
Whisper in the woods




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
05-14-2022, 05:19 PM

Basilisk wasn’t sure what he thought about the move. He had been in the Plains all his life, and had barely explored very far from its borders. Except for the occasional trip to Auster with his grandfather. After making the long, long trip North he found himself tired and sullen, reluctant to explore this new land they called home.

He had been pressed into service because of his large size, and meaty paws. Digging and heaving and moving things across the Col that was the heart of the pack. When the Warlord called for volunteers to start hunting for their stores, he was quick to raise his paw. A moment of peace and quiet to himself. It might even feel nice to take out some of his grumpy anger on something squishy.

He made his way out of the valley, and into the Mile high woods. He had only had a moment to glance at this forest on the trip to the Col. Now, he took his time. Exploring and examining the trees. The way the tall oaks rested against each other and created natural ramps was fascinating. He was a little weary about testing them with his weight, but he filed it away for later.

He moved further out into the woods, taking his time. A hunt could take a while, and no one would expect him home any time soon. He had a chance to breathe for a while without the bustle of the pack around him. He just wished he’d thought to grab Hazel and take her with him. She would have been able to put a smile on his face… he shook away the thought, and began at last to scent around him. Searching for tracks and scents he could follow. He found the trail of a deer, and let it lead him in a different direction. Winding through the tall trees. Ducking under leaning oaks. He slowed as the seat became richer, fresher. Sulking through the undergrowth, and only partly succeeding. Sometimes, his height was not to his advantage. Slinking as best he could, he came upon the deer.

Perhaps not the best prey to hunt solo, but he was large and ambitious. Perhaps a little bit foolish, too. He moved until he was as close as he could get to a young buck and stay under his cover. He signalled to his falcon, who had followed him from above. The falcon got the hint. It swooped down directly in front of the deer. Shrieking a hunter's cry, and startling the deer who bucked - almost hitting his poor companion who worked to get some height back under her wings.

The large boy used the distraction. The moment the falcon had shrieked, he had shot out of cover as quietly as he could. His approach was covered by her piercing cry. As the falcon swooped back upwards once more he leaped forward. Hitting the buck on his right shoulder, and they both went down. The creature tried to turn its antlers towards him, but he pushed his paw on his neck. Shoving it into the icy grass. It shrieked and bucked, and the rest of his herd had already scattered. It was strong, and desperate. Despite Basilisk’s size he struggled to hold it down. Grunting with effort he wrestled with the deer until at last he could get his teeth near its throat, and bite down hard. It fought harder still, landing a kick in Basilisk’s stomach. Winding him as he tore its throat with his fangs and released it. Breathing hard and clutching his stomach for a moment as he fought to steady himself from that kick. Certainly he was unaware of the sudden quiet in the forest as another predator came closer….

Winter bonus seasonal with a half count pass
wc: 628/1250


[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
05-14-2022, 05:53 PM
Word count: 306

Technically speaking, Hanako was another predator. She had sharp enough teeth but aside from eating and maybe the occasional affectionate nip they didn't get used for a whole lot. She was more than content to keep it that way as she wondered through the Woods, shivers wracking her form as she squinted her eyes thin. It was too cold for her liking, would probably always be and the snow! Sheesh don't get her started on the snow. Her gaze wandered down, catching sight of the wide and massive paw prints her son had left behind. The fact he'd grown even taller than his sire and Grandfather sent a rush of smugness through her in an I made that, sort of way. But what was he doing out here? Hunting, most likely as that was what these parts were for, but as his mother it was her right to come along and snoop. To force more bonding time on him, one on one where he couldn't escape her kisses.

Crunching through the snow, she paused at the scent of blood. Bas had made a kill, it seemed. Real fresh too. And then another scent in the air, one unfamiliar and unsafe, had nervousness prickling down her spine. A tiger, and a real big one too. Sucking in the breath between clenched teeth, Hanako even in knee-deep snow moved at an impressive dash, agile and swift as she skirted around. Taking the wide way around so she could approach her son from a safe angle, just so he wasn't caught unaware.

She emerged through the trees, panting but clearly relieved to see she'd gotten to him first.  Snow covered her coat, wracking shivers down her spine as the white attempted to smother out the fire of her orange.

"My baby. Tiger. That way. It's coming for your kill."

[Image: dfvjf24-4160f57c-3b2d-47de-b3e1-aa34987f...SqQlFNW-eM]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
05-14-2022, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2022, 06:33 PM by Basilisk. Edited 1 time in total.)

He caught his breath and was standing back, examining and admiring his kill with a hint of smugness. This would feed quite a few stomachs, and no one could say he didn’t do a good job, bringing this buck down!

His falcon let out a soft warning cry, and his eyes darted up to the trees in a frown. He tensed, finally getting a feeling for the stillness in the forest. Something was out there, watching him. Something was… and then his mother burst out of the trees. He jumped in surprise, and then started to relax. It was just Hanako’s presence that had been prickling at his senses.

Then her words cut through and he understood what she was saying. There was a threat after all. He got back to his feet. Putting himself between the danger and Hanako. His mother was so small - gosh, like… really small. He frowned at that thought before the sound of snuffling dragged his attention to where his mother had pointed. He caught sight of a hint of orange first. The light of it flashing through gaps in the trees. He curled back his muzzle, snarling. On any day, he wouldn’t let a tiger steal his kill. But with his mother here, he wouldn’t let himself lose it in front of her - or let her be in danger.

He was ready when the tiger struck. Cobra fast as it launched itself from the trees and came at him. He braced himself for its impact. While it was a big, heavy set thing it was still a good ten inches shorter than the Armada youth.

It hit him hard, teeth extended, and Basilisk absorbed the impact of its strike, ducking under a blow from one meaty paw as he shoved his own weight forward in an attempt to unbalance it. He gave it a swipe of its own, and it rocked back. At the same instant, the falcon came careening from the trees, talons extended as it wracked them across the distracted tiger's face. She hit an eye and it bellowed in rage. While it was distracted Basilisk dove in again. Hitting it hard from the side as his teeth latched onto its throat. It swiped at him, and the blow him hard across the knee. He grimaced and held on. Cutting off its air flow as it slowly began to weaken, and then collapse at his feet. It took a little while to die fully, and by that point Basilisk was panting.

Winter bonus seasonal with a half count pass
wc: 1355/1250


[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
05-14-2022, 06:46 PM

Hanako hung well back, leaning back on her hind paws, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. She wouldn't fight, would only get in the way but was fully prepared to run as fast as her limbs would allow. Run till she near collapsed from exhaustion if it meant she'd get help fast enough. Summon the whole might of the Armada to slay that tiger if she thought Bas had bitten more than he could chew. It was a rough fight to say the least, bloody and brutal, but of course her son came on top. Killed the cat with the ferocity of a true Fatalis.

Hanako rushed over to his side, cooing as she reached up with a paw to drag his head down, just in reach of a thousand incoming kisses. She pressed them against the side of his muzzle, on the top of his head as she leaned up onto her tippiest of toes.

"Oh my baby boy, are you okay? You did so well, I'm so proud."

[Image: dfvjf24-4160f57c-3b2d-47de-b3e1-aa34987f...SqQlFNW-eM]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
05-14-2022, 06:53 PM
The adrenaline of the fight was yet to cool off, and he felt tightly wound as Hanako came racing towards him. He lowered his head obediently as she moved to drag it down. She covered his face in kisses and he made a face, gently and lightly swatting at her. Trying not to get blood on her coat. mum” He groaned, exasperated.

“Stop fussing, i’m fine he said. Planting a kiss of his own on her cheek before trying to put some distance between them. “How am I going to get a tiger and a deer back home?” he asked, glancing at the battlefield around them.


[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning