
Armada: Change is on the wind!

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The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-07-2022, 02:07 PM

To our great delight, we are pleased to announce an exciting revamp of our beloved Armada - the largest restructuring of the pack since it was first created nearly three years ago! We have been working very hard on ensuring that the transition is as smooth as possible and truly hope that the changes are as exciting for you all as they are for us.

At our creation, the Ashen Armada was primarily a military branch of the Ashen Empire, intended to defend our Empress and her pack from any who might threaten her. As we grew as a pack, we deviated from that purpose and found independence under a new name, Armada. With the adjustment, we fine tuned some of our structure and ranks to fill a niche role as more of a school for warriors. This change did not particularly take hold well and it became clear to us that it was not the direction the Armada needed to take. The ranks of Instructor and Student have been removed, and new ones added in their place (including ones for navigation and hunting, which previously we had left out of the roster.)

With this new revamp we will be keeping in line with our primary purpose - protection - but extending it toward not only the members of our pack, but as well to the many close allies we’ve collected over time. The Armada has always and will always have a focus on militaristic might and capability, though we hone those skills to protect us and ours and not for wanton destruction.

With that in mind, we are officially taking a leap of faith and moving away from our closest allies for the first time. While it will certainly be an adjustment for both our players and your wolves, we feel the change in scenery will help combat stagnation and give everyone something new and fresh to write on. After exploring possibilities, we have decided on a new pair of territories we think will benefit the Armada in many ways - Dreamer’s Col and Mile High Woods. In-depth information on how we expect to make the most of this new location (as well as the layout) is on the recently updated pack page.

With the new move, our lovely Sea has commissioned our very first pack-only map  for Dreamer’s Col . Here you will find a selection of den sites buried deep in the mountain to choose from, with the ability to customise them as you may wish. Small changes you make can be passed along to the artist  so they may be reflected on the map itself (at the artist’s discretion). We will also be adding identifiers to show who is denning where, once things have settled a bit and claiming is complete. If there is competition for any specific den, we will decide who wins the claim on a case by case basis.

You may notice the next significant addition either on the new map or on the pack page itself, we are opening a public market  intended to provide opportunities both for Armada members as well as the general population of Ardent to gather, craft and/or trade items ICly. It is not required that your wolves participate beyond assuming OOC that they occasionally lend a paw, but we’d love it if some of our members could take initiative in helping make this a successful venture on-site. More information can be found on the updated pack page, and some ranks have been adjusted  to reflect each role’s expectations as far as market activity.

A few new works of art  have been commissioned on top of the brand new map, including a visual aid for the Obelisk  itself. This iconic meeting point is nearly historical in our pack by this point, and you can currently view it in all its glory at the bottom of our pack page. Shelby has also crafted a free-use table  for Armadians, with the etched rules removed for greater legibility. If you’d like to use it, please contact us for the code! As well as the Obelisk, we are also expecting various coats of arms that will be designated for high tier ranks. When these are complete you will find them displayed beneath each rank to be freely used OOC or ICly by the wolves who fall in each bracket.

There are interactive IC additions as well to be announced shortly after the move as well, providing ways for your wolves to put their own personal stamp upon the Armada as well as to help you as a player gain more understanding of their day-to-day activities. Stay tuned!

And finally, a thank you to Koala, who spent many, many long hours building the coding for the pack page and essentially teaching herself from scratch.