistakes.” Indigo admitted softly, feeling the weight that lingered on his heart.

”You’re an amazing mother, Aslatiel.” He assured her as he squeezed her tighter and kissed her cheek. He was completely convinced of his words and felt a thrill of excitement at the thought of calling her the mother of his children.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-06-2022, 10:58 AM

Indy nuzzled into her and Asla peppered kisses across his muzzle, cheeks, lips. Her paws and claws continued moving through his thick fur. Oh, how she loved him. More than once she stole deeper kisses as her body became heated under his love and affection. No doubt this time together would lead to spicier things, but it could take its time. They had all the time in the world now and had the luxury of taking things slow and letting them arrive naturally.

As Indigo offered to speak to Arcturus, Asla's gaze softened. "If you can do so objectively and without scaring him, I wouldn't be opposed." The small fae's paw slid across her lover's cheek gently. "It will be good practice for when I make you a father." Again her lips found his and a soft, rumbling moan pulled from the tawny fae. "And I will make you a father," she promised against his lips.

Asla rolled onto her back so that she could more easily look up into the big brutes blue eyes. Slender limbs snaked up to wrap around Indigo's neck as much as she could reach. A mischievous look gleamed in the woman's eye as she flashed Indigo a grin. "Well, are you going to take me for the first time as your mate or are you going to make me wait?" They'd made the vows together. That as good as sealed the deal for Aslatiel. She didn't need any fancy ceremony or anyone to officiate. All she needed was Indigo and the skies above as a witness.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-06-2022, 01:26 PM
Their affections with each other were natural and instinctual, her claws ran through his thick fur like every trail belonged on his skin. He missed feeling like this, there weren't any forced facades here. They spoke what came to mind, and with confessions made Indigo’s heart much lighter than when they laid down here together. He told her the weights that held him down, and she gave him hope that their weight would be lessened.

”I make no promises.” He rumbled as she warned him not to scare the boy. Indigo knew he was still suffering himself. Indigo was nothing if not empathetic, and no matter where the conversation went, it would be good for both to spend some time together.

He quieted as she lifted one dainty paw to his cheek, and softly she promised him that he would be a father, that she would make him a father. His bright sapphire eyes met her galactic purple gaze and she filled him with hope. She banished his sorrow as she had promised. Indigo knew there were some wounds that never healed, but he could grow anew. Aslatiel would help him, she would be at his side, they would overcome together.

She kissed him at the same time, and even though he already knew how deep her love for him was she still caused a fluttering in his belly. The touch of her lips, the feeling of her pressing against him, the promise that she made… Indigo moved as she rolled, their bellies touching as she wrapped her slender arms around the thick fur of his neck. She held his gaze for a moment, and spoke mischievously. Leaving him no subtle hints that could be ignored. They were alone, they were together, and they were finally guaranteed forever.

The corners of his lips turned up as she teased him softly, but calling the pair of them mates after so long made his heart feel complete in a way that he didn’t remember feeling. They were meant to be together, none other held to his heart like Asla did, and even the broken pieces she was given seemed to stitch together at her paws. ”We have all the time in the world.” He reminded her in a whisper against her lips. But the way his soft cat-like paws grabbed at her hip said he wouldn’t be making her wait any longer. They spent enough time doing that already. Indigo closed the distance between their mouths and he stole her lips in a deep and passionate kiss. Every moment apart and night spent alone led to this moment. He had her again, he was complete.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-16-2022, 03:28 PM

Indigo's words brought a soft chuckle from the tawny fae and she stroked his cheek with one pink-padded paw. She felt his smile against her lips and a pink tongue slid out to pull across the man's black lips and chin. The insistent pull at her hips brought a low growl of lust from the woman and she rolled her hips teasingly against the purple man. "We're going to need to get in lots of practice if we're going to make pups," she whispered against his lips. "We'll have to get creative." Again her tongue pulled across his lips, gentle, teasing. "You'll have to take me every which way. We have to make up for time lost as well." Time lost, but they would never lose time again. Aslatiel would be with Indigo til the end of her days. No force on heaven or earth could pull them apart. Not after all they'd gone through.

Aslatiel looked to the future. She was surprised to find that she was excited at the prospect of being a mother again. Her children hadn't turned out bad at all, so it seemed that she was a capable mother, if not a little unconventional. What sort of child would she and Indigo raise together? She would instill strength and confidence and Indigo would teach gentleness and patience. A good balance to have in parents, she imagined.

"Show me how much you've missed me," the prone woman purred to her lover. Asla pressed her shapely hip into Indigo's grasping paw, wanting and needing him to take control. For a woman who was constantly in control of not only herself, but the lives around her, giving up that control to someone else was a huge thing. She trusted Indigo with everything that she was. Any dark little fantasy that he might have, she would be more than happy to carry out. If he preferred to take her gently, she would take that too. Whatever he wanted from her, he would have. Aslatiel belonged to him. She always had.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]