
Dancing Flowers



5 Years
05-03-2014, 11:32 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

No matter how she tried, the grey-gold yearling girl continued to find herself drawn to exploration. It was a distraction, honestly - she had more important things to think about and focus on within the pack that needed her attention more, in particular her siblings as well as finding her a place in the ranks - but not even that could keep her there for long. She had left again, taking the afternoon to go beyond the boundaries of her new home to get a better view of the territories that resided nearby, places that she wished to know of and maybe even return to later.

Her wanderings had taken her past sundown and now saw her standing at the edge of what appeared to be a flower field. Yellow-gold eyes grew wide at the sight of so many blooms open and beautiful, the fragrance of them filtering into the air. It was like something out of a fairy tale, and realizing that she had it all to herself Anais grinned. With a laugh, she bound into them, crushing a few beneath her paws but making the rest dance and sway with her passing. She made a few more excited leaps around before she flopped onto her side amid them and sighed as her bright eyes closed. If only all the places she adventured to could be so pretty.

Rolling onto her back, she tucked her paws in close and stared up into the early night sky, watching the stars and the faint sliver of a moon that shined down with them.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.


05-07-2014, 11:51 PM


That was what urged the man away from his home in the Soulless Caverns and dove him to such lengths to seek enjoyment. But more often than not, the male found himself search further and further away from the enjoyment of solitude and toward other wolves, more unworthy to be within his presence. So far on his adventures he met a few wolves that only spouted threats and wouldn't follow through, then he met an alpha that seemed to run a puppy mill rather than a pack, and somewhere between those two events he found himself in an all out brawl with some she-wolf named Sinister. Odd how the male was constantly finding himself disapproving company, or within the depths of some fight.

But tonight something felt a bit different, he could feel it in his bones. Perhaps it was the way the night sky aligned with the stars, perhaps it was just the way his paws rubbed against the ground. Perhaps it was the woman that was rolled onto her back gazing at the stars? What? The male crinkled his nostrils, her head tilting to the side, something nostalgic maybe in the way she appeared? There where too many questions that where flicking upon the radar of his thoughts.

Mortal thoughts. Since his ascension usually thoughts like this never entered his mind, but now..."We do be-lieve we have found some-one," his voice coos as his head tilts upwards toward the stars. How they shined tonight, each one just an afterthought of some feat that some divine before him did, perhaps in time his own star would shine brightly amongst them. "Wo-uld you like to hear a sto-ry?"




5 Years
05-22-2014, 12:02 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was a beautiful night, and Anais was secretly glad she had taken the time to slip out of her home's borders to witness it. The view from the den's entrance was hardly as stunning as this, she wondered, as her yellow-gold gaze twinkled with the light from above, a small, happy smile gently curving her lips. She would definitely have to make more advneures during the night. It was nothing like the day.

A noise behind her distracted her from her wonderings and tilting her head back she tried to peer at the stranger through the grass and flowers. His image was strange from her upside down gaze, and stranger yet because she failed to hear what exactly it was that he had said so softly. Was it meant for her at all, or had he perhaps been speaking aloud to himself? Her brow furrowed a tiny bit as she stared at him, watching as he drew near. Whether he had spoken to her or not it seemed he intended to join her now.

Another phrase left his lips, this time in the form of a question, and it was just the sort of thing to attract the girl's attention. "Story?" she repeated, intrigue apparent as she rolled quickly to her stomach to look at the male properly, her tail giving a faint, rustling wag behind her. A curious smile spread across her lips, only thinking of the tale the stranger might share with her. "What kind of story?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.