
Guide Me.



3 Years
05-04-2014, 12:38 PM
The air was colder in other parts of the lands now... And that was another reason the pup was preferring to stay near the hot springs. She did not care for the cooler temperatures... Nor the change of the world around her. Where others might have found beauty in the changing leaves, dulling grasses, and large migrations of birds overhead Arisu found little interest. Her heart was closed to such things as beauty. She wanted to learn only what would benefit her... And these pointless things of nature were not it.

The girl lay by one of the springs now, tail flicking every so often as she thought silently to herself. Their leader... Song... What had she done to become leader? What had brought her to the position she was in now? Fighting was necessary... Killing would be too. The weak would need to be taken care of so that the strong could survive... And Arisu was more than willing to learn how to do that dirty work... If only she were to be granted a teacher to learn these skills.

Nevermind that she was still on the young side. Nevermind that such thoughts shouldn?t have ever entered her head. Oh it didn?t matter really, did it? They were here all the same. Arisu had decided long ago that she wouldn?t be weak. Wouldn?t ever show signs of faltering before others... And if she did she?d work to erase that memory... To get stronger. To keep fighting. She didn?t care if she ever held some fancy title in a pack... But wolves would know her name... She was sure they would. Know her name and figure. A figure to stand beside her family... And watch them ascend to greatness. That was her goal... And it was a goal she would, without a doubt, manage to achieve.