
There's too much time for idle minds.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
05-11-2022, 12:22 PM

Fir's adventure to find her perfect platypus companion had came to a close about a month ago and man did it feel good to just hang around home again.  Would she go out for more adventures in the future?  Oh, most definitely.  But for now it was time to lounge and bask in the comforts of swamp life.  

On this particular evening she decided to take it easy with her fifth self-care day this week.  Self-care was something to be taken very seriously.  She flopped Yolwan wan onto her back, gave him her favorite rock to hold, and grabbed that weird potion he'd come home with before heading out.  They were going to do some good ole' fashion fishing at the sunset falls.  She loved fishing there!   Sometimes fish would get stuck in the little rock crevices and catching a meal was easy, sometimes you had to outrun another predatorial animal that had come around for those very same fish, and sometimes you couldn't outrun said animal and the only way out was striking an ominous bargain with the beast.  Yeah, sunset falls was pretty great.  Fir couldn't think of a better place to spend her fifth self-care day.

"We're here."  The mossy girl spoke to her blubbery friend, leaning so that he'd fall and plop onto the ground in all of his chunky glory.  She examined the strange liquid potion for a moment.  "Crystal, mushroom, firefly, crystal, mushroom.  What do you think it does?"  depending on which way you looked at it, it definitely changed.  Was it meant to be consumed, or did it serve another purpose?  Fir opened the container and gave it a sniff.  Smelled fruity.  That means consume then, right?  Welp, only one way to find out.  "Hmm.. Crystal, mushroom, firefly, cryysstaaalllllllll?  Mushroom."  she chugged the concoction quickly.  "Hmm..  Not bad.  Okay.  Fishin' time."  she grinned, heading towards the rocks to see if there was any easy prey waiting to be snagged.

”Speech”  ’Thought’
Fennish Translation: n/a

I know we're the crooked kind.
*Fir has a chunky platypus companion named Yolwan wan.