
We meet under the stars



05-04-2014, 07:49 AM

During the entire day she had been sleeping, though there wasnt much else she could do. She knew practically no one at Valhalla and she'd most likely be leaving it within the season unless her spirits would change. When late afernoon would set Guinevere would waste no more time; arising from her resting area and walking for however long her legs may take her. She had no particular destination, other then to find something worth her time. it soon turned to night, though her vibrant pelt made her stand out from the ebony skies. Her small paws would begin to skim the surface of the golden sand, remembering that she had been here once before. Perhaps this could be her little get away place? for whenever she felt bored. She would roll her shoulders forward in an attempt to obtain the warmth she had going. Her breath remained even, though a soft puff of smoke left her pretty little more with each exhale.

she would walk near the water where it would only just kiss at her paws. small droplets would flick past with each stride she would make; but nothing more. She would look at the vast open and listen to the echo of the calm waters. Feeling at ease by it all. As she would would stop her gaze would fall upon some small creatures; spotted by the help of the dim light of the moon. She didnt know what they where, but they had a hard shell with nippers as claws. They move by walking to the side rather then forwards. It seemed rather unusual that they where here they looked like only babies but still, there appearance alone gave guin the shivers. So with that thought alone she'd leave them be and walk back onto the sand, where her paws sink in slightly. She would begin to sigh, already growing bored. She was to far away to go home, so she would try to make the best of the situation, sprawling out into the sand to rest... but having no intentions to sleep. "talk"



05-04-2014, 08:06 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2014, 08:07 AM by Dhiren.)

Dhiren Destruction was out and about, taking a personal break from his duties. Since Song had appointed him First Apprentice, he had done more things around the pack to maintain its order. He wasn't worried about his family being out of sorts. Lately, the things considering his uncle and his father were dying down, giving him less things to stress over. Song was still carrying on as the Oracle, but lately, she was more tired than ever. Dhiren continued to take the reins as he and Novel tended to the small details that made his mother relax more and detox from the stress. He adored his littermate with everything he had and he hoped that the atmosphere would continue to clear.
When grass turned into sand, he knew he wasn't near home. The change of scenery was harder to see in the moonlight, but he could tell the differences by the scents, tastes, and textures of the land beneath his black and white paws. Confusion set in for a minute as he tried to compute where he was. Something about this place was familiar....ahhhh, yes. He had been here a season or two before, but his mind had been heavier and his duties had been nonexistent. As he thought about that time, a sigh that he recognized met his ears. Slowly, he walked forward.
Her form stood out against the sand and the backsplash of ebony night sky. She had the white glow that only so many could carry well. Gold and silver eyes blinked as he continued to walk in her direction. Dhiren kept his head low, eyes softly twinkling as he sniffed the air that surrounded her. White and black ears pricked forward as he kept his head low with the steady gaze. His paws pressed into the sand with each step and when he was close enough, he softly said, "Guinevere? Guinevere Adravendi?" He let the name roll off his tongue, like a sweet treat he was reluctant to give up.


Awesome pic by Seren <3



05-05-2014, 06:28 AM

The wind would play gently against her soft curls. Her honey gaze would stay upon the silver moon, though what she once looked upon it in admiration... a beauty that could never be touched was now just seen as a rock. A big, round rock floating in the Ebony sky. She once did have an imagination, but now? What she saw was what she got. How much longer could she go on the way she is? She knew it was not particularly healthy, but perhaps it was something she just could not help. She needed someone to pull her out of her depression, or atleast make it slightly better. When Arwel called upon her for hunting training she couldnt help but know that he made her situation better, just by acknowledging her and wishing to help. Even the note about her scarcity was thought upon and perhaps it was time she changed that by not seeming like she was wiped of from the edge of the earth.

A quiet murmur would trace her delicate lobe, one that was rather familiar even and definitely welcomed. Her delicate body would shift, her crown turning to see if it was actually him. A smile would automatically pull again her thin lips, her tail wagging slightly in greeting. She would rise to her paws, glancing at him, looking upon his mismatched gaze that straight away setting her at ease. "Dhiren? Dhiren hey!" it felt like it had been forever since she had seen him, or even heard his voice. How has he been with his family? Has he finally come to love his siblings. "It feels like i havent seen you in ages, how has things been going?" Was Song and Chekoree still leaders of ludi, Guin had realised that leaders changed frequently on the lands of alactria.



05-08-2014, 01:17 AM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2014, 01:18 AM by Dhiren.)

The result of questioning who it was made Dhiren's face break into a wide grin. He hadn't seen the young lady since his mother had been pregnant and that was about three months ago. Time had certainly flown by, something he wished hadn't happened. Potential time of seeing her had been lost to his family and the duties he had been given as second-in-command. He wouldn't trade those minutes for anything, even if he wanted it to happen. Seeing Guinevere now made him happy that at least he had time to think of her when he wasn't busy.
She inquired about all that had been going on and he couldn't help but keep grinning. "Pretty good. Actually, more than pretty good...awesome." He didn't use such words to describe his life lately, but it felt great to use them then. Dhiren walked around her so he was standing near her hind legs. All the better to see him with how she had been turning her head. Slowly, he reclined to his haunches and continued to speak. "Mama had her second litter and it was more complicated than our birth. A couple of dramatic events happened afterward, but she got through it and is still standing."
His gaze had been on the ocean, but he looked over to Guinevere then and his tail tapped the sand beneath him. "I'm not resentful about my baby brothers and sisters anymore...I have only met a couple of them -- the rest seem to like exploring -- and they remind me of my sisters when we were little." Dhiren's ears perked forward and his eyes danced in their sockets as he softly said, "Other stuff has happened, too, but I don't want to bore you...How has life been in Valhalla?"

Talk like this



05-25-2014, 02:33 PM

The youth had grown to love being in the Ebony Princes company, finding it rather relaxing and forgetting about the bore and disappointment happening in her life. Though, it works both ways. It seems she was failing with the basic things in valhalla, for being late to evets and training for starters. Perhaps leaving for a while would be for the best after all, atleast enough to clear her head. "Complicated?Is she alright? It was the same for my mother to. Apparently i was real big" Her mother was delicately small, where as guin and her siblings where rather large. It usually ran within their family though, so it wasnt like she was over weight or anything. Right now, she was far from it. "Trust me, very little can bore me at this point, Hows it like growing up as a prince anyway? I bet everyone mivers you and expects great things. " For a moment she would fall silent, wondering if it really was good to be brought up like royalty. "Valhalla? Oh... Ive been spending very little time their, i jusst feel like i need a change for a while."