
Winter Bonfires [Spar/Recruitment]



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-02-2022, 10:28 PM
Ardyn Cadeyrn Aodhán Phoenix Adravendi

He padded across the Field, aiming for the same place he’d taken on his last foray. How often should he come here, he wondered, in search of fresh wolves to revitalize a pack? Would he be lucky to see new litters in the coming years? Families with two steady parents?

For now, he busied himself ensuring the high rise was clear before taking a stance in the middle of the ring and tipping back his head in a howl for a spar, or recruitment. Or both, he supposed.

He was clad in his armor, mane and tail clinking and tinkling with beads and small bells. The bells he’d leave at home for real battles, and for hunting trips. But he liked the soft sounds. Feathers fluttered here and there in the long tail hair; most of his mane was tucked beneath his armor.

Lyr perched on a rock nearby as Ardyn waited patiently for any comers.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Ardyn's family (Red, Aurielle, Siblings, Valhalla) are allowed to crash threads, regardless of private tags.

Ardyn at first glance is as black as can be imagined with a raven sheen.

Closer inspection proves that he shimmers in fire tones in every hair on his hide right down to his lashes.

More obviously, he glows like a bed of coals and flames with every movement and brush of fur. His tail is usually wagging, so blazes like a torch.

His adult teeth are in and his saber canines have grown to their full length (see profile). His mane and tail hair have grown to full length, as well as being lightweight and easily buffeted by breezes.

A look at his front paws will give the impression of hands, with his dew claw dropped low and lengthened into a functioning thumb, and his toes elongated into fingers. He has retractable, solid black cat-like claws on every paw.

Ardyn has developed a glowing mast of intricate markings in fire and ice colors over his face, symmetrical over the last seasons of Year 17 (see profile for details). During hunts or raids/sieges, he will smudge them out with black soot to cover the glow, otherwise, they are bright enough to note at first direct glance at his face. Not all his artwork currently portrays the mask markings.

He is also often bedecked in beads, small bells, feathers in blues, ribbons and braids thanks to the Ooze Event of Halloween 2021, and the Coathanger item that he got. The accessories generally are seen most in his mane and tail hair. He removes the brighter items and bells for hunts or battle.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
05-09-2022, 11:17 PM

Recluse was having a bit of a rough night... or well day. Sleep was evading her and as a challenging call rang out over the landscape the woman decided, you know what? Fuck it! She donned her armor, Lilith sliding into her usual space around her neck and she roused Galho. Her newly sprouted fangs unfolded from her pallet and the woman ran her tongue over them, might as well cut her teeth on a fight, literally.

The viper's whispered help guided the woman towards the battle field and then her nose helped as she picked up the fresh scent of a male, the pack scent her carried telling her that at the very least he wasn't going to be someone she could convince or force, to join her. Oh well. The woman rolled her shoulders, approaching the man but keeping a distance between them, his blurry shape still far enough away that she didn't feel in immediate danger of being jumped. "You called for a fight?" She asked, cocking her head to the side and hitting him with a particularly toothy grin, her new, slender, long fangs glinting in her mouth, distinctly serpentine compared to her more lupine teeth.

speech think action

Art by Akage-Kitsu
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.